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Posts posted by Lando

  1. So I have never been a fan of this show. I watched the first season and just wasn't into it, it had the worst plot resolution that I had ever seen and I felt like the characters were not the type of people that I would enjoy being around. It was like no matter what the problem they were up against it usually either resolved by having it been revealed that it actually wasn't a problem or that they were just so awesome that whoever they were in conflict with would just fold after a zinger and hi five between the bros. Honestly if I found out that there was an episode where the conflict was that one of the main characters (but not Drama) was too good at sex I would not be surprised at all.


    I had planned on letting this movie just slide through the theaters and pay it as little attention as possible, but I will admit seeing that it got a low score on Rotten Tomatoes and bombing at the box office made me feel somewhat vindicated, and I had planned on just letting it go but then I came across this pretty entertaining article on AV Club that convinced me that maybe it is HDTGM bad:



  2. It's not worth the time or energy to power through it. I don't even think Cage brings his A game when it comes to wildly entertaining faces.


    You will miss that dogs didn't get raptured... What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!!!!


    Clearly they're being punished for sinfully licking their own genitals...

    • Like 1

  3. The fucking non-ending


    I actually like that it ends ambiguously, open for you to decide whether it was a murder or was for show. I also enjoy this movie, it may not make sense, but it is beautifully shot and Kidman looks amazing. I also probably am not objective because I am a Kubrick fanboy...

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  4. Okay, this doesn't normally happen for me, but I was re-watching the movie this morning--and although I only got about half-way through--I think my opinion on it has changed a bit. I mean, it's still coo-coo bananas, and I wouldn't go so far as to say I enjoyed it, but I think I just gave into the insanity of it all. When did my opinion change? Well, I think it was when I realized that "Caine" was just "canine" minus the extra "n." I'm sure a lot of you caught this before me, but I can be a little slow...


    Anyway, one slow clap later, I was on-board. My apologies for my harsh criticisms from before. I'm happy to report that I no longer find this movie to be terrible.


    There's also Stinger Apini, and guess what the scientific name for honey bees is? Apparently our ancient alien ancestors are really into the Latin earth names for things.

    • Like 1


    I like your theory where the Wachowski's were directing Redmayne and said, "We like what your doing, but we need you at about 90% more Voldemort," but I had an alternate theory--and apologize, this may get a little blue.


    In my mind, Redmayne was acting like a real pervy dude, and just off screen, he or someone else is just fondling his balls--just really going to town. It's all there--husky voice, half-lidded eyes gazing somewhere off into the middle distance, etc. And then, unbeknownst to Redmayne, when the Wachowski's really need him to give them the juice, an intern sneaks up behind him and gives him a surprise rectal exam.


    Once again, I do apologize for what I just wrote. For one, I try to keep my posts family friendly, but moreover, I am sorry I just put that image into everyone's mind who watches this movie from here on out.


    That would 100% explain this


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  6. My theory on Redmayne is that he started off doing a standard villain and the Wachowskis wanted him to do it more Voldemorty so he Voldemorted the shit out of Balem. BTW, I keep wanting to call him Beeblebrox. Don't the names sound like rejected Hitchhiker's Guide characters? In fact if he really wanted to destroy earth because it was in the way of a highway it would have made much more sense.

    • Like 4

  7. Personally I liked Cloud Atlas, but I have heard very polar opinions on it. People seem to either really like it or really dislike it. I think that the fact that they collaborated with Tom Tykwer helped the film out a lot. However I think the movie flopped hard.


    I do wonder how The Wachowskis and M. Night Shyamalan keep getting funded for new movies. I get how Michael Bay keeps getting money to make films, he has yet to have a flop, but how much money have the Wachowskis and Shyamalan lost for the studios? At minimum if you have a huge flop you should be forced to regroup and work within a budget.

    • Like 1

  8. http://www.podsurvey.com/hdtgm


    can't figure out how to rig this survey so adult toy site, Adam and eve show up as a sponsor of the show.

    anyone who listens to WTF, with Marc Maron knows how funny that can be having a odd ball sponsor.


    Jason Mantzoukas should pre-record all the ads. ;)


    PlanBFromOuterSpace- this movie doesn't need nic cage. it's perfect all on it's own.


    there you go,




    He is being raptured up to heaven from Left Behind while Arnold is coming down



    And can we please start shoehorning Weston Cage and his black metal band into these "Would it be better" scenarios? Maybe it would be better if Weston was the bear in black metal face paint!

    • Like 2

  9. Also, to anyone who has not watched Jupiter Ascending yet, subtitles are going to be your best friend. Half the words are still nonsense, but at least you wont drive yourself crazy wondering if you misheard them or if it what they just said really was that ridiculous.


    Yes! This movie is awful in terms off being loud/quiet. You'll have the soundtrack blaring at house shaking levels and then it will switch to Eddie Redmayne angrily whispering nonsense about harvesting.


    Also, Redmaybe and Bean worked together in Black Death (which I understand a lot of people strongly disliked, but I enjoyed for what it was)

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  10. Alternate title for this film could be "Cinderella Carter of Jupiter," however that would inadequately convey just how many movies this film is a hodge podge of.


    I just finished. So glad that I had a bunch of free time this morning to watch this movie. Wow. I am looking forward to hearing their take on that bureaucracy sequence.


    Did anyone else get a King Koopa from Super Mario Bros vibe from Redmayne's character? Some of his minions felt sort of like Goombas. And part of me likes to think that this has a space opera Island of Dr. Moreau element to it.


    My favorite line in the movie:

    "I have more in common with a dog than with you"

    "I love dogs, I've always loved dogs"

    I think I know what June would have to say about that...

    • Like 5

  11. Yes. The original had ambiguity working in its favor, there were a lot of questions as to whether the house was haunted or the character was insane and creating the chaos. The remake has ZERO ambiguity, bad CGI and some lame story about an identical stranger.

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    See that screen grab of Zeus brings up long-forgotten feelings of confusion/revulsion after seeing No Holds Barred. I was a child and a huge WWF/Hogan fan, and I remember seeing that movie and not knowing how to feel. There was a combination of "not yet understanding movies could be bad" and "but I love wrestling, how come I don't like this?". Everything in my conscious mind told me to love it and that Zeus was an awesome villain, but in my subconscious dwelled feelings of revulsion.


    I had the opposite reaction; I loved it. The "teeny wangers" line was gold, the "dookie?!" line was gold, Hulk was the MAN, Zeus was a scary bad guy, Kurt Fuller's character was totally believable, etc.

  13. I know, Thomas Jane can read people's fucking minds and the best he can do is becomes a pretty terrible therapist?!?!


    Maybe Lewis is supposed to have Wolverine healing or something like that since he gets mangled by a car and a few months later he is hanging out like it was NBD.
