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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Can anyone explain the powers? The more I think about it the more confused I become:

    - Olyphant got the clunky finger swirl power

    - Jane got the mind reading power that in 20 years he seems to be ignorant that he's getting sensitive info from people's heads

    - Lewis also seems to have gotten mind reading or some kind of resistance to mind control, or the power to turn guns into telephones

    - Did Jason Lee not get a power?

    • Like 1

  2. Not having Jason in the last full ep made his return this week jarring.


    He made fun of an actor with a 60+ year career -- which Jason should be so lucky to have, was a complete dick to the audience -- a shtick that's more than worn itself out, called the women in the audience bitches, and just proceeded to yell over EVERYONE -- audience and hosts alike.


    If I have to choose between not having June at a live show or not having Jason, I'll kick Jason out any day.


    Someone take the cocaine away from him before the live shows PLEASE.


    Getting heckled by Jason is like smoking weed with Willie Neson. It's an honor. I can only hope that one day I will have the honor of being called a "dum dum" by Mr. Mantzoukas.

    • Like 15


    Are you suggesting there weren't wacky gay overtones? If so, I think I may have completely misread this movie...


    Point taken, it is hard to argue that taking home a big half naked muscly guy is a totally heterosexual move. Although I think in the 80s or 90s it would be more overt and he would be over the top (ala Cleavon Little in Once Bitten) and there definitely would be a gag about someone trying to hit on Herc and he naively not understanding.

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  4. Wow. This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my entire life. I suspect that it's actually a secret ploy by the Ayn Rand institute to discredit people who are against capitalism. And that near rape beach scene made Game of Thrones look like the "Dudley gets molested" special episode of Diff'rent Strokes.


    Madonna's character is one of the most unlikeable (and I know she's supposed to be unlikeable) characters in the history of cinema, and being mean and nasty comes so so so much more naturally to her than being loving and vulnerable. I imagine that when her friends came back to the boat and she and Pepe were gone they gave up waiting on her pretty quickly.


    This is billed as a comedy and there are things in there that are delivered like jokes, but are the antithesis of funny.

  5. What really hit me about the movie was the one track of Italian music that played the whole time. Can't wait for the team to shit on that during the actual episode.


    It's Greek. Like Zouks.


    The soundtrack to Hercules in NYC is basically the soundtrack to Zorba The Greek and I am a-ok with that:

    • Like 1

  6. So I finally got around to watching this, only doing so because this thread is so popular. I don't think I would have ever thought to check it out if this thread didn't bounce to the top every so often.

    This feels like it was written by a 12 yr old boy in so many ways, ass monsters, fart jokes (I mean were they jokes? They seemed so out of place, but they were written like jokes), the banter between the friends as adults, the nature of their friendship, etc.

    I'm not so sure that Morgan Freeman's character is as insane as the filmmakers want you to think, I mean I am certainly glad that he has been keeping vigil against the turd aliens for 25 years. If all that it takes for the entire world to be infected with butt slugs is one single infected corpse into a major water supply and with their clearly advanced technology it been prevented the entire time Freeman has been at this post then he has to be doing something right. What was the red staining anyway? All I can figure is that it's just a misdirect so that we as the audience could know that it really had nothing to do with the butt slugs but have everyone else in the film think it's the source of the contamination.

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  7. To Lando: you take movies way too seriously. I don't think the makers of Freejack honestly thought what was depicted in it was what 2009 would actually end up being like. These movies are just entertainment, fantasies, nothing else. As the old saying goes, it's only a movie.


    People really need to stop acting like movies are accurate representations of real-life. They're not. They're not supposed to be.


    I do believe good sir that your post accusing me of taking movies way to seriously takes my post way too seriously.



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    I totally respect where you're coming from, and I'm pretty much the same way--I usually watch the movie over the weekend, and then re-watch it in the two mornings leading up to the episode (as a refresher) while on the treadmill. However, I pretty much chalked this week up to this past weekend being Mother's Day. Generally, I'm just happy they have been keeping a pretty consistent schedule lately. I know that can't be easy for them, and I'm sure they only do it to keep us happy. I'll take a Monday, Friday release any week rather than wait weeks between episodes.


    This also happened for Face-off and I think Lake Placid. By the time I got around to watching Face-Off and listening to the episode they were already recording the mini-episodes for this one and I felt left out :( (although I did get an omission in on the Lake Placid episode).

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  9. Possible correction: this MIGHT be from the nearly-unwatchable "Universal Soldier: The Return". Every other JCVD "Universal Soldier" is a classic, but "The Return" is a hate crime.


    I think you might be right. I think his badge says Unisol or something like that. My mistake, I should be roundhoused to the face for making that gaffe.

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