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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I want to propose another theory. FACE/OFF's Castor was the greatest character ever created in the history of time. A time traveller goes back to ancient Greece and tells this story. Then Suzanne Collins names her characters after the myth, because she's got all those mythological references. But what she doesn't know is that she's actually named her characters after Nicolas Cage (and the other guy) who were the inspiration for the myth.


    And when Nicolas Cage dies he wil literally ascend to the constellation named after Castor and Pollux (Gemini, the Twins) and become a LITERAL Hollywood star.


    Someone alert the time police!



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  2. I always enjoy when they pick a movie that is a train wreck that was made by a legendary filmmaker (or in this case someone who had a lot of success early in his career and struggled to find success late in his career). And holy crap, this is the 2nd from Frankenheimer! He also brought us Reindeer Games.


    Also, if you get IFC: Fri, May 15 9:45 AM IFC (234)


    If you haven't seen Frankehneimer's film Seconds, it's a very good Face-Off esque film about a man who wants to escape his life so he undergoes a procedure that transforms his look completely but with a very dark twist. It's starring Rock Hudson and there's a thinly veiled theme that can be viewed as being a closeted homosexual wanting to live as an open one.

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  3. So I have seen Vanilla Ice perform live twice. The first time was some time in 2000 or 2001 at a small club and he was going through that phase where he wanted nothing to do with his rap and was only going to perform his hardcore stuff...HOWEVER his band missed the plane and he only had his DJ with him so he had to rap. He only knew a couple of songs and had to have people come up on stage and freestyle. It was really weird and surreal, I have a photo with him somewhere in a bin that I have been trying to dig up.

    The second time I was visiting my brother in Daytona at spring break and saw he was performing so we all decided to go. When he went on, I managed to get a crowd chant of "Ninja rap" started so much that he had to recognize it and did about 15 seconds of "go ninja go ninja go!" It was a pretty proud moment of my life.

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  4. I know everyone loves Cage, and I do too, but I think that Travolta is just as good as Cage at creating bad movies. If one day there is a Mt. Rushmore of bad movie actors Travolta's face should definitely go on it.

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  5. I remember reading an article on cracked about the top 5ish failed promotions and this one was up there. Apparently they shelled out a TON of money to NASA to paint a billboard of this film on a rocket, however the launch had to be rescheduled and essentially launched and promoted the movie months after it had flopped at the box office.


    Also, the soundtrack has probably one of the most underrated Alice in Chains songs

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  6. I remember there was one of the Blade movies, it was either this one or #2 they made a big big big deal about how hard the villain would be to defeat and then Blade comes in and with one slash of the sword cuts him in half, it was such an anti-climactic resolultion.

  7. Also, it's funny when you go to a film's IMDB page and see a specific actor recurring under the "People who liked this also liked..." In this case it's Hayden Christensen, meaning there are die hard Hayden Christensen fans out there in the world.
