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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Netflix is going to start giving me some really vile recommendations because of this.


    You could create a separate profile for bad movies (unless you're using a Roku or other device that won't let you switch profiles). I don't do this and Netflix regularly suggests movies and predicts that I would give them less than 3 stars.

    • Like 1


    I am literally SO ANGRY that I am posting this... this whole thing makes me irrationally angry. No one on any of my social media sites have been talking about ANYTHING ELSE but this stupid shittily lit iphone photo of this ugly fucking dress since last night and I am just mad about it


    here's a nice wired article http://www.wired.com...es-color-dress/


    I think at this point I've seen 2 "I don't care about the dress" posts for every 1 post of the dress

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  3. I think that if your brain decides that it's a gold and white dress poorly lit with a blue light then that's how you see it, but if it decides that it's a black and blue dress lit with a yellow light then that's how you see it. I have seen it both ways and it's fucking freaky when it changes colors on you. There is no goddamn spoon.

  4. I had the idea for making up movie posters for terrible movie ideas, but I have zero photoshop skills. Some ideas:


    Shia LeBeouf is DIRTY HARRY


    Joel Shoemaker's The Amazing Spider-Man 3 (The poster would feature the spider suit having nipples)


    Michael Bay's Citizen Kane


    Mutt Williams and The Spear of Destiny


    Vin Diesel in Faust


    M. Night Shamalan's Rope (remake of a Hitchock film that should be more well known)


    Justin Bieber in Singing In The Rain 3D

    • Like 1

  5. Watching this now. Have you ever seen a movie where it feels like a random sequence of events that have no connection other than that they feature the same actors? Well that basically describes Death Warrant. It's like a version of Face/Off that only concerns the prison stuff and somehow makes even less sense.

  6. I've never seen Hair, but I will say that I fucking LOVE the 40 Year Old Virgin rendition of that song for some reason. I also haven't seen Tommy, but that would probably be one of the musicals that I wouldn't mind seeing. I think my big problem with musicals is that I usually just don't like the music (I have very weird taste in music, but it doesn't include showtunes) and they're such a big part of the movies that they're in. One of the few exceptions is of course Cannibal: The Musical, but it's just so fun to say "It's a shpadoinkle day" and is as much of a musical parody as an actual musical.

  7. Just watched this. It has been a while since Morgan Freeman has played an outright villain hasn't it?


    This film is pretty absurd in that fun late 90s way. It feels very Jerry Bruckheimer, but I didn't see his name anywhere on the credits. I laughed pretty heartily at the old man telling Betty White to STFU. This movie is very much in the vein of Reindeer Games and would be a good one for HDTGM


    Oh don't be silly OP did nothing of the sort, they posted the movie and their reasons for not enjoying it. As for it being well received by critics. Face/Off is at 90 percent on rotten tomatoes. Would you fault the OP on that one as well?


    To me saying "Holy cow have you seen this?" and "it's mental!!!" sound like they're expecting most people to have a bad opinion of this film.


    I wonder when was the last time most people saw Face/Off. 1997 is also about the time that we as a culture started thinking that Limp Bizkit was a good idea...

    • Like 3

  9. To say that the OP is somehow foolish for posting this film as a recommendation is just silly.


    It's not that they suggested it so much as that they suggested it as if it was a generally poorly received movie. A little research would have found that most people do like this film.


    And I say this as someone who cringed every time they said "cuss" instead of an actual swear word.

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