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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Honestly, I think that The Shawshank Redemption is a pretty overrated movie. Not that it's a bad movie, but the best movie of all time? I think that is a massive overstatement of the quality of this movie. It sets emotional tee-balls and knocks them all to left field. Andy is innocent of the crime he is in jail for, all of the prison administrators and prisoners outside Andy's clique are clearly defined bad guys. It's a very black and white movie with no moral nuance. It never challenges you to sympathize with a man who killed his wife or the people tasked with keeping order in the prison. In that respect The Green Mile is a far superior movie.

  2. One thing that I don't think they covered enough was the resurgence of trends. They talked about how once Hair Metal was huge and then died with grunge, which is only half true. Hair metal did have a resurgence in the early 2000s, bands went from playing 30k arenas in the 80s to playing 1k night clubs in the 90s to playing 10k pavilions in the 00s. I wouldn't be surprised at all if in 10 years Limp Bizkit will be doing a headlining pavilion tour.

  3. I decided to start listening to this podcast from the beginning, so I am a bit behind, but I am not too surprised that an episode where The Beatles are called overrated is one of the hotter topics on this board. I just wanted to throw in my thoughts on the subject.

    I have been saying that they have a handful of great songs and a lot of bad and mediocre songs for a while too. I think that Come Together is an awful song, but In My Life is amazing, yet you're 30x more likely (probably 60x more likely if you were to include the Aerosmith cover) to hear Come Together than In My Life.

  4. I don't know, I think that it could be done like the Fast & Furious movies. I don't know why, but I think that any movie with huge amounts of faceless civilian casualties (often as a direct result of the good guys as well as the bad) should be game for this podcast.

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  5. I visited Paris with my wife last month and of course we visited the Pont des Arts and all I could think about was that it was the place where the shitty reveal took place. I only wish I had a copy of this movie to throw into the Siene, but that would be a cruel act of pollution.

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  6. You can read the story of the flood in about 5 minutes if you have a reading disability. It spans Genesis 6 through 9 and there's very little detail in it (at least in the Christian Bible. I'm not even close to a Bible expert I just know how to use Google). Nobody should be surprised that a 138 minute movie takes liberties with the story.

  7. It would have been great watching this and NOT knowing that it was his vanity project. I mean, we know he made it, and it's screamingly obvious why he's front and center in everything that's going on, whether he really should be or not, but I think I'd enjoy the "What the Fuck?"-edness of wondering why the Asian guy that can sparely speak English is getting all these motivational speeches and moments. Also, as I mentioned before, it's awesome when someone writes themselves to be awesome at something when it's clear they have no aptitude for it at all. He's the lead guitarist in Dragon Sound (which is pretty impressive, as they appear to have about 28 guitarists), and he's performing like he's never SEEN a guitar, much less ever held one.


    I would have just assumed that it was the 80s and that in the 80s, your gang lacked martial arts skills unless there was an Asian person in it.


    I went to facebook to see if there was an official Dragon Song page and got really really really excited when I saw that there was and Dragon Song was playing some gigs in my area. I was then disappointed when I discovered that it was a rennfest inspired medieval band and that they probably wouldn't know Against The Ninja.

  8. Can you imagine if this does well and they decide to start adapting other old testament stories? Not gonna lie, but I hope that Sodom and Gomorrah gets the Pompeii treatment.


    The flaming sword thing is giving me video game deja vu, except I can't remember which game I'm thinking of. However, if a flaming sword is ruining a movie where a man builds a giant ship, and manages to round up and load two of every single animal in 7 days and then more water than exists on the entire planet covers up all land well then I don't quite know what to tell you.

  9. Well it's from Darren Aronofsky, who has yet to make a bad film (and yes I saw The Fountain thank you very much).


    I have a feeling though that this is going to be like Passion of the Christ where people will have a hard time seeing through the source material to viewing it objectively.

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