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Posts posted by Lando


    I'm pretty sure at first, the leader of the group was the Red Ranger, and he was white (not Native American, which would have cinched it). I also heard (from the Nostalgia Critic) that at some point they switched the Black and Yellow rangers' actors and nationalities so the Black ranger was an Asian man and the Yellow was a black woman. Then eventually they brought in a new color or two, presumably to sell more toys, and I'm already bored of talking about this.


    What mystifies me is that these shows have been going for so long (there are still new series being produced), and there are people out there who have been fans of this show for a long time, despite how utterly silly and frivolous the whole thing is. There are horrifyingly long Wikipedia articles about the show that treat it dead seriously, and at no point do any of the people who edited this page seem to have cared that it's a mix of recycled footage from Japanese shows and cheaply shot American stuff.


    I think that the red ranger WAS Native American, but in like a Johnny Depp as Tonto kind of way and the Green ranger was the one that came in later, but became the white ranger and I think he had an Irish last name.


    Sadly I know this and I was 14 when the show was on, but I had a mega crush on Amy Jo Johnson so that justifies knowing so much about it right?

  2. My problem wasn't that there was winking and nudging so much as that it was wink and nudge overload, but that said I really enjoyed the Cornetto trilogy and I feel like I could be real life friends with Edgar (which I know will only happen in my head of course)


    Yeah, I imagine it would be similar to Scott Pilgrim. IIRC, they didn't really emphasize Wright in the marketing. Though Scott Pilgrim was itself a niche thing, too. But I think they played up Michael Cera as the draw there.


    But the Marvel movies have never really focused on the directors.


    I know I am in the minority but I really disliked Scott Pilgrim. I felt like it was two hours of winking and nudging and going "Get it? Video games!!!!!". I'm not some stuffy old man either, I should have been a prime target for this movie, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

  4. Actually I agree that Event Horizon would be one of the less entertaining PWSA movies to do. I caught bits of his version of The Three Musketeers and it would have been less of a desecration of the novel if it was two hours of him using the novel as toilet paper. It's got Christoph Waltz in it too, AFTER he won his Oscar for Inglorious Basterds. How did that happen?


    I think Death Race would be one of the more enjoyable PWSA movies to watch.

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  5. EDIT: I should have said actors or directors.


    We all know they have done a bunch of Stallone and Cage movies, but who do you feel makes bad movies that you would think by now would be on the list of HDTGM all stars?


    Brendan Fraser - I know a lot of his movies are sort of self-aware and goofy, but others are somewhat serious attempts to entertain and I'm surprised that none of those have been done yet.


    Paul WS Anderson - His best movie was probably Hellraiser in Space AKA Event Horizon, but he has made a bunch of movies that deserve the scrutiny of the show.


    Eh, both movie are just subtle remakes of Lucas. That was the first movie where miraculously the town (insert outcast,mentally disabled or developmentally challenged person) gets behind them in the last ten minutes of the movie after beating the shit out of them for the previous 90 mins. I'm sure there are bullshittingly inspirational movies before 1986; but this one came to mind first. I did love me some Lucas and Rudy (although Joe Montana once stated that the whole Rudy Rah Rah thing was WAAYY overblown). Havent seen radio, nor will I.


    I've said that had Rudy not succeeded in making it on the team he'd just have been creepy.

  7. The original movie, Day of the Jackal is a fantastic cat-and-mouse movie where the antagonist uses his brains to accomplish his task. I would say that it is probably the most believable portrayal of an assassin in film.


    What I remember of the remake was that Bruce Willis' character had some auto-targeting minigun to assassinate his target. The antithesis of the original.

  8. Not to defend Lohan, but unlike Cyrus Lohan was once quite good at her chosen career path; The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, and Mean Girls were all very good movies and she performed quite well in them. Furthermore I thought Lohan was legitimately smoking hot back in the day, while Cyrus was never as attractive in comparison. Cyrus was't all that good before or after this trainwreck, she's sort of like the musical version of Tara Reid.


    Lindsay Lohan>>>Miley Cyrus.


    Ahem: http://www.amazon.com/Speak-Lindsay-Lohan/dp/B00065JTB0

  9. I think it's just kinda gross how gung ho our culture is when it comes to bashing and judging young women. It's an absurd amount of scrutiny. As for her twerking, who cares.


    I'll judge the hell out of Biebs as well.

  10. I think he was asking why would Worker 49 think it was safe to goof off in the cabin if the world was uninhabitable, to the clone he was in a safe zone. Or maybe he didn't pick up that the original narrative laid out by 49 was a lie from the Melissa Leo hologram.

  11. This is probably the most grandiose movie by Tom Cruise that has nothing in it.


    He has been in a movie called "Knight and Day" where nobody was named Knight and nobody was named Day.


    I actually had to look at Melissa Leo performances to see whether or not this was what she actually was like. The Southern Accent was just so weird in this movie's setting, I felt like she was going to say "Darlin', wouldya like 'nother slice of pecan pie?" at any minute. It was just so crazy to see that character appear on screen and then to learn later on it was Melissa Leo. It felt like she was talking what foreigners think southerners sound like.


    Yeah, I have certainly seen better from her, I didn't think it was terrible, but I thought it was passable. But I know where you are coming from. I grew up in New England and am particularly sensitive to a bad Boston accent.


    And I COULD HAVE SWORN it was established that Earth was uninhabitable which is why the entire species left. So to see that cabin, decked out in nostalgia and Yankee's Caps, just made me think "Where LITERALLY ON EARTH did he get this cabin and these items, when his exploration in his space car shows no signs of civilization at all? DID HE JUST SAVE THEM?"


    They framed it as if there were habitable zones on earth and he was patrolling one, the rest of the planet had pockets of radiation that made it on whole uninhabitable (remember his helicopter-esque plane warned him when he got too close to a supposed irradiated zone and told him that it was fatal). For all we know the cabin could have been some doomsday prepper's bug out location that he just happened to stumble across in one of his runs. It did have a wind generator and solar panels after all.


    They had $120 Million dollars. I think they could have managed getting an actual person to be the villain.


    I'm a big nerd who watches a lot of sci-fi and likes to contemplate extraterrestrial life when I watch those kinds of movies. I am partial to the approach to extraterrestrial life that essentially we would have developed in a different environment and had to evolve in a completely different manner and thus a humanoid creature of roughly our size is far less realistic than something like the sentient planet of Solyaris, which is the approach that this movie took. I will say though that The World's End handles the same issue in a much more coherent and entertaining manner.

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