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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Is Vincent Gallo a conservative? In the video on the thread he keeps going on about left-wing politics, special interest groups, and compares being against the death penalty to communism.


    I've seen listed as a Hollywood conservative. His wikipedia states:

    "Gallo is a supporter of the Republican Party, and has been seen at a New York fashion show with George W. Bush's daughters Barbara and Jenna.[18] He has stated that his fantasy is "becoming more like the stereotype of the Republican Party."[19] He also wishes to look "more like [American conservative journalist] George Will."[19] In his own words, Gallo "considered himself a radical, always, but an extremely conservative radical."[20]"


    This is why I think he's trolling (and doing a wonderful job of trolling both sides).


    I think ripoff is a strong word. Equilibrium is what would come out if the writer was just told to read the Cliff Notes of Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 and forced to watch nothing but Resident Evil movies. While watching the trailer I half-expected that crazy "RAWR RWAR RWAAAAR!" heavy-metal-like music to start playing.


    That describes a soundtrack I would have bought around 2002...

    • Like 1

  3. 2) Double Impact -- another great JCVD movie and I would say, the most JCVD out of all of his movies. This is when he is at the height of his powers, so all of his ideas are getting privileged over others. It is the best action movie -- fights, boobs, and explosions.


    I love how this movie is about two twins separated at birth and raised very differently, but when they both discover each other, they're so casual about it. YOU HAVE A FUCKING TWIN BROTHER, YOUR MIND SHOULD BE BLOWN!!!

    • Like 1

  4. Okay, now Vincent Gallo is a guy I hate almost as much as Lars Von Trier as an actual person and as an artist, but he truly makes art/Art/"ART"/@rt. I can't tell if his persona is a put-on or what, but he is very smart, very interesting, and there is stuff going on there. A lot of people only know him from Buffalo '66 onward, but he was around in the New York scene back in the late 70s and early 80s, making music and films with Basquiat and creating. His music is suprisingly fragile and artful. The man can act, for real. His performance in Claire Denis'

    is one of my favorite things in one of the most beautiful movies of all time. I think I despise him as a man, but he is capable of simple, pure, creative work that -- in my heart -- is the equal of E. E. Cummings.


    The defense rests.


    I like to think that he is doing what Andy Kaufman did for most of his career, if I found out he was serious I would be let down. He is a brilliant troll IMO.



    Is it worth the view? I'm actually shocked that Cage could produce something good. Of course, I'm of the generation whose first experience with Nicolas Cage is National Treasure. I know him as crap-master, not Oscar-winning crap-master


    I would argue that about every 5th Nic Cage movie is good. In the past decade he has been in Kick Ass, Bad Lieutenant, Lord of War and Matchstick Men, which were all good movies. Just beyond the decade horizon though he made Adaptation, which is IMO a masterpiece.

  6. Tango & Cash - I know, I know, we had a bunch of Stallone movies recently but I think that this one is corny, fun and ridiculous and deserves to be made.


    Kazaam/Steel - Shaq.


    Tyler Perry's Temptation - I just want to hear their take on a Tyler Perry movie


    No Holds Barred - I watched this a couple of weeks ago and do not want it to be in vain.


    Junior - It's their logo!

  7. FYI the expiration dates on HBO Go are listed as soon as the movies go up, I would be surprised to find out that they pulled them before their listed dates.


    Also, quite frequently when a movie expires from HBO Go, it appears on Max Go (and vice versa). It doesn't always happen, but it happens very frequently.
