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Posts posted by Lando


    That's a good point about there originally going to be Airbender sequels and I agree with you for the most part, but I still think there could be an After Earth 2. Because Will's production company produced it and because of how brutal the critics have been towards the film and his son, I think his ego is too big to not want to prove everyone wrong. And he certainly has the money and connections to do a sequel if he really wants to, as long as it performs as well overseas as I think it will.


    If they make an After Earth 2, then the lesson will be that they should have cast Jaden in the lead for Airbender.

  2. Haha, what? Sucker Punch has a cult following where? In my butt?


    I am not sure how deep it goes, like if there are midnight showings or anything but I have seen a lot of pictures of Sucker Punch themed cosplay costumes. It may not go any further than just an apreciation for the costumes and their simultaneous danger, sexuality and innocence, but it's there.


    I've read that during promotion for the movie they distributed pages and pages of backstory for the After Earth universe, so they definitely had plans for a franchise.


    I also wouldn't completely rule out a sequel either. Although it's bombed here, there's a good chance it could make a ton of money overseas, like The Last Airbender and all of Will Smiths movies. And even if it just barely makes a profit I could see Will, whose company produced it, wanting to make another one to prove all the naysayers wrong.


    I would actually be surprised if there's not a sequel eventually, Will Smith's ego is way to big to just let it go.


    Yeah, but Airbender was supposed to have a couple of sequels and I believe they are in limbo at best. I also have a feeling that this isn't going to develop a cult following ala Sucker Punch.

  4. The "is magic real" statement kinda reminds me of The Illusionist. It bothered me that they toyed around with the whole "is his magic real or an illusion" plot idea the whole time, while his tricks were supposed to be doable a century ago and yet were all obvious CGI. It makes it hard to believe that he was a skilled illusionist when a props department with a large budget can't even do the tricks with all of today's technology and trick camera work.

    I felt like at the end of that movie Paul Giamatti should have dropped a coffee mug with "Kobyashi" stamped on the bottom.


    /side rant


    Also, the director is Louis Leterrier, who did the transporter 1 and 2. Then some crap like the titans movies and the Edward Norton Hulk fail.


    That movie looks super boring. I have a feeling that the twist is "real" magic somewhere in there.


    If it stared Jason Statham as a magician whose specialty was punching people in the throat, I'd be interested.

    • Like 3


    Having just got back from seeing Now You See Me it was the right choice as that movie was pretty good. It had some decent humor and a decent twist to go in line with the overall theme of the movie, so much to the point that one bitch at the back of the theater was loudly expressing her disbelief.


    The commercials made it look like a weird premise, plus RT gave it something in the 40s.

  7. Since they're doing After Earth, because apparently everybody has been requesting it and not because it's an M. Night film, and the announcement of Howard The Duck as the live show, without any mention of The Happening, I guess we have our answer. I'm guessing it's because of Zooey's role in it that they don't want to do it.


    I'm not sure how many people have requested After Earth, but I do know 2000 requested The Happening, 700 more than Howard The Duck.


    Obviously not a huge deal, just hope in the future the they'll do an episode on the winner of the polls.


    All they have to do is say that they are scared of Mark Wahlberg, but leaving us sitting and waiting for the Happening to happen is not fun.

    • Like 1

  8. Given that they showed pictures of the engineer in the press releases for Prometheus it would be hard to say the two weren't related.


    I am kind of torn on the movie, I think had it been a stand-alone movie with no tie-ins to the Alien series, it would have been a fun big budget popcorn sci-fi "What if Giorgio Tsoukalos was right?" movie. However, as a prequel (and it's supposed to be part 1 of a trilogy) I am starting to see many of the same problems with it that the Star Wars prequels had.

  9. It has been about 5 years since I've seen it, but I gotta disagree. There's so much in this movie that doesn't make any sense what-so-ever. It's set in some near-future that is in an age old multi-racial kingdom, but with out-dated technology. Dolph's character is clearly a good guy at heart and is doing what he thinks is best, but has been best friends and the right hand of the general for a long time and yet doesn't see that he has been evil all along until the princess melts his heart.

  10. I was pleased to hear Paul suggest this movie because I watched it over the weekend. I think it would work well. I kept trying to figure out which previous Schwarzenegger character he was supposed to be (Commando, Predator, Kindergarten Cop?) and ultimately came to the conclusion he was reprising his role from Jingle All The Way.

  11. Yyyyeeaaah. This is one of those movies where it's not so much that I hate the movie, but just that I'm baffled at how crazy people are for it. I had a bunch of friends who kept referring to it as a "game changer" and treating it like one of the greatest films of all time and the best movie of the year, and I was like... what? The only thing it has going for it is the CGI, that's it, it's not remarkable in any other way.


    I kind of get it. Cameron did create a very visceral and beautiful world and I think people get wrapped up in it and the story is merely a byproduct of of the world. Add 3D and it's even easier to get wrapped up in the world. However, I thought that it's a sloppily made world. They use bows and arrows that are exactly the same as our bows and arrows, including giant feathers, except that not a single animal on Pandora has any inkling of anything other than skin except for the Na'vi and they have dreadlocks. Plus why does every animal have 6 limbs except for the Na'vi? Every animal is an adaptation of something from earth with blue skin and two extra limbs, which is lazy and uncreative, and then that principle is altered slightly for the anthropomorphic creatures that we're supposed to sympathize with more than our own species.
