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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I HIGHLY recommend the documentary "Overnight", filmed by his own friends, which chronicles writer/director Troy Duffy's rags to...rags story about a guy that got plucked out of nowhere to be the next big thing, only to completely ruin it by being the biggest asshole that anyone ever dealt with and acting like someone that could get things done and not just the lucky bartender that he was. Seriously, he's in the business for all of like three days before calling people talentless cunts that he refuses to work with. In a pretty great twist, whatever wheeling and dealing he had to do to FINALLY get the film made after taking a flamethrower to every bridge he had ended up leaving him with no rights to the merchandising or anything, so he saw nothing from the success that the film had later on as a cult hit/Hot Topic content provider. I think he finally got a piece of the action once he got to make BS2, which was probably more about getting the rights back than actually making a successful film.


    I remember a couple of years ago Adam Carolla was talking about how great this documentary was and how much of an ass Troy Duffy appeared to be in the movie and word got around to Duffy so he wanted to come in to defend himself on the podcast. He basically tried to explain that the documentary was an unfair assassination attempt on his career, but basically unintentionally just made the case that it was a fair representation of what went on.

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  2. I think they did sorta do a remake of this movie in the world of gangster hood. but my brain is slowly shutting down. I love the music in this film btw. push it to the limit it just makes me smile and feel good remembering the 80's style films. good or bad cheeey pop bubble gum music. I love flock of seagulls


    I have no problem with Push It To The Limit as a song, but it's more that it feels like it belongs in a sports movie not a gangster one. If it was in a film about an underdog basketball team and they were training really hard it would fit right in, but it's not, it's about a cocaine lord from Cuba.


    Also, it's by no means the worst montage song from the 80s:

  3. I don't think Vampire's Kiss is a movie you should go too deeply into as far as story goes. just enjoy it for it's own crazyness that it is.


    You know whats funny is Nicolas Cage did the same movie right after Vampire's Kiss called "Time To Kill" and guess what it's almost verbatem the same story arc. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100762/ but this time rather then rabies it's leprosy sorry to spoil it but it's not really a spoller as it happens really early on in the film. it's amost the same Fing film. Too funny. I don't know where you would see Time to Kill as it had gone right to pay tv, when I had seen it on cable channel superchannel here in canada many many moons ago. No Idea if it hit video.


    Oh my god, after reading the description I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE

  4. The more true "sequel" was a graphic novel released a few years back which follows the movie in that Tony was shot in the back and thought dead. But when Feds begin going over the crime scene, paramedics realize Tony is still alive due to the massive amount of cocaine in his system, which amped his adrenaline up to where his heart was still pumping. After massive surgery to save him, Tony his held as against his will by corrupt cops looking to ransack whats left of his empire. He begins building up his empire again and eventually kills Sosa, only to find out his wife is now married to his rival.


    Did he have to keep getting electrocuted to keep his pacemaker going?

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  5. The whole point of the movie is to show the excesses of top level drug dealers in the 80's so how else can you do that without being over the top? Murder is treated casually to show how casually these people treat murder. Pacino acts over the top because that is how an immigrant criminal who came from nothing would act if he suddenly became the top cocaine dealer/user in America. Tony was always a little larger than life but he didn't act all that crazy from the start, it was a journey that we went on with him that climaxed with the huge pile of cocaine on his desk.


    They wouldn't do this movie because it's a well made movie that stands the test of time, not because they have fond memories of it from their youth.


    There are a lot of other rise-and-fall gangster movies that are able to show the same sort of story without the scarface level of insanity. Just look at Goodfellas, it tells of the rise and fall of Henry Hill and remains modest throughout, which in my opinion gives it a lot more emotional impact than Scarface. Plus, at no point is there a montage of DeNiro, Pesci and Liotta making buisiness deals while a cheesy synth 80s song drowns out audible dialog.


    Now, remember, I am NOT saying that Scarface is a bad movie, just an insane and over the top one.

  6. Ok, yes, I know that this movie is on the IMDB top 250 and in the 30 years since it was released has became one of the iconic films ever made. I am by no means suggesting that it is a bad movie, I do think it's somewhat overrated (but still enjoyable) and it is dated, but my opinion of the movie aside:

    A - It is BATSHIT insane. We all know some of the lines such as "Say 'ello to mah lettel fren" and "I bury those cock-a-roaches" but the only thing higher than Tony's bodycount is the pile of cocaine on his desk, and murder is treated as casually as a leisure suit from Tony's wardrobe.

    B - This is Pacino at his Pacinoiest, but it's the role that we all overlook because it's one that we expect

    C - What other movies can you name that stop in the middle to do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1fa8-6BIFo


    Now, do I expect the gang to do this movie? Not really, I think it's too iconic and I bet Paul and Jason have some fond memories of this from their youth, but I wanted to at least get some discussion about this movie here.

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  7. A couple of my gripes with this movie are that: a. IF the accent is on purpose, and it's supposed to be a reflection of the character's pretension, they never really make that clear and b. it's not entirely obvious that the character has rabies. I LOVE the premise and it demonstrates a descent into madness really well, but had they made these two things clearer (which you have to read about the movie to find out) it would have been a less confusing movie.

  8. Both on FYI and the Bad Movie Recommendations forum, it's starting to seem like people are racing to see who can be the most hipster-blasé, with recommendations like The Avengers, or Iron Man 3, or R.I.P.D. two months before its release.


    If you think 2 months is bad, someone submitted Avatar 2, which isn't due until 2015!!!!! At least RIPD has a trailer which looks like it might be worthy of an episode.


    I'll say I think it's perfectly acceptable to suggest a movie that is by all measures positively received, so long as you make a case for why it would make a good episode of HDTGM. The burden of proof lies on the person suggesting the movie when everything points to having a minority opinion on the film.

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  9. There are some crazy movies being added but I don't think it's anything we need to worry about. I'd imagine Paul would approve what movies are added to each weeks poll to not only ensure they don't offend anybody they don't want to offend but make sure all the choices are worthy of doing an episode on.


    I'm mostly just wondering what's going through people's heads and whether or not they've ever actually listened to an episode of the show. Like, I get how someone could suggest Face/Off or Speed, and I get that someone thinks they're cleverly trolling when they submit Schindler's List, but Amistad and Lost in Translation have neither insane action sequences nor bizarre twists.


    You currently are able to sort by Average Rating and RT Rating, just click the column header to sort Ascending, then click it again to sort Descending. We could definitely add the ability to sort by latest added, it might take a couple days to implement.

    So I gave it a shot and it appears to be sorting them as text and not numbers (ie the 90%s appear, followed by the 9%s, followed by the 80%s, followed by the 8%s, etc.). Nothing urgent, just thought I'd let you know.

  11. This movie reminds me of those "Truth" ads. Anyone remember those from a few years back, those really obnoxious anti-smoking commercials where they'd use shock tactics to really hammer home how bad the effects of cigarettes are? I'm not a smoker, never have been, but the way these assholes went about spreading their message made me want to light up just to spite them, which is really the opposite of what they were hoping to accomplish. OK, maybe "Crash" isn't QUITE like that, because I didn't feel the urge to go out and commit a hate crime or anything like that...


    Oh my god yes! I hated those commercials. I always thought that they were a subversive attempt at increasing smoking via spite.

  12. I refused to see this because...well, hopefully for obvious reasons. In the original, Earth's wars threaten to spread to other planets and that's why Klaatu makes the threat. If this movie changes that to global warming then that is truly bonkers. 'Don't ruin the planet or we'll blow it up!'


    They tried to justify it by saying that planets that could hold life were very scarce in the universe and they weren't going to blow us up exactly, they were going to destroy our technology and kill all of us with nano-bugs.


    However, I always thought it was absurd that these aliens with advanced technology would find it easier to kill us than just give us better technology. This movie should have been about 5 minutes long.


    Yeah, some of the submissions are just bonkers. (Who the hell submitted "Flight?" Nothing remotely crazy happens in that movie, and if someone thinks it's bad, it's probably because they'd find it boring.) Much as I wish some movies weren't available for voting, I think the rating system works perfectly fine for keeping them from being considered; if I like a movie (and not in a so-bad-it's-good way), I rate it one garbage can to bring the average down.


    I have gone through several times looking for movies that have no business on the list to vote 1 garbage can.


    Maybe I should submit Alien and The Godfather just because I can (not really though, but I imagine it will happen at some point)

  14. I love this movie! Remember how his children were dressed and spoke in the altered current timeline? Hilarious!! I must say that when it comes to time travel rules that I apply to entertainment (Lost, Back To The Future, stuff like that) I always include the "Same matter can't occupy the same space." I nearly screamed that at the movie screen during Looper. True Story.


    I've heard that addressed in that your body replaces the vast majority of its matter every seven or so years. I'm pulling that from memory, so it might not be quite accurate, but it's true, your body generates new and sheds old cells all the time.
