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Posts posted by Lando

  1. If you were to take Tim Burton's entire catalog of movies and split it in half with half of his movies going in a "good" pile and the other half going into a "bad" pile this one would end up in the "good" pile. He has made so many worse movies in the 2000s which by comparison makes Mars Attacks a "good for Tim Burton" movie.


    And even with that said, I enjoy this movie as a comedy. It's not one of Burton's best, but there are some funny parts in it.

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  2. One spoiler, there isn't a single bridge in this movie and there are ZERO dragons. What there is, is plenty of Dolph Lundgren straight-to-DVD action. Check out the trailer for yourself:


    Also, this movie is up in its entirety on youtube if you feel like watching a Dolph Ludgren movie.

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  3. I think the reason why Michael Bay movies have not been done yet is because they are fucking loooooooong. Pearl Harbor is 3 mind numbing hours long and the Transformers are all around 2 & 1/2 hours each. I know Paul has remarked about how some of the two hour movies are long and I know he does not want to torture the listeners any more than he has to.

  4. Also, how has this thread gone on this long without anyone suggesting Paul F. Tompkins doing Werner Herzog as the guest??? I think this movie deserves that level of meta experience.


    Paul is very funny and very talented, but I usually skip Doug Loves Movies episodes with schtick guests. It's a lot to fill an entire hour with those impressions and it gets old after a little bit IMO.

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  5. This movie is soooo bad and I don't think it's been done much that it's a good choice for them. However is it easy to find? I think it's relatively hard to find as I don't think it was ever released on DVD and it's not available for streaming anywhere (I'd be happy to find out that I was wrong)


    I remember when I was a kid and thought wrestling was real this movie was awesome. I thought that the "teeny wangers" thing was the height of comedy. I caught it on TV about 5 years ago and enjoyed it on a whole new level.

  6. During this issue Jason asks "what's up with the "I'll be back" reference?" In the 90s there were some cross references between Arnie and Sly in their comedies off the top of my head I can think of:

    * Demolition Man mentions "President Schwarzenegger"

    * Tango & Cash references Conan The Barbarian

    * True Lies references Rambo

    * Rambo poster prominently featured in Twins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yT723LG74o


    As you can see it was a running gag.

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