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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Oh I know it's a Burroughs adaptation, but had it been a weird movie from another director it would have been out of place. From Cronenberg it fits. It is weird though because he does do some normal movies (The Dead Zone & Eastern Promises for example), but then he has these completely weird films. At least with someone like David Lynch, they're pretty much all weird so it's consistent. It makes me wonder what it is about Cronenberg that makes him decide "my next movie is going to be really weird."


    I have yet to see A Dangerous Method though.

  2. I don't know the original was so over the top bad it's now a cult classic. you can never top a David Carradine movie..


    Every time I watch a David Carradine movie and he is on screen I think "that man died while choking himself and beating off." It's pretty distracting.

  3. Oh yeah, no doubt that when I first heard of The Hunger Games it immediately made me think of Battle Royale and it wasn't until I read the books that I realized the Deathrace 2000 connection (note, I specify "2000" because I haven't seen the Statham version, which I imagine is HDTGM fodder). Ultimately the books are a cross between Battle Royale and Deathrace 2000, I think that they're probably like 60% Deathrace 2000 and 40% Battle Royale.

  4. I read that this movie was originally called "John Carter of Mars" but a Disney executive was concerned that movies with "Mars" in the title typically haven't done well at the box office. At the last minute they nixed the "of Mars" and opted for "John Carter." Ironically this movie ended up being Disney's biggest flop since Mars Needs Moms.

  5. I'd actually argue that The Hunger Games rips off Deathrace 2000 more than Battle Royale.


    I--as a grown ass man--read the Hunger Games trilogy (and enjoyed each one less than the one before it) before seeing the first movie and was pretty lukewarm on the film. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that in the book there is a LOT of internal dialog and they opted to not go that route. Plus there's this sense of how long the games last and how exhausting they are. In the movie the games go by quickly and it seems to take only a little bit of time.

  6. So two things.

    1) This movie IS coming to Netflix Streaming on May 1 according to my Roku app that tells me what's coming soon. If you really really want to watch it you can get it there.

    2) A while back one of the lead developers of Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game popped up on the internet and recounted and answered questions about the process of making the game. Unfortunately the blog has disappeared, but the thread where he recounted the movie still exists and is still well worth a read:


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  7. The only JCVD movie that is any good is Bloodsport. I wouldn't consider Street Figther a true JCVD movie.


    His movies follow a simple forumula: good guy comes into to town to find brother/friend/mentor. Good guy sees that this brother/friend/mentor is in trouble, and he wants to help. The best way to help is to beat alot of ass. Also, there is a scene where the good guy is dancing. Also, the guy beds his love interest in an incredibly graphic sex scene. More fighting. Guy meets up with the main villain. Main villian rapes/molests the good guy's love interest. All hell breaks loose as the the good guy let's out righteous fury. Boobs. Explosions. Fin.


    For a true JCVD experience, I suggest you all watch Double Impact. This is full on B-movie goodness and I know help usher in adolescence to many men in their early 30s.


    JCVD's best movie is JCVD

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  8. I'm not saying it was a bad idea from a quality perspective, but I think it was a bad business idea. It didn't do so well at the box office, and I think part of it was there wasn't a lot of excitement from people who remembered the 1st movie.

  9. This movie would have been a fine re-make-ish Escape from New York in Space...


    ...If they would have given it the R rating it needed to be good. It's not great, it's not bad.... but this is an example of a movie that really would have benefitted from not cutting away from every bit of blood and violence. It felt like I was watching a made for prime-time TV version of a cool flick.


    Oh well. At least Dredd didn't make the same mistake.


    Instead Dredd made the mistake of remaking a movie that was poorly received the 1st time.
