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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I dunno. Movies like Chucky or Killer Klowns are pretty much parodies in and of themselves.


    I like the idea of Paul and the gang doing a movie that tried and failed to be a scary movie in the biggest, most clueless, over-the-top, most bullshit Hollywood way possible.


    I agree 100%. MST3K takes care of the low budget bad movies, HDTGM has tended to be about bigger budget failures.

  2. I remember that they state that the agency JCVD works for thinks they have the only known time machine, but they still somehow have the need for a time-travel policing agency.


    Personally I think Double Impact would be a better one for HDTGM. Both JCVDs react extremely casual to discovering that they have a long-lost twin.

  3. To be fair, if you're not aware that time travel exists and you meet someone that's too old to be someone you're familiar with, you are more likely to assume imposter or unknown relative, than you are to assume time traveller. Because husband from the future is, from your perspective, impossible.


    You would probably just think that they were sick

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  4. I remember this movie was one of the ones they would play on HBO on repeat in the 90s and it was one you couldn't help but watch a dozen times. One of the most vivid scenes I remember from this is when Cosby has the meteorite in a coffee can and is using its power to throw around the bad guys while making his "Cosby face"

  5. I watched this last night. Totally HDTGM-worthy.


    well that, and the sous chefs at the chinese restaurant that were all so eager to get into a gun brawl.... and Travolta shooting the restaurant ceiling and it starts raining cocaine for hours... and then Meyers walking all over the city of Paris with a vase full of coke....




    They had the cocaine just sitting up in the attic in a gigantic pile?

  6. Besides 'JCVD' itself, this is probably the best Van Damme movie out there... but it's still HDTGM worthy. Though if we really want to plunge into the depths, how about 'Double Impact,' in which he plays twins or, better yet, 'Double Team,' in which he is assisted by none other than noted thespian Dennis Rodman!


    I second Double Impact. He's so casual about discovering that he has a twin.
