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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Just wanted to give this a bump. Many months ago my wife and I were watching The Graham Norton Show and the guest was "McBusted" which was the combination of the boy bands "McFly" and "Busted" and I instantly recognized McFly as the band that Chris Pine is trying to manage in Just My Luck. I was torn between being proud of myself for remembering that nugget and embarrassed.

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  2. Yeah, on the Matrix I wonder if they become "The Wachowski Sisters" now or if they're just going to keep it at "The Wachowskis." I wasn't sure if it was like getting married or going through with a name change where you are referred to your new name or if they did not connect with the old identity and the different names are used to mark the different eras. I ask because I don't know any trans people (or I am at least unaware if I know any) and just want to be respectful.

  3. With Boba, I always had the impression that he was just out for himself - much like Han. That makes them good foils, but I don't need to know his whole back story or any of their shared history to appreciate that. The whole thing just smells to me like fan service because people have idolized Boba over the years.


    You mean you didn't need to know that he was a clone of the master soldier from the clone wars that was set aside to be raised as his son and then blamed his "father's" death on a Jedi?


    Although, I could see a movie that is not so much about Boba Fett's back story as a No Country For Old Men type movie where Fett is Chigurh working.

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  4. Honestly, I think the Boba Fett movie is more of a risk for not being good than the Han Solo film. George Lucas laid out a super weird, very specific, unnecessary and clunky back story for Boba in the prequels. I think it will be hard to treat those as canon and at the same time dance around them to write an interesting story. I really hope I am wrong on that though.


    As long as they stay away from intragalactic trade policy and Gungans it is possible for them all to be good.

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    Agreed. In fact, I think JCVD may have even being played a little bit younger than that. I was thinking only a few years older than the other orphans, like maybe around 18 or 19. Basically, old enough to be a role model for the other boys (as sort of the de facto "grownup") , but naive enough to think a few thousand dollars would last them "forever and ever."


    I think you are right Cameron. I am honestly a bit surprised that there wasn't a scene where his age was clunkily laid out, like his aunt said "Now that you have turned 18, you are out on your own"

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  6. Ok, let's do the math here.

    The flick was released in 1996 and that weird bar intro presumably takes place in the present (ergo 1995/6). Then, when we flash back to 1925, JCVD is clearly around 30, right?

    Which would make him around 100 years old in the bar scene?

    Only JCVD wil be able to kick some ass while being three digits old.


    I think the beginning was supposed to be in the 1970s from their dress, and in the tournament portion I think JCVD was a "Beverly Hills 90210" early 20s so he was probably only in his 70s when he beat up those punks.

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  7. Idk why but I'm really starting to think I should actually put the spaces between my names now. I swear all those years ago it wouldn't let me do that and I never rebranded myself.


    Or the change could cause anarchy and the forums would burst into flames.


    I was not sure if it was a thing like the name Leeanne and all of its single word permutations or you did not leave spaces.

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  8. It will definitely grow out of control lol, but embrace it. Luckily they also talk about a movie they plead people not to see so it'll be good to cross some off your list as well lol.


    I'll tell you what would happen would be that if they pled me to not watch a movie and it was not on my watch list, it would get added.

  9. It seems like he's so entrenched in the financial industry that he no longer understands what it is to be human. "I wanted to challenge social norms today, so I laid down on the sidewalk and pretended to be homeless." What?


    The dude wears a lab coat, carries a waiter pad and hands out $2 bills. He's definitely an oddball. Still I find his oddball view interesting if nothing else.

  10. I have been afraid of listening to Maltin on Movies because I would be scared that my "To Watch" list would grow out of control.


    That said, I recently started listening to one called The Cinema Show on Monocle 24. It's short (30 minutes), well produced, has lots of English accents and takes a Criterion-esque high brow approach. It is nice to throw something that focuses more on those types of movies along with HDTGM and Doug Loves Movies.

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  11. I've been listening to YMRT since it debuted, and it's one of the few shows for which I'll drop everything as soon as a new episode arrives. (The others include Doughboys, Bodega Boys, and The Allusionist.) If nothing else, it has ringing endorsements from film obsessees Patton Oswalt and Dana Gould (around 05:30.)


    That's it, you just pushed it to my queue.


    I've also listened to a large chunk of Freakonomics Radio, which I find to be far more satisfying than Question of The Day because Dubner actually has a chance to provide answers to the questions he poses.


    And less Backgammon talk on Freakonomics (I like QOD though. I think Altucher is interesting)

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  12. I know that Punch Out has been brought up as inspiration for this, and maybe it seems so obvious because of the JCVD connection but honestly I got a Street Fighter II (in a quasi realistic manner) vibe from a lot of the fighters. The Spanish guy seemed like Vega without claws or a mask, the Japanese guy obviously E. Honda and the Brazillian Guy seemed like a pre-transformation Blanka.

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    And the clown makeup is reminiscent of Octopussy. They never have clown makeup and Roger Moore in the same scene, but then again, the first clown we meet in Octopussy is a completely different agent who is never in the same scene as Bond.


    And the training camp that Moore sells JCVD is in Phuket, which is about 5 miles away from Scaramanga's island in The Man With The Golden Gun (and I apologize if I just Jim Steinmaned this piece of knowledge. I have been very busy lately both at work and at home and am just trying to catch up on this thread.)

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