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Everything posted by mdavid2

  1. Hi! Any chance the CBB tour can come to the Southeasten US somewhere? I live in Orlando but would be willing to drive to Miami or even Atlanta...
  2. mdavid2


    Dear Sklar-nishtana ha-laila ha-zeh, (That pun would have been better during Passover.) I run a small college medical library and there is a nursing theorist named Viginia Henderson who I am creating a display for. It took an incredible amount of will power to not yell HENDERSON in my very quiet library---and something in me is ashamed that I didn't. As a member of the tribe, it may be a long time before I can disklard this guilt, but please know that my inner Sklar was was shouting HENDERSON in my head even though my inner librarian was there too trying to shush it. With the best of intentions, your devoted Li-sklar-ian, ~Matthew "Bagel" David