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Posts posted by Kristi_Lynne

  1. Great episode, guys! After enjoying appearances from pretty much the whole cast of "It's Always Sunny...", I guess I'll have to submit to the peer pressure and put it in my Netflix queue. Also, I'm really glad my car was parked by the time you guys launched into the bit about the 14-year-old girl avatar in the video game; I was laughing so hard I was crying! I better start on my handwritten letter demanding a female kicker avatar for Madden 2012.

  2. Great episode, guys! After enjoying appearances from pretty much the whole cast of "It's Always Sunny...", I guess I'll have to submit to the peer pressure and put it in my Netflix queue. Also, I'm really glad my car was parked by the time you guys launched into the bit about the 14-year-old girl avatar in the video game; I was laughing so hard I was crying! I better start on my handwritten letter demanding a female kicker avatar for Madden 2012.

  3. Thanks for reintroducing me to Paul Gilmartin, and introducing me to the Mental Illness Happy Hour. Subscribed a couple days ago and have been running through the backlog as I find time between work and classes. Very insightful and uplifting stuff. And congrats to the couple who were brought together by a "Henderson!" in class. Hope springs eternal for the single ladies here in Sklarbro Country. If you like it, then you shoulda' put an onion ring on it.

  4. Thanks for reintroducing me to Paul Gilmartin, and introducing me to the Mental Illness Happy Hour. Subscribed a couple days ago and have been running through the backlog as I find time between work and classes. Very insightful and uplifting stuff. And congrats to the couple who were brought together by a "Henderson!" in class. Hope springs eternal for the single ladies here in Sklarbro Country. If you like it, then you shoulda' put an onion ring on it.

  5. So great to hear Cornish and Wright together on the show! I don't live in one of those 7 major cities, but I hope I'll get to see "Attack the Block" sometime in the not-too-distant future. And I really hope this encourages people to check out the Adam and Joe Podcast. Those guys have known each other for so long, it's a pleasure to just listen to them banter about nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. Seconded on missing the "Song Wars" segment.

  6. Yes We Cast! Brilliant episode, guys, and so nice to hear from Chris Cox in his normal voice. He has such a quick wit, I was surprised to hear he wasn't a stand-up comedian. But it's clear he also has great chemistry with Randy and Jason. They just kinda' give him the football (the one with the Internet shut-off key) and let him run with it. More Al Gore and Michael Caine, please! I hope Chris has continued success with his other projects, and props to Julia for the "Go punch a waterfall" shout-out!

  7. ^ Me, too. Ever since "Cheap Seats," where the brothers go I will follow. I'm always excited when they're interviewing one of my favorite actors or comedians, but some of the best episodes have been with people I didn't really know before (like Pete Holmes, Kumail Nanjiani, and Kaitlin Olson).

  8. Great idea, Julia! Especially when you consider how much the show has evolved over these 40-odd episodes. Remember the Ichiro Quote Machine? Good times. Of course, now that I sit here trying to think of oft-used phrases, my mind goes blank...

    Henderson (high voice) vs. Henderson (low voice) - the latter is more appropriate at somber occasions or lame parties

    JJ = Jerry Jones (there can be only one)

    Douchebaguette = the female equivalent of a douchebag

    On the right/wrong side of the Dreamcatcher = used to describe whether one's day is going well or not

    Kicker = player on a football team's roster most likely to go bats#@t crazy and/or write a series of spy novels
