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Everything posted by mwn

  1. The boys seem very peeved this week and I think it's because of Professor Blastoff had a episode about Reality TV and they didn't get to do it. Instead Lauren Lapkus is did it. So the fellas got a different Lauren for revenge.
  2. The discussion about Todd's dog around 45 minutes in is one of my favorite moments in the history of the show. COME TO THINK OF IT, his barking is just the word "bark" over and over! He just says "bark bark bark"!
  3. mwn

    Episode 313 — Gumbo Challenge

    I heard that Dante joined Interpool and his contribution to the band was Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Brown. (Also, Horatio nearly screaming at the end of his Don Pardo impression was fucking hilarious)
  4. nailed it, greggy, like you alwaus do also I'm taking steps to de-anonymize myself and follow people, I'm tweet @spoocecow, hi, the name is bad, sorry
  5. This was a great episode. Everyone was on their A game. Also, hey, HEY!! Matt needs to record a new outro that cites Adam "Yakkety" Sachs as an EP, no longer Mr. Jeff Ulrich. It's rude to Mr. Yakkety.
  6. HD = Harvey Danger, best known for mid-90s alt-rock hit "Flagpole Sitta" 1080 = the amount of times I've listened to "Flagpole Sitta" p = penis for fuckin
  7. Good evening, Nikki. When your home gets a little chilly, do you prefer a sweater or a blanket? I guess that's a dumb question for southern California, but I'm up in the armpit of Canada and I don't know how to make myself warm again. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. I've only driven past them and stared at them longingly (because I love liquor (but not as much as zooming past buildings in my sweet car (1998 Nissan Altima))). They look great but a little part of me is sad that the charmingly awful barn aesthetic has been updated to a clean but not-so-charming not-so-barn aesthetic. I feel a special kinship with big ugly barns
  9. Real talk, man this episode is so good. Work sucks1 today and I'm still in a good mood and loffing a lot because of all of the jokes. Thank you to the hosts, and guest, for being so swell. 1 I know2 2 she left me roses by the stairs3 3 surprises let me know she cares
  10. I think Nathan Lane was a bad influence on the rest of the animals
  11. This is like a perfect comedy sentence. [angrily] it belongs in a museum
  12. I think this is a www-trick from Engineer Cody and this isn't the real Mark from high school. There weren't any popcorn noises anywhere in the post. Telltale sign of a cyber-loser.
  13. Good evening Gil. Why don't kids build treehouses anymore? They're allways on their phones now? I hate it. Thank you.
  14. This episode is really really funny. I think more podcasts need to talk about Lurch and be under the tables.
  15. Dear Guests: Have you ever climbed a mountain? Sincerely, mwn
  16. cody what do you have to say for yourself
  17. it's pretty b.s. that agata (also july) didn't get to be into this ep. [loudly boos] if I'm seeing a solidarity with twitter fart guy, I'm opposed, here. [winks slyly though, just in case]
  18. I genuinely thought I was listening to several other Earwolf shows during this episode. Could you guys please put up a warning that this is just **one** show?
  19. It goes in-- It goes in-- It-- It slides-- It g-- It goes in-- It--
  20. *stands up, bravely* I will like the greggy post.