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Everything posted by mwn

  1. I had exactly the same "WOOAAHHHHHHH" reaction when that last song started. That was magical.
  2. Agreed, very good eppo. I was at a lakeside paradise all weekend transporting various heavy things into the water, so I missed the facebook k'nex in the last thread, but I just want to say it's nice that every one is connecting. It's good to grow your business and your personal brand, but growing your friendships is sometimes underrated too.
  3. Hi David. [pause for response] How are you maintaining your figure for swimsuit season?
  4. There has been a lot of discussion about boddy parts so far in this chat discussion, and I just want to say a hearty thank-you to everyone. I am now desperately randy at work and it's really helping my productivity.
  5. He, uh, *points to location <---* came to see me...??? Sorry gang, was hoping to parlay this fortuitous loc. ment. into something better. *shrugs with the weight of one thousand burdens*
  6. q: why did ben franklin get upset when his eyeglasses got tore up?1 a: because that meant his specs ripp't 1he had paper glasses, al;so, for this joke to work
  7. yow! that's some spicy mulligatawny!
  8. the dark side of fuck buddies
  9. Hurts to make, hurts to keep, I'm-a gonna die soon.
  10. mwn

    Episode 285 — Solo Bolo

    Ben needs to appear with Scott on the all-singing Never Not Funny episode that was proposed in today's NNF.
  11. YOU SAID NUMBER TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :lol:
  12. When Dave said the least talented The Second City TV performer was "you're looking at him", I got startled because I had been looking at a picture of myself at the time. (The picture is from when I went through a haunted house after a meal and was still carrying two giant lamb shanks with me.) Thankfully the following conversation clarified he was talking about himself, and I got to have a good time again. Funny episode!
  13. Rhea Pearmance is my favorite bit of wordplay since Jon Hamm's "Laugh-Danza Airlines".
  14. The sound effect "HWAAANG" for pulling your dick out is hall of fame-worthy onomatopoeia.
  15. "No, baby! It's a hot sandwich!" - Traci channeling Jimmy Pardo update: SHIT that Dial soap joke caught me offguard
  16. [confidently striding from 'neath a waterfall, my perfect skin glinting in the Caribbean sun, my lustrous hair bouncing softly in the breeze] Billy Crystal
  17. mwn


    bump because the seven or eight catchphrases above this are dreadful
  18. I don't wish to be rude, but the shirt neck on the one guy is pretty big -- it, you know, goes down pretty far? Don't know what else to call it.
  19. mwn

    Episode 78 — Viking Tennis

    Hahaha, when astronaut ice cream was brought up my mind also immediately went to the gift shop at the Boston Museum of Science. As a kid I had many happy afternoons and many disappointing gift shop purchases there... I think Janet Varney might be one of the most charming people alive. I mean, gee whiz!
  20. if everyone wants to fuck their brother and everyone wants to kill Engineer Cody, then Cody's brother must get rowdy as hell at family reunions - a famous logic argument from Lewis Carroll
  21. Seth's life would be ruined by Stunts? You mean like the Barenaked Ladies album featuring hit single "One Week"?
  22. curse u scott's misreading of the forum!! my *very good* catchphrase got misattributed and now I should like to wade into a pool of despondency
  23. There's a certain word in that post (used a couple of times) that would assist you in Googling if you opted to do so, but it turns out you don't even need it!