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Everything posted by mwn

  1. f**** it I'm tired wow look at that
  2. if we're still peepin post #s can we get to 603 so I can be like "yeah that's the area code for NH woo wow wooo".
  3. ahhhhh that game was so good I saw Mulaney at the Wilbur theater in Boston back in April. somebody cool opened for him, possibly Max Sylvestri? Also, I don't have a webcam or mic to Hangout and have not peed the bed in like 39 months. See yall next week.
  4. mwn

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    I liked the Hollywood Handbook ad
  5. LOVE the return of the "look it up" chant.
  6. mwn

    Episode 214 — Me Wheelhouse

    Gosh, Dan, you sound tense. Is everything okay out there???
  7. I have used my new found spare time to build a evil doomsday laser. I haven't thought of any good demands yet, tho.
  8. what's it like being a relative of The Amazing Chan / a member of the Chan Clan
  9. Someone was nice enough to ask: spoiler alert: it was this one
  10. What a sweet ending. Thank you Scott, Paul, guests, engineers & crew for another great year of hundreds of hours of free entertainment. Here's to 2015 providing more jokes about a baby's gigantic... cheeks. Sincerely, A Dumbshit Audience Member.
  11. mwn

    "Good sport" guests

    Listen to and you need not doubt Neko Case's sense of humor
  12. The earwolf reddit colors make me want to claw me ol' peepers out
  13. valerie I would like to request more videos about/starring the professor layton doll. he's such a nerd, but also dashing and smart and nice, like me
  14. 'tis the season to give points to everybody's daddy and mommy. do this with presents and hugs and helping with dinner. mommy and papa need the points
  15. This is a great episode because I like when Sean and Hayes get mad at people, also because of whoever shouted out baba booey
  16. I love that Paul is still making references to that Pepsi ad from a few years ago now with the "get it in your EEAAARRRRR HOOOLLLEEESSS" or whatever
  17. Uhh Yeah Dude is the best / only non-Earwolf/MaxFun podcast. Just my opinion. Not scientific fact...... yet
  18. this is 100% awesome as hell. that intro about the soy sauce is better than a lot of actual 'cast intros and YES I MEAN IT H. BONE AND C. DAWG
  19. top 5 ep in my homble opinion "I was at a party with my date at that time, Haley Joel Osment" "Points" "points, yes"
  20. Jesus christ Lauren Lapkus is so funny.
  21. oh no not a wiping emergency, god. get your head out of the gutter. I own PLENTY of bathroom tissue. All of those items are placed there for existential and emotional emergencies. sometimes you just need to look at the CD for Andrew WK's I Get Wet, without having any way of listening to it, to get you through the rough times.
  22. Yeah, that and the can of corn are there in case of emergencies Also this is the only use I've gotten out of infinite jest in years1 so please do not ask me any detailed Qs about it like what it's about or who wrote it 1 since I've owned it
  23. I'm late to the potty selfie game and also I fucked up the picture and look like shit so have this blurry cropped mess. You're welcome