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Everything posted by wo

  1. Thank you Kulap "Mavis" Vilaysack for bringing Little Dragon to my attention! It reminds me of Broadcast but a little more pop.
  2. GREAT episode! I could go for some sort of Totally Laime / Who Charted crossover every day. The marriage proposal puzzle is a brilliant idea. It's amazing how many different conversation topics you guys can bring back to butt sex.
  3. Does it really matter if a gay man portrays a hetero man in a movie? I mean, assuming we're talking about an actual actor?
  4. Bobcat is fantastic. I love his 80s comedy; I love all the movies he's written/directed. PFT's no slouch either!
  5. I think there was a "Hermes is a hermaphrodite" joke at some point...
  6. "Howard's Unseen Movie Reviews" and "How Would You Kill This Child?" are two of your best bits yet. I'm sure Hunger Games will be out of the Top 5 soon, but maybe you can revive this game whenever, say, a Bieber song hits the charts.
  7. Annie Clark's reactions in Foam Corner were priceless.
  8. This was one of the best eps yet, but possibly my favorite moment was when Chad says "Harvard Time" and then the way Tim responds.
  9. Last week, you had Colin Hay on the show. Days later, his old Men at Work bandmate died. This week, you have an Abbott & Costello bit where you ask if the drummer of the Band is dead. Yesterday, he died. I'm a little scared to see who's on the show or referenced next week...
  10. Earl from the airport scene had a great Bob Ducca thing going on.
  11. This was excellent. Psychic Andy & Kulap had perfectly synched laughter howls at least twice. Gonna go back and listen a second time once I'm done making it weird with Pete Holmes.
  12. "Du Charted" can be published every Sunday! Then on Tuesdays, "You Charted" (which is basically "Chart Chatter" expanded). You guys can take over Earwolf.
  13. Congratulations on being the only podcasters in the world who aren't sure who Ralph Wiggum is!
  14. Found it! Prime Will Forte... Duluth Live - New Theme Song! - watch more funny videos
  15. That might be the first time Smash Mouth has been described as "not quite as breathtaking." Does anyone remember an early Will Forte SNL skit where he was the singer of a new house band for a morning talk show? I need to track that down...
  16. wo

    Episode 70 — Daddy Issues

    I went to 12345 Beard Street and bought my wolf tickets. Thanks, Who Charted!
  17. wo

    Episode 113 — Private Parts!

    Yeah, I remember Cam Jensen. I moved on to that after I finished all the Encycolopedia Brown in our 3rd grade library. This was a great ep. I love when a guest is already a listener/fan of the podcast. They could have gone on forever on that Laime or Totally rapid-fire.
  18. http://www.ironrichfood.org/ Lots of beans, nuts, fruits and veggies will keep your iron up. You can even get iron from using a cast iron skillet! My iron went low while I transitioned to a vegetarian diet, then it rebounded once I balanced my diet.
  19. "I define him as the singer of 'Sussudio,' not as the drummer of The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway." Between this and the Mon-Chi-Chi theme, this may be Mantzoukas' finest HDTGM episode yet. You cannot debunk this.
  20. wo

    Episode 112 — Bug Burrito!

    Congratulations on the darkest episode of any podcast ever!
  21. wo

    Episode 150 — Time Bobby

    Come for the Jesus Christ Superstar plot summary, stay for the K.N.I.F.E. G.R.A.B.
  22. Wiki Answers: What is the origin of the idiom "In your wheelhouse"? Nicely done, gentlemen. You speculated on all 3 speculations used here.
  23. wo

    Episode 68 — Flatstock

    Dear Howard, Where is the "Trip to Italy or Snaggletooth Removal" theme song? Love, Wo
  24. Special Monday episode: Ku Charted! Top 5 Kulap Chart themes!
  25. wo

    Episode 86 — Flat Cats

    Did the Sklars seriously just cold call Nick Kroll and set him up as Randy Moss' dog? Thomas Lennon needs to guest on more podcasts. He and PFT can tag team.