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Posts posted by wo

  1. i enjoyed this episode, but that whole "i take movies less serious when they have a female voice over in the trailer" stretch was a major bummer.


    I think she explained herself pretty well, though, like that it was a realization that this "male voice" had been subliminally ingrained in her movie-watching psyche.


    (it's still technically summah, right?)


    It's still summah in every regard. Even if you're in school, you've still got from 3pm onward to play frisbee and such.

    • Like 5

  2. Ok, has anyone commented on the wall of Golden Girl stills in the background for the pictures connected to the episodes? This is a new thing, right? I don't remember them doing this with Brandon in the "We hate you, Clayton" ep. Do they still do the recording in their house or is that a studio at Earwolf?


    It's at their house. I've only recently noticed the pictures, but they used to Blingify their pictures.


    They've mentioned their Golden Girls wall within the podcast, though. I think it's been there for quite a while.

    • Like 1

  3. No one particular band or song started punk or metal. Lots of bands coming up around the same time were influenced by a similar set of records, had access to similar advances in equipment and technology, and all set out to outdo each other in various ways.

    • Like 1

  4. "Poor people eating lamb on a stick"


    I'm enjoying the guest co-hosts - it's a fun way to mix it up while Wie or Ku have other commitments - but does it seem like so far none of the guest hosts have had much understanding of the show's format?


    Thanks! To my knowledge they never used it, but I sort of fell off listening to WC on the reg so I might have missed it. It seemed like there was a 5 minute window where Howard was cool with covers, but then I never really heard any after those few times.


    Yeah, Who Charted did chart theme covers a couple of times, and then Howard pretty explicitly said he preferred not to have them.

  6. If y'all haven't heard Kulap's episode of the JV Club, then you definitely should. Kulap went through some shit growing up!


    I believe she's discussed it on Totally Laime and the Mental Illness Happy Hour as well. I'm really interesting in seeing what her documentary brings.


    What fascinates me is that Howard seems pretty oblivious to her past, although based on how long we played up his "you're not from here; you're from an island somewhere" act, who knows how much of his obliviousness is either his humor or his public persona.

    • Like 1

  7. This has been a crazy couple of weeks for Whooch and Tooch! Armen was a bizarro Howard sort of like how April was a bizarro Kulap last week. I'm hoping we just get Ku + engineer on Friday...


    I like how Armen did almost no "hosting" in the show. Luckily, they had Scottobot there, and he basically becomes the co-host with Ku. Scott treats Armen like a special Bang Bang "open door policy" guest.

    • Like 1

  8. UHUHUHUHUHUHWAHT?! I think I have listened to every single Who Charted? and as far as I know, Kulap has never missed an episode! I hope everything is ok, I'm sure they will explain as soon as I listen to the start of the episode lol.


    They DID explain this. Kulap dedicated an entire Two Charted to how she was going to be gone for a bit to film her documentary.
