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Posts posted by wo

  1. I do think it's possible for an older person to actually be offended by NWA's lyrics coming loud and clear through their apartment wall.


    And I do think this is an issue that is somewhat unique to hip-hop. Obviously, there are heavy metal songs with equally explicit content, but when it's being sung/screamed in between trebly guitars, you're less likely to decode the lyrics when hearing it through a wall.


    I bet that if "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails was being cranked, though, the neighbor would be just as upset by "I want to fuck you like an animal" as he would by "fuck the police."


    My point being, although there's possibly a racial element (and I do agree with Andrew's assertion that much of "anything but hip-hop" has a racial overtone), let's allow for the possibility that some old people are cranky, easily offended, and don't want to hear ANY R-rated content.

  2. You were the victim of a violent prank/dare, but I don't think you were the victim of a racist attack.


    As a weird kid, I can't tell you how many times I was punched, tripped, been in the middle of a keep-away game with my cap or backpack. It wasn't because of my race; it was because I was different and therefore an easy target.


    So I can empathize with your situation, but I certainly can't sympathize with your belief that your situation is equatable to centuries of racial oppression. Also, your situation isn't as forehead-slappingly laughable as a "Give the Asian patrons chopsticks and the white patrons forks" restaurant policy.

  3. um, you have to love Andrew's myopia. There are a few instances of prejudice against white people that are a bit worse than not being trusted with chopsticks or spicy food. Like, for instance, getting sucker punched because you happen to be the only white person in a movie theatre.


    Call in with your question, then. Or better yet, if you were jumped in a movie theater, call the cops or at least the theater management.

  4. Just don't name animals after people, yall.


    When you run a pet rescue, you need lots of names at the ready because you never know when 10 cats are going to come in.


    can you even conceive of a circumstance where someone is going to be hurt that a person named his dog after food or is this an instance of a michael scott-level reluctance to reference that things are from mexico


    Hurt? I don't know, but if I met someone who named their Chihuahua "Chimichanga" I would do what I could to not have to talk to that person ever again.

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  5. I was fortunate to have a REALLY good American Lit teacher as a high school freshman. She spent a lot of time discussing Huck Finn with us, the meanings and interpretations, the "zeitgeist" of then versus now, and the concept of satire. So it was really eye-opening for me - and a big step in my awareness of what was happening outside my "Green Bay Packers on TV and Richard Marx on the radio" existence.


    It's too bad that, in the hosts'/guests' words, it is "irresponsibly taught" to so many kids.

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  6. I once worked at a large corporation's "global HQ" where people from various offices would come and go. This was pervasive there, but I think in that case it was the default icebreaker question, because chances are you were not "from" Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


    Still, I would feel awkward watching a whole lot of fools try to act "open-minded" by asking lots of ignorant questions about the person's country of origin.

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