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Posts posted by wo

  1. Yo, I totally took away racist shit by accident the first time I saw Blazing Saddles! I was only seven and that movie's the first time I heard the N-word. But family members laughed at some joke in the movie and my takeaway from the whole experience was "this N-word is a funny thing to say." I had NO idea what it meant or why anyone in the movie was saying it.

  2. I been listening to the podcast for a while and i really don't like the Oprah "game." i understand the love Elizabeth feels for the show, but the game doesn't go well most of the time. With that being said, i love everything else and understand that this is only one opinion from one person.


    The Oprah game works best when Elizabeth doesn't need to say "Thoughts?" to awkward silence. Sometimes, the guest just immediately has something to say, and sometimes, Elizabeth or Andy have a question in mind that starts a conversation.

  3. Horatio was on fire during the "don't kick my ass" bit. I can't believe how long they kept that single premise going.


    So the mystery of Eric the Paid Intern has finally been unlocked, though it still seems like most people (including Besser) seem to be overlooking a crucial part. If Eric was hired by Earwolf for his technical skills, he probably saw it as a job at a tech startup, not a comedy network. So it makes total sense that he's not ALSO a comedy nerd - there'd be no reason for that to be a job requirement for a computer programmer.


    But I loved the comedy that could be mined from Besser and company trying to figure out this kid - it just kept going because Eric was having so much trouble explaining himself. Which, again, makes more sense when you think this a computer hacker, fresh out of high school, with no ambitions of performing or probably even public speaking.


    Anyway, kudos on a great episode! This one probably goes into my top 3 ever for I4H.
