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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Other potential Matt Besser/cat names are Cat Besser or Catty B.
  2. KajusX

    Episode IV - A New Hope

    This show is shaping up amazingly! I'm really digging it. I want to explain my personal experience from when I listened to the first episode. I was reticent due to fearing the format of the show would not hook me. That nagging bug was my frame of reference for the formatβ€”Denis Leary's second comedy album, Lock 'n Load. All the tracks go between bits of stand-up, comedy songs, sketches, etc, with loud radio-scanning sound effects and audio drops. A lot of the tracks themselves were fairly all over the place, and the album as a whole severely lacked cohesion (personal opinion, of course. different strokes, etc). I did not particularly enjoy that entire album from 14 years ago. Some good bits on it I would re-listen to, but I could never sit through the whole thing. So when the first Hooray Show episode dropped and there were radio effects and cutting between interviews and bits, I got a little anxious, as I wanted to like the podcast and feared I wouldn't as my brain flashed back to me 14 years ago wanting to like that comedy album. I wasn't anxious for long, as I really enjoyed the content, and was mindful that pilot episodes of anything are not what the show is cemented in stone as, it's just the starting point. The band-aid has to get pulled off in order to jump in and make the thing you see in your head a reality. Anyway, now what little hang-ups/doubt I was bringing to the table have been completely obliterated as the show gets more episodes under its belt. We have a good show on our hands here. The format services the content, it keeps the sketches and conversations lively, it's a great length, and all in all I have cemented it as a staple of my podcast subscriptions. Much love to the Hooray Show. I'm happy I got to put to bed my little, ridiculous hang-up.
  3. @ratpack And to quote from the gospel of Paul F. Tompkins regarding a podcast ep he's not feeling: "Waitaminute- I don't have to listen to this! I'm an adult!"
  4. KajusX

    Episode 332 β€” What Winsome Said

    Bumpy's meaning is that the level of terrible(jokingly) that are Scott's characters (let's say -79) is the level of great on the opposite end of the spectrum (79) that is his Paul Lynde. Bumpy is saying that Scott's Paul Lynde is amazing. C+.
  5. Btw, it slayed me back in episode 1 when during the Help Me Rhonda segment, Traci colorfully described the twitter avatars of the people whose tweets she read. I want that to come back.
  6. KajusX

    Episode 332 β€” What Winsome Said

    Hump Month should definitely be from the Hump Week of June to the Hump Week of July. HUMP WEEK!! HUMP MONTH!! It's just easier to remember.
  7. I don't want to gang up, seeing as someone else already addressed your question, but hey, everyone's allowed to express their opinions. Then people are allowed to express their opinion of those opinions, etc etc. If the crowd you have (example: the people on this board) is not your audience (i.e. They don't appreciate shitty opinions stated as fact or ad hominem attacks on the show and its host), then they're going to tell that person they're wrong and crappy. These messageboards aren't for the shows' hosts, they're for us. Whining at people to stop whining is an amazing messageboard staple but a fruitless endeavor. When the FIRST poster gets in here and says, "I have come here to announce this produces sub-par laughs per minute and I am leaving here forever," other listeners coming to the board are going to say they disagree and good riddance. We're talking to each other here. Lauren isn't dropping in and checking to make sure we're all still on board, and if she was then I wouldn't want her to mistake that guy's opinion of the show for my own. Also, I don't want to nitpick, but that third quote you used to bolster your argument that we're Commie Psychos is actually a fairly reasonable response to that first poster, and it's not even disagreeing with what that poster said.
  8. Has anyone by chance written down all of the fake tarot cards they made up during this show? I plan on relistening to jot them all down (maybe to draw them!), but I didn't get that idea until the tail end, so I only have the Man with the Long Pole. The Man with the Long Pole: He's holding a long pole and he's surrounded by other long poles and he's angry.
  9. What's the music that plays after Christmas Treat but before the closing Earwolf tag? I really dug its melody.
  10. "Oooooh, good question. That's a good question." Horatio's name in the Nolan-verse is pronounced Ho-Raish-e-o, but in the animated series it's pronounced Ho-Raaj-e-o. Benny calls him Raj because when they're together it's like a classic cartoon team-up. P.S. I've now scoured the internet and re-listened to every version I could find of 'Christmas Treat.' Sadly, only about three or four can be located in a cursory search (the Muppets one is sadly MIA), plus Julian Casablancas' cover of the song. P.P.S. Three episodes in, and this show has already tightened up really well. This episode was a complete joy, T-to-B.
  11. KajusX

    Episode 331 β€” Secret Superlatives

    Lauren has a very strict set of improv rules when it comes to improvised sexual situations: CBB is for whipping out dicks, i4h is for butt stuff.
  12. KajusX

    Episode 331 β€” Secret Superlatives

    While I totally get and support your point toward Hollywood's problem with diversity in casting, please don't separate a person into .5's based on their ethnicity. Maya is a person of color. Let that be it if it's to be anything. No poc spends the percentage of white they are being mistaken as just white in life.
  13. KajusX

    Episode 331 β€” Secret Superlatives

    Also, congrats to Lauren, Tash.2 and the rest of the cast of Oranges: The New Black for their SAG win for Best Comedy Ensemble!
  14. KajusX

    Episode 331 β€” Secret Superlatives

    Oh wow!!!! Patton? AND some more Wild Horses love?! Can't get my earbuds in fast enough!
  15. Oh! Btw, did everyone see Wild Horses' FunnyOrDie short 'Stakeout' that came out last week? It's great! Wild Horses: Stakeout from Funny Or Die
  16. Between Mary Holland on this ep AND on i4h a day ago warning Survivor players about grizzy bears, I have re-downloaded CBB ep #317 with Natasha Lyonne so that I can get in on some more Mary Holland bear panic as the hilarious Dreama Peaches. Wild Horses rule!
  17. Holy giant spiders, this episode is amazing. I'm going to have to re-listen to it as soon as I finish. The suggestions, stories, and youtube clips were all great, and the scenes that came from them were so funny. I love it when a group's chemistry is firing on all cylinders while they're also stifling laughter due to everyone enjoying how the scenes are getting heightened. I loved this part from the scene after the Topps card autograph letters: WILL: "Heyyy, I'm a huge fan. How's it going?" MARY: "Hi! Oh thank you so much!" WILL: "I know that you uh, come to book stores. I know that you're, you know, a woman. I know that you've got your hair and stuff. So could you just please sign here?" MARY: "I've got my- wait, I've got my 'hair and stuff'?" WILL: Yeah. You've got your hair on your head, you know?" MARY: "Ok, lookβ€”" Mary Holland has so many great reactions in this episode. I had totally forgotten about Matt's Topps card! It's pretty nice artwork!
  18. KajusX

    Episode 101.5 β€” Minisode 101.5

    Am I correct in guesstimating that the most recurring guest is Adam Scott, with Doug Benson also up there with 3-4 appearances?
  19. KajusX

    Episode 330 β€” Peruvian Pullovers

    I don't know if Horatio went and did some Andy Daly-level re-listening to his previous Shelly Driftwood episodes, but he was ON POINT with the continuity, while still free-wheeling the hilarious next chapter of Shelly's amazing, believe-it-or-not life.
  21. KajusX

    Episode 215 β€” Rhythms of Society

    I haven't clicked on the link, but I'm assuming it's that footage where Bono says "I'll tell ya a story 'bout Johnny McGory..."
  22. KajusX

    Episode 329 β€” Too Much Tuna Tour

    "I think you already pooched it" is my new favorite way to say "Screwed the pooch." George & Gil's way of phrasing things is a huge delight. Their malapropisms, syllable emphasis, annunciation, and regional dialects are all amazing. Their shorthand for idioms is a real cherry on top.
  23. KajusX

    Episode 329 β€” Too Much Tuna Tour

    Oh wow, this episode has made me cry laughing in under 20 minutes. That's gotta be a record. Kroll got me all giddy and primed my tear ducts with 'HUMP WEEK!' and then let the valves loose with caller Punch Luke Lupus, his question for Scott, the story of how he got his name and what his sister's name is. CRYING laughing. Not safe for me either! I'm currently disabled with a shattered heel bone, and was on my little knee scooter on the way to the fridge when PLL showed up. I nearly tipped over laughing.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 328 β€” Beatle Heaven

    Oh! Speaking of Anders, he had a small part in The Interview, and he delivered one of my favorite reaction lines in the film (it was during the part of the film when the actual interview happens). He NAILED the delivery, and cracked me up hard.
  25. Looking forward to listening to this ep! I saw Kate Berlant perform stand up at the last Super Serious Show of 2014 (MC'd by Paul F. Tompkins). She was really funny! I had never seen her before and so it took me a moment or two to acclimate to her comedic stylings, and by the end my sides hurt from laughing. Recently I noticed Lauren posted stuff about Kate performing with Wild Horses, so I love that it has parlayed into a WSGLL appearance!