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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 206 β€” Career Killing Commercials

    People are so precious about spoilers. Studies have shown knowing and not knowing do not greatly increase or decrease one's enjoyment of a story. http://www.thedailyb...e-spoilers.html http://www.wired.com...spoil-anything/ http://www.huffingto...y_n_924413.html http://filmschoolrej...of-spoilers.php If people do not want something spoiled then it is their responsibility to avoid it because the entertainment in question is in the zeitgeist and people are going to talk, write, share, etc. If a podcast starts talking about a thing you do not want to know anything about before you experience it, stop the podcast or fast-forward like a motherfucker. I've done it before. It can be done. In this spoiler-sensitive climate, plenty of shows that talk about spoilers make sure to give the alert. Eddie did not, he was not aware if it was anything, nor did what he say really impact what the effect of the film will have on people who go to see it. It is not a twist ending. It is a part of the overall plot. Rosebud was his sled.
  2. Had to re listen to this after Friday's CBBTV. So goddamn funny- CHIP! WE ALREADY DID THIS PART!!
  3. KajusX

    Episode 181 β€” Events

    Holy moly! It took me until tonight to listen to this ep, and I had no idea it was about venues! I was at Tig's emmy-nominated recording of Tig & Friends at the Largo at the Coronet (I played hooky at work for three hours to attend last minute; no one at work even realized I had left), I was at Paul F. Tompkins live recording in Glendale at the Alex Theatre for his special 'Laboring Under Delusions' for which David opened (I was stoked when David was introduced as the opener!), and while I am unfortunately unfamiliar with Mark Flanagan (who I need to look up, now that I've enjoyed so many shows at his venue), I stood on the stage of the Largo just two weeks ago at the Patton Oswalt & Friends Show when Natasha Leggero asked me up to interview me and find me a date from the crowd (surprisingly, there were no takers). I can't believe his other friend worked at Molly Malone's, as I live about a half mile away and walked there to attend the Kiss Me I'm Patrick McMahon episode of the Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project this past Morch (and episodes of Hollywood Handbook and Who Charted? have been recorded there live as well). One of the MAIN reasons I could not wait to move to LA was so that I could attend comedy shows. This episode set off all sorts of bells in my head.
  4. KajusX

    Episode 160 β€” Funky Kong

    I knew I forgot a hashtag! #alsoheymybuddiespleasedontswatme
  5. KajusX

    Episode 160 β€” Funky Kong

    People, people! What forum is this, reddit? Good grief. Bunch'a funky, butthurt masterblasters over here. #notallgamergatoraders #dontyoudaredoxxme
  6. KajusX

    Episode 160 β€” Funky Kong

    I take offense to butthurt because my wife died of butthurt. In all seriousness tho, butthurt is childspeak and it's dumb that adults use it (or am I thinking of bottomhuht?). And my wife actually died from a preventable disease but we were roleplaying at the time pretty hard.
  7. KajusX

    Episode 160 β€” Funky Kong

    Yerrrgh first CBB on Monday and now i4h keeps failing to download. Not the end of the world, but shit's taunting me. It's like the ep is on my phone but only as a jpg. I can't listen to a jpg, phone! I guffawed at the intro. Guffawed.
  8. KajusX

    Episode 203 β€” Why Not

    Oh interesting that this is the first episode but was dropped third. I wonder why it was bumped. I totally forgot that Zouks was Mitchell in the old Affirmation Nations! That cold open was amazing!
  9. KajusX

    Episode 321 β€” Big Fat Voice

    Christ Almighty, I wish I was smart and knew why a podcast fails when downloading on my podcasts app. This episode has shown up in my subscriptions, but has failed out for the past two hours. I'm just listening to the soundcloud stream via the Earwolf website, but I usually switch to the download once it finally shows up so I can move around and not be dependent on MY WIFE-I.
  10. KajusX

    Episode 321 β€” Big Fat Voice

    I just re-listened to Tiny's and Victor's past two appearances, so I'm pretty much primed for more not hearing Gino talk and just getting water for the other guests!
  11. You are welcome! Glad to hear it!
  12. EQUALS ---> Keep it pithy and there's a good chance Matt will read it. pfchangs, you wrote a giant post, and at the end you addressed it to Matt: "So tell me Matt". Totally fine. We here on the boards can choose whether or not we want to read through all that to experience a Case Closed had you gotten on the line. Matt took a moment to let us know that if we are composing giant posts and addressing them to him to slog through after the fact, we needn't bother. Even if he does read them, he won't be commenting on it, nor should he be expected to. I mean, the guy was already active on the boards last week to invite everyone on after reading their medium-sized posts debating the subject. After pfchangs humungous post, I'd feel the need to let everyone know about my reading policies too. That's a totally reasonable thing to let people know. Pretty straightforward. (On a side note and speaking for me personally, I appreciate consciseness. I read through plenty of long posts, and on occasion write some (check out the Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project forums to see examples of me beleaguering my points on many subjects), but I make no bones about the fact that people will either straight up skip my post or comment on its length. When I'm done, I always wish I could've made it shorter. SO much work for very little reward.) TL;DR version: Brevity rules. Everybody take a breath.
  13. Holy moly, I cannot handle this! They haven't even started the first scene and I'm already losing it.
  14. KajusX

    Episode 320 β€” Charging Kids

    Thank god Victor never had to tell anyone to leave someone else alone. I don't know if his circulation could've taken it.
  15. KajusX

    Episode 96 β€” Monkey Shines

    Come on now, guys. There is no way this guy is evil.
  16. JOHN: Oh yeah, that's right, my kid was on that bus! O: OH! Isn't that charming! JOHN: That was you? O: No, it was me! *slow clap*
  17. Hi Matt, I have not listened to this episode yet, but I just listened to your Long Shot appearance (great episode!) and I totally heard you on your Parting Shot about musicians not wanting to talk about the meaning of their songs (or their inspirations for the song, etc), as I've noticed with your musical guests that the mileage varies on how much they want to share outside of performing the music itself. I think that's why I LOVED David Bazan's appearance on the show, because not only did the 'giving the finger/atlantis' sketch warrant 10x repeat listens, but it was born out of Bazan being VERY forthcoming about the elements that inspired the song he sang (working a coffee truck; dealing with his dad's boss, etc). Bazan as a whole seemed quite amicable and forthcoming about exposing the nuts and bolts and gears behind his storytelling. And after his song, his story, and i4h's hilarious scene came to a close, I liked Bazan's song even more (and it was already a great song!). Anyway, I just wanted to say I love the musical episodes regardless of how forthcoming the musicians are about their personal journeys in writing their songs, and that those musicians who do hold back the curtain help a great deal in giving you and your talented cohorts topics with which to play. And even when they don't give you much, you guys make it work and knock it out of the park anyway, because fuck yeah you do. yay! EDIT: This episode was amazing.
  18. KajusX

    Episode 96 β€” Monkey Shines

    Both of these comments are spot on at illustrating June's points, and I hope Paul reads them on next week's show!
  19. KajusX

    Episode 96 β€” Monkey Shines

    I had to make this, you guys. I HAD to. Big version can be found here.
  20. KajusX

    Episode 96 β€” Monkey Shines

    This is a great episode, and GODDAMN that last half hour was off the charts awesome!
  21. KajusX

    Episode 179 β€” God

    Kyle's one man band routine and the reactions it gets destroys me every time. My face and ribs have ached two weeks in a row now. I can't believe there's no band. That's just his body!
  22. KajusX

    Episode 318 β€” Lumber Hack

    "Bring out the 1's and 0's..." β€”Don & Zeros DiMello Goddammit all I wish I knew what those inside jokes were about. lol
  23. CLUNK-MACHINE is a very satisfying combination of words.
  24. I imagine that those topless ladies by the pool were of the mindset that breasts should not be inherently sexualized, wanted to get some sun/cool off, and felt comfortable doing it while construction dudes lost their fucking minds. I loved the LotR-inspired porno parody sketch that came afterward. Tim's writer character taking umbrage with the actors' going off-book was hilarious.
  25. KajusX

    Episode 317 β€” Tash.2

    DREAMA PEACHES' GUNS & AMMO SALE!! WE GOTCHER' - Muzzle Loader* - Euhzzies** - Hobknobs** - The Eagle Rock 5** - Timtam** - Flank-nobber**† - Chewie** - Backo** - Greedo** - Han Solo** WE KNOW ALL ABOUT GUNS! * fun gun; loaded from the muzzle ** loaded from the back-rear door † commonly used in the Korean War