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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. AGREED! lol DONNIE: Why not just use relish? DANNY: You're going to tell Rene Dupree how to cook?! DONNIE: I don't have a tv show but I know what I like! also, DANNY: 'How many Russians does it take to run an ice cream sandwich?' DONNIE: Aah! If it were up to Ivan Drago, uhh, I'd say 'if he runs, he runs,' from Rocky 4-- A movie I like-- is MY answer, I dunno! DANNY: How 'bout duhhhhh uuhhh, how 'bout duuhhhh b'duuuh how 'bout duh-- DONNIE: Heh-HA! Do it, Danny!
  2. While I appreciate your initiative, JackMurray66, my knee-jerk reaction to anyone's attempts to rank these episodes from 'best' to 'almost the best' is one of rejection. We lack two crucial parts: 1) All eight episodes, so it's a BIT premature to start publishing our Top 8 lists, and 2) perspective. Shut Up and Have Fun has barely even had two days to breathe and sink in. Additionally, I am curious as to how many times you've listened to each episode. I ask not out of a place of 'comedy podcast fan credentials,' but out of wondering how well someone who has made a ranked list has absorbed the content of each episode. For me personally, Get Fit Now did not grab me on the first listen. I felt it was a step back from episodes 1 & 2, I found Adomian's Jesse Ventura an odd fit, and as much as I enjoy Billy Merritt and Miriam Tolan, it felt like they were doing the same things other guests had done on the first two episodes. It was only upon re-listening did it all click for me, and I caught the subtleties of Merritt's and Tolan's characters, and Jesse immediately fit in to the proceedings. I laughed my ass off. And then again. And then again. I'm not saying a re-listen is required for people to make a ranked list (because it's ALL opinion), but if one wants to get really analytical of the quality of entertainment contained in these episodes, it would only help their case, because the jokes come fast, and a lot get missed. Everything these people say is funny. I've listened to every episode four times (so far). More re-listens might happen in the next two weeks, because apparently I cannot get enough of Andy Daly. But four seems to be the number of listens I need before I feel I have caught and devoured every comedy morsel. After that, I then can listen to it like one would re-listen to a comedy album. I started out casually getting around to the re-listens (like after Ep 2 came out it made me want to re-listen to Ep 1, then when Ep 3 came out it made me want to go back and re-listen to Eps 1 & 2, etc), but regarding Shut Up and Have Some Fun, I've ALREADY listened to it four times. Not because I think it's "the best," but because I had the time and wanted to keep hearing these insane, ignorant maniacs scream at each other while I went about my day(s). All this is to say that I don't have a favorite, nor could I even PICK one, and I haven't even considered ranking them. Re-re-re-relistening to them all, each one has been a great source of hilarity, and has made me laugh as equally as I can gauge from acknowledging how good a mood I am in while listening and afterward (and is anyone really keeping a tally of how many times they laughed at something in order to accurately rank a comedy podcast's episodes?). So instead, in order to appease anyone who wants to read a list, I have a list of the ADPPP episodes in the chronological order that the hosts of each one appeared on Comedy Bang Bang, which is something we can ALL agree on: 1. Shut Up and Have Fun with Danny Mahoney 2. The Travel Bug with August Lindt 3. Get Fit Now with Bill Carter 4. Kiss Me, I'm Patrick McMahon 5. Eye On Theatre with Don DiMello 6. Rockin' & A'Rollin' with Wolfman Hotdog 7. Hail Satan with Chip Gardner 8. The Wit and Wisdom of the West with Dalton Wilcox (and for the record, I am SO excited for Rockin' & A'Rollin' with Wolfman Hotdog, and I was at the recording of Kiss Me, I'm Patrick McMahon this past Tuesday-- it was a LOT of fun-- and I can't wait to experience it again via podcast!)
  3. It was so great that the intro song was the same music Danny makes everyone dance to on Nine Sweaters, and the song is also a secret track at the end of disc 1. It's as hilariously grating and obnoxious as Danny, and the track itself is upwards of four+ minutes of "GET UP OUT YOUR SEAT AND DANCE!" over and over and over again (the length is probably because for the performance Andy would need that time to bully all the audience into forming a conga line). I just re-listened to all of Nine Sweaters on Tuesday, and when Danny's track came on I thought to myself, "This better be his podcast pilot's theme song." I am very happy.
  4. I know it's a weird thing to mention, but Andy is amazing at reading ad copy. I particularly enjoy his occasional ad-libbing and tags. Like how he'll sometimes wrap up by saying, "Hunh!" at the end of the ad. It just tickles me.
  5. Exactly. It's that old case of depiction not constituting endorsement. My favorite example: Ep #200. Don introduces the concept of a 'Chocolate Lady' for his production of Hansel & Gretel-- a nude woman covered in chocolate, leaving footprints on the stage like breadcrumbs, and oh yeah, she has NO IDEA what's going on. That is absolutely awful. While the concept of an interactive performance consisting of a drugged up, nude woman covered in chocolate and wandering around a stage while male audience members (some of them fathers) pay to go up there and attempt to eat the chocolate off of her is novel and avante-garde, it is also an insanely despicable, horrendous way to victimize and dehumanize a person due to the overwhelming lack of consent (not to mention the fact that Don purports there are willing, paying participants). It was this specific joke of Andy-as-Don's that pretty much made me laugh the hardest I laughed at anything in 2013. I was not laughing at that poor woman. In fact I felt overwhelming sympathy for her when I imagined myself in her lack-of-shoes. The joke was not about her tho. It was about Don, and it had quite a bevy of things going for it: its spontaneity due to being improvised, an INSANE visual description (AND it was on VPN, so we actually got to see Andy conjure the scenario up out of nothing), the one-two-punch of shock humor and cautionary tale (the very idea that anyone would be ok with Don's creative decisions, and the sad realization that there are people in the world who do routinely victimize others), and Don's 'scraping-the-bottom-of-the-showbiz-barrel' persona-- the most laid back, casual creep that ever existed and boy oh boy does he have the part for YOU. Andy Daly is able to mine humor in these dark recesses of Don's being. Don never bats an eye, and anyone in there right mind knows he would if he wasn't human garbage. We love it when he says "Bring out the girls," because at first we thought he was just a horny old man, but now we love it because he is TERRIFYING. Don is the GALLOWS in 'gallows humor,' and we are his victims that must laugh in his face. Thankfully, because this is all meant as comedy, Don by design is meant to be laughed at, and for that I am thankful.
  6. KajusX

    Episode 276 β€” LIVE from SXSW 2014 II

    MATT: You can't not feed Rooney. A sniper will take you out. SCOTT: Yes, exactly. Yeah, you constantly have a laser dot on your head. GINO: Offensive.
  8. KajusX

    Episode 275 β€” LIVE from SXSW 2014

    If anyone owns Adomian's album 'Low Hangin Fruit,' the Sheriff makes a lengthy appearance on the track 'Gay Villains.'
  9. Regarding the current conversation thread about this episode being an unrelenting discussion about brutalizing and torturing women that may or may not have walked that fine line of irony with a healthy dose of good faith from its audience, no one has yet mentioned that Marissa did not like anything she was hearing when it came to that said brutality. She jumped out a window to escape these lunatics. Let's also take into account that at the top and bottom of the show, Andy and Matt straight up talk about how these are deplorable, horrible people and no one should be like them. Regarding whether or not the dynamic worked comedically is entirely subjective. I will say it was definitely a gear change from Don being a guest on CBB with conscientious objectors present in the form of Scott and his non-character guests. But this was Don's show, and Don is a fucking monster.
  10. KajusX

    Episode 65 β€” The Cavern Explosion

    Imagine what would've happened if Sir Richard had targeted his light blast at the three suicide bomber man-rats standing in the middle of the man-rat group. Oh man, oh boy oh boy, that would've been cool (of course, there was no way for Sir Richard to know they were highly explosive, being silhouetted and all. I would have taken out the big guy first as well, with the knowledge Gerry had).
  11. AGREED and SECONDED. Superego is SO much fun. There's this one Superego bit where it's a listening test, with sounds in the left ear then the right ear. Then it gets weird in the best, most-nightmarish way. That sketch will be with me for years to come. It really struck a chord in the irrational fear centers of my brain.
  12. Gourley has an amazing way with words. Shakespearean. I had to transcribe this bit for posterity: "He brought out a lenticular photo of a French prostitute-- turn of the century, full bulrush delta on display-- and we had to do it at intermission because the entire thing was packed with big ol' swangers up there." Glorious. Also, this: "Now listenβ€”Chekhov says if you bring out a gun, you have to use it. There’s a certain anticipatory catharsis in audience member needs. So if you’re going to not have any females in a show, but then mention one, you’ve at least gotta see one in some sort of sequined, spangled, chamois-leathered chap-harness."
  13. Signed in just to upvote this poster. Graph paper? A perfect show summary description?? The Scotts inside a Venn diagram??? A table of contents???? A nice circle featuring this episode's next week's guest Harris Wittels????? This thing is GOLD. BravO! (Seriously, this thing is great. "Earwolf's premiere U2 podcast for critical discussion of Live Aid, Scritti Politti, Prefab Sprout and the Pet Shop Boys." So good. SO good, you guys. I love it.) EDIT: Oh! Matt E, I had not realized you've done this for both episodes so far. They're great!
  14. Looking forward, I'm really stoked for Kiss Me, I'm Patrick McMahon because I've already GOT MY TICKET and I live a half mile away from Molly Malone's, but of the two remaining studio podcasts (both of which I'm sure will be amazing) I am really excited to hear what kinds of shenanigans Wolfman Hotdog gets into. Boy oh boy! Danny Mahoney's Life of the Party will undoubtedly rely on the patience of the guests when confronted with such a belligerent dick that is Mahoney. Some will probably wilt and cower and become complacent in his presence (hilariously so), while other guests might have an even shorter fuse than Danny's, and zero patience for his incessant bullying. Should be another great entry. This series will forever be tied to my memories of the the first quarter of 2014. Such a boon of podcasting greatness. Also, REVIEW premieres tonight!
  15. KajusX

    Episode 274 β€” Oh, Golly!

    To anyone concerned about canon-- I would not sweat it. Comedy is the goal, and continuity is only important if the performers themselves are adhering strictly to it. Rarely does canon get directly addressed, like when Cake Boss clarified to Scott that his last appearance was not canonical because Paul didn't want to take the character there permanently. With Andy's appearances, Scott and Jason seem to be towing the canonical line. The ADPPP doesn't strictly follow continuity either (from CBB). Even if this whole thing turns into a giant battle between heaven and hell, it will not hinder a future appearance by DiMello to just talk about anew production. I hope this is a reassurance. This saga is very fluid, and permanence of consequences will not be a factor when the dust settles. I believe this.
  16. KajusX

    Episode 274 β€” Oh, Golly!

    I'm a fan of the D&D alignment chart. How would Daly's characters fit into that? Personally, I would have to think about it some more before I assign them, but here's a template for others: Lawful Good: Neutral Good: Chaotic Good: Lawful Neutral: True Neutral: Chaotic Neutral: Lawful Evil: Neutral Evil: Chaotic Evil:
  17. Besser was (We Need To Talk About) Kevin.
  18. KajusX

    Episode 273 β€” Vape Cod

    My only unfulfilled dream of this episode was that Jim did not pick up on the fun in really pinning Shelly down to name locations of things then ask for directions on how to get there. Scott initially held Shelly's feet to the fire, but held off afterward, more casually asking the locations and directions of things. But HOLY MOLY, the discussion of the old Hollywood practice of killing animal actors after filming wraps was next level. Heston on the set of Planet of the Apes? Forget about it.
  19. (Dalton Wilcox, Chip Gardner, Bill Carter, Don DiMello, Danny Mahoney, August Lindt, Patrick McMahon, and Hotdog)
  20. Guys, didn't Andy announce what all eight are going to be in the Prelude episode when he and Matt are chatting with Scott Aukerman? Plus, all eight characters are in the podcast art.
  21. KajusX

    Episode 272 β€” Sex Party Season

    SCOTT: Technicality. No. Down. Boo. Over. LEN: Technicality-No-Down-Boo-Over?!
  22. OH man OH man, any collaboration between Andy and Jessica will be AMAZING! I was very pleased to see Andy in a cast photo of Lennon's and Jessica's upcoming USA sitcom Playing House. Plus, that first clip is out for Comedy Central's Review, in which racism is reviewed, and Jessica seems to be playing the wife or common law spouse or something along those lines to Andy's character Forrest. BRING. IT.
  23. KajusX

    Episode 272 β€” Sex Party Season

  24. Nine Sweaters is a must. I apologize for not adding that in there. I foolishly thought it went without saying that Nine Sweaters is always worth a re-listen, when in fact, it can never not be mentioned enough! I myself gave the double-disc album a listen just this past weekend!