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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. When I was posting here last night, I was more than 3/4ths in the bag, celebrating my birthday. I passed out listening to the episode, and finished it this morning (or so I thought) lying in bed hating life. At work today, I gave the episode a second listen, and MAN OH MAN, I did not realize there was so much delicious death in this episode. Chip Gardner is terrifying. But you know what? Tip is even scarier to me, as he is fine with all the death, and he's not even a Satanist. What is going on with Tip, you guys? YEESH. Also, regarding the sentiments by some that Mantzoukas was missed on this episode, I offer an alternate take, as I too was thinking about Zouks as well as Aukerman since episode 1 of ADPPP, which is this: I cannot argue that Scott or Jason would not fit in these episodes, as they have largely contributed to these characters. However, Scott and Jason being on ADPPP would feel like a CBB episode, and what I love about ADPPP so far is Daly really getting the opportunity for his characters to spread their wings beyond the hilariously combative improvising that occurs when Jason and Scott hold Daly's feet to the fire on CBB, and flesh out each character's world outside of Earwolf's flagship podcast. Two for two so far, this show is providing outstanding opportunities for other great comedians to get in on the Daly-brand insanity with their own, completely new characters to add to the mythos. Do not get me wrong, if Jason or Scott appear on an episode I will be absolutely elated. It will undoubtedly be comedic gold. However, considering the premise of the show, Daly's characters— getting a taste for podcasting due to CBB's open door policy— going ahead of their own volition and throwing their podcasting hats in the ring, probably would not go about trying to get Scott or Jason on their pilot episodes (outside of maybe Don, who has the strongest relationship with Jason and Scott on CBB. Gardner has a lot of history with Jason and Scott, for sure, but not a relationship. Gardner exists as a boogie man nightmare, having greatly affected their lives in such a way that they repressed their memories of him). As a result of this premise, I don't feel Scott or Jason will be on any of these eight episodes (as themselves). They could definitely be on as completely new, original characters tho. So while I LOVE Daly's interactions with Scott and Jason, I do not miss it necessarily on ADPPP, but what I do love is that ADPPP makes me want to go re-listen to the CBB episodes in which they appear, and I do.
  2. I HAD to transcribe this amazing back-and-forth just so I could read along while re-listening, and really drink it in: CLIFF: I'm a woodworker at home, so, uh- CHIP: What've you built with wood? CLIFF: Uh, cabinets. CHIP: Uh huh! CLIFF: I've been working on my wife's cabinets. heh CHIP: Is that a euphemism for something? CLIFF: No! What? No. CHIP: Please don't tell us you've been 'working on your wife's cabinets.' This is a family show. GAY: What would that even mean? CLIFF: No, it's just, the kitchen. We're remodeling the kitch- CHIP: You tell me, Gay. You ever get your cabinets worked on? GAY: Excuse me- CHIP: Have you ever had your cabinets worked on by a gentleman? GAY: Excuse me?! CHIP: Are you single? Are you single? GAY: Yes, I am. CHIP: Ah ha, you're out there getting your cabinets worked on every weekend, I'll betcha. GAY: What? CHIP: Well, I don't know. I'm just guessing. You look like you like to have fun. ANYHOW-- (everyone stifles laughter)
  3. On a more seriously endorsement-level comment: I hope hope HOPE that these and the i4h podcasts elevate the fan awareness of the talent that is Sean Conroy. The man is so extremely talented and deserving of ours and the public at large's attention that it is obscene. He is a Titan of improvisational fortitude. Everyone better tune in to his upcoming adult swim show of which he is the head writer (apologies, as I do not know the title, tba soon).
  4. Holy shit I didn't realize that the ADPPP would have another episode at the ready in just one week! I did not emotionally fortify myself for this glory. Heaven help us all... Errr I mean HAIL SATAN!
  5. I posted this on the Who Charted? thread from yesterday: Omg omg omg I hope that the live recording of 'Kiss Me, I'm Patrick McMahon' at Molly Malone's on March 11th is a real thing! I live less than a mile away and March 11th is a Tuesday, and I have Tuesdays off! I am SO there. UPDATE for this messageboard: It IS a real thing and I am SO there!
  6. KajusX

    Episode 166 — Runnin’ Down Dreams

    Omg omg omg I hope that the live recording of 'Kiss Me, I'm Patrick McMahon' at Molly Malone's on March 11th is a real thing! I live less than a mile away and March 11th is a Tuesday, and I have Tuesdays off! I am SO there.
  7. Oh wow! I never realized that where Scott likes to sit and where Matt likes to sit for their respective Earwolf shows works perfectly when the two sit together for a podcast. I have the time, so I'm going to review pictures for all of Matt's CBB appearances and see if they always do that. UPDATE: Of the CBB episodes recorded in the current studio that provide pictures (#168, #191, #195, #201, and #239), episodes #191 & #201 displace Matt from his i4h spot. #191 was the 2012 Holiday Spectacular with a bunch of people cramming into the studio, so that's expected, and #201 Matt's sitting next to Scott. All other appearances has Matt sitting in his usual i4h spot. Neat!
  8. KajusX

    Episode 164.5 — 1/24/14 TWO CHARTED 103

    A few things: "I don't want FOP, goddammit. I'm a Dapper Dan man!" Alison Pill was a welcome face in Goon (the hockey brawler movie starring Sean WIlliam Scott and Liev Schreiber), which I just watched a few days ago. I have not seen The Newsroom or Midnight in Paris, so I'm still onboard for Ms. Pill. LOVE Scott Pilgrim. Where can I find that sweet fan-made Kulap mix? I did a search on the twitters and found the guy's Soundcloud who created it, but it seems to have been removed or something. Anyways, I'm jonesing for it (MOVE YO' BODY, BITCH).
  9. KajusX

    Episode 80.5 — Minisode 80.5

    Open letter to all accounts discussing sped-up podcast listening: I'm on to you, Howard Kremer. These multiple accounts don't fool me...
  10. KajusX

    Episode 266 — The Calvins Twins

    ProfessorTony, thank you thank you thank you for that.
  11. KajusX

    Episode 266 — The Calvins Twins

    CHICO: You gotta laugh. You gotta laugh. That's what we say in the horse fighting business. BEVER: We gotta! That's how you start the fight. You know when in a normal boxing it be like, 'LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUMMMMBLE'? We just— you know, there ain't many people there so you don't even need a microphone— so we just say, "Folks, you gotta laugh. Now for your enjoyment, two horses that are gonna punch each other 'til one dies." It was very appropriate that Taran could not get through that sentence without almost losing his shit multiple times. That is a hilarious sentence.
  12. KajusX

    Episode 266 — The Calvins Twins

    Very appreciative of Paul's Van Hammersly reference. #MrShow
  13. KajusX

    Episode 265 — LIVE from RIOT LA

    Wow, good ear! I love that JW's ACTUAL origin was Paul and Scott just messing around on the Best Of, coming back from a break only to have their recording immediately interrupted by emergency vehicles' driving down Sunset Blvd with sirens blaring, PFT spontaneously deciding he'll ask if we can hear 'them sireens' (from whatever cultural thing he had heard that twang from), and then fleshing it out with his 'Bearcat scanner,' being where he hears about 'crime go.' Add in an affirmation from Scott about the likability/desire to see more of 'this guy' that Paul's doing, and BOOM. Say hello to JW Stillwater. I love it!
  14. KajusX

    Episode 265 — LIVE from RIOT LA

    I loved this amazing tete-a-tete: JW: Y'ever see Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? TRACI: No. SCOTT: Sure. JW: Umm, Daniel Craig, the actor, he like uh, he hooks his glasses into his ear and just lets them hang under his chin like that. TRACI: Harry Potter? JW: Yeah, Harry Potter...? Did someone say Harry Potter? Did I say it by accident? TRACI: 'DANIEL CRAIG-' JW: 'DANIEL CRAIG?' SCOTT: She's never seen any movies other than Blue Jasmine. She doesn't know. TRACI: Is he in that? JW: No. Not in that. TRACI: Then I don't know who he is. SCOTT: Any time anyone mentions a movie she says 'Harry Potter?' hoping that Harry Potter is in that. TRACY: 'Cuz I read the books so I can keep up like I saw the movie. JW: Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day. You're bound to get lucky one of these times. TRACY: Ok. JW: Hey, you ever see that movie about them wizard schools? TRACY: NO. I read the book-- Oh, Harry Potter?
  15. KajusX

    Episode 58 — Change of Scenery

    If these Dwarven mines are just a scenario created in order for the gang to run into Riddick then I am going to lose my goddamn mind. #lowlightvisionequalsshinejob #20mentholkools
  16. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    @MrWompler @DarkArfs What DarkArfs is failing to understand here as he continues to name call, demean, and attempt to make commenters 'shut up,' is that no one is trying to invalidate the legacy of Henson-- Harmon or otherwise. It's pretty clear Harmon was joking, and anyone who has replied to Dark Arfs has assured him of this. Nor are we (the dorks) calling Dark Arfs babies (plural), nor are we in any way questioning why a very grown man who is older than some (self-described), developed a rabid love for the Muppets in his adult years, well after he listened to such things as Denis Leary's first stand up album. We are who we are and we like what we like when we like them. Who. Cares? But when you're acting like a garbage person with zero tact and no civility, people are going to tell you you're being awful. We already established DarkArf knows Harmon was joking. So now it's just chest-thumping on a messageboard while claiming he's intrinsically better than all others on the same board simply because he holds Henson in high regard and is possessed by a hilarious amount of poorly-focused righteous indignance. "You're younger than me." That shit is so funny. I want to see that sentence on a tombstone. (Frankly, and in all seriousness, I am very sad that this has detracted so much from discussing what was so great about this ep, which was EVERYTHING about this ep. I apologize for participating in this pointless string of conversation. What a waste of time)
  17. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    But was Harmon's CLEARLY a joke? Because— and correct me if I'm wrong, and please call me names too— you say "Leary's was clearly a joke (though a bad one) and Harmon's was just [a] terrible [joke]." So by that rationale, even though Harmon was shitting on Henson, he was joking. So your assertion that Harmon was actually shitting on Henson is incorrect. He was making a joke (quality being ENTIRELY subjective). (Man alive, I am really earning my Community paycheck today. I better call the wife, let her know it's going to be a while...)
  18. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    Well, steer clear of it, I say. Just looking out.
  19. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    @DarkArfs Just a friendly warning, but you may want to avoid Denis Leary's No Cure For Cancer. There's some choice Henson humor in there too, but , you know, from 20 years ago.
  20. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    All our jobs are CONSTANTLY in jeopardy over in the writing room, and I'm constantly putting out fires on the Earwolf boards regarding Harmon's antics. It's EXHAUSTING.
  21. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    EARWOLF SLAM. You're on fire!
  22. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    1) They're all making jokes. 2) Harmon CO-wrote Monster House with his long-time friend and collaborator Rob Schrab, and both have been very vocal about their dissatisfaction with the studio's tinkering of the film, of which Harmon even wrote a letter to a child at the parent's request to explain why the film was the way it was. 3) The Muppets were created in 1955. Jim Henson died in 1990. that is 35 years of Jim Henson at the helm. An argument could be made that the Muppets lost a lot of their magic with his passing. 4) Once again: Jokes. 5) Welcome to the boards.
  23. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    Oh! I found it: They start talking about Magneto and Genosha around 58:00, in reference to the bullies not wanting to mess with Jack Frost's son for being a bummer ever since tragedy struck and his 'old man died.' I love that Mantzoukas does double down and reference House of M, where the Scarlet Witch takes away the powers of almost all of Earth's mutants.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I don't know how I missed this. Zouks reading Morrison's New X-Men run? Anybody know the timecode for when Jason mentions this?
  25. KajusX

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    SERIOUSLY! Between Dan on HDTGM? and Jeff Davis on Totally Laime, Harmontown apparently is working on its podcastian diplomatic relationos! lol