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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Character Drawings

    You're not knocking anyone's artistic ability with that question/valid point. Your comment is a critique/concern of people's researching/reference ability. I've never even bothered to look up D&D character races, but your comment made me do just that, and now it makes much more sense how some of the earlier character art in this thread depicts Amarth as gray/blue-skinned with tattoos all over him. Goliath staples! Good to know. Same goes for Dragonborn. I'm so used to that term in the context of Skyrim that I didn't realize Dragonborns are seriously a race of anthropomorphic dragon/lizard men.
  2. KajusX

    Episode 147 — Zouks, There It Is!

    Jason: I was HEAVY into breakdancing. Howard: Oh yeah? Kulap: Oh really! Jason: Oh yeah yeah Howard: Where would you get your cardboard? Jason: From boxes.
  3. Even when the youtube clip started of the concert with the stolen hat, somehow I was blissfully unaware of the sketch that came out of it, like my mind had completely reset itself. Then when they started in on the Tom Petty concert, my eyes went wide with recognition. I loved that sketch and Paul’s turnaround as Petty in the flashback so much that I even transcribed that exchange in the episode’s messageboard. “HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS SKETCH?!” I was happy just hearing the sketch again, silently laughing until tears in my cubicle where I am sitting as I type this. But then! To have Matt and Paul and John dissect the scene and attempt to recount their improv steps was such an absolute delight. Thank you so much for that, you guys! In honor of this great, cagey improv sketch, I am now copying and pasting my initial transcription of the inciting incident: Paul: "It's not like his BEARD fell off, did it?" Matt: "What?" Paul: "It's not like halfway into the first song his BEARD fell off, I mean, that didn't happen, did it?" Matt: "No." Paul: "Ok ok ok. It's not like-" Matt: "You're being a real fucking asshole, Paul." Paul: "Well I'm speculating here! I want to know!" Matt: "I'm sitting here with a goddamn Tom Petty tattoo on my fucking chest and you're laughing and having a good time knowing that we had our concert destroyed by some selfish asshole-" Paul: "Ok! So THAT's what happened! It's not like this hypothetical scenario of his BEARD falling off." Matt: "No... You don't even know what happened tho." John: "You don't know what happened." Paul: "No I don't! I'm just trying to get details, guys!" (cuts to concert) ♫ This is the last D J♫ Matt: "So what song is this? Is this a cover?" John: "This is the- no, this is one of the, it's like 10, 15 years ago it's like one of his newer songs he came out with-" Matt: "15 years ago? Newer?- Hey what's happening?" Tom Petty: "HEY! THIS FUCKER'S TAKING MY BEARD, MAN!" (cuts back) Paul: "Ok, so WHAT HAPPENED?! You guys are at the concert, he's playing 'The Last DJ,' and some guy runs up and takes his BEARD? I was pretty close, between his BEARD falling off and a guy running up and taking it! You guys are assholes! The fact that I stuck my neck out there and said his BEARD fell off— which is pretty close to an audience member running up and taking his BEARD— and y-y-y-you don't even agree!"
  4. Looking at the Bumbershoot schedule, there were three i4h performances, and in the descriptions for each show the guests listed are Huskey, Sanz and Meadows. If this is truly the line up for all three shows, and all three shows will be dropped as podcasts, I don't know how the hell I'm going to be alive by the end. This episode was so much fun it nearly killed me.
  5. "Thanks for the extra two, Tim!"
  6. Seeing the line up, I got VERY tingly, in a super-sexual way.
  7. Oh! Is ESFM going to be distributed through Earwolf? If so, kewl beans! I heard about the first episode through Schletter's appearance on the Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast where they had him on to talk about the music of TAH, and he promoted the hell out of this amazing first episode of his podcast. When I subscribed, I didn't see an Earwolf mention anywhere, but if he's now under the Earwolf umbrella then the rest of the Earwolf shows are in good company!
  8. KajusX

    Episode 243 — Blow Me Up, Tom!

    canthitplayfastenough!!!! Seriously tho, I love the Bammer SO SO much. And James is there too?! Forget it. I've died from loving comedians too much.
  9. Apologies, happyamosfun, if I offended at all. My intention was not to slam down all of the crowd. It was the few bad apples that were ruining it for everyone, and those were of course the crowd members I took issue with.
  10. Hate to pile on— as I largely don't mind some of the more outspoken audience experiences SO MANY podcasts I listen to have had— but yeah, in this instance, I was thinking the whole time, "Jesus Christ, Portland. Everything I've heard about the city and its people is stuff along the cool lines, but you guys sound like the ABSOLUTE WORST." Tig, Kyle, David, Aaron and of course the guest were all champs in spite of it (albeit the guest's brand of humor was not to my liking, but still, no reason to boo, hiss, etc), but yeah, jesus christ, portland. Go fuck yourselves for being jerks.
  11. KajusX

    Episode 242 — Veggie Dongs

    Hahaha, I immediately went to Wikipedia when they started talking about that, and was VERY impressed that it was already there. Good on you!
  12. KajusX

    Episode 242 — Veggie Dongs

    I rented Hell Baby last week and enjoyed it thoroughly! Can't wait to listen to Tom and Rob and Neko!
  13. KajusX

    Episode 143 — Normies

    That looks great! The world needs more Moshe Kasher, and the fact that he's a speedo-clad drink-slinging man servant is hilarious, especially because of his legendary hairy arms. I also love seeing projects like this because they help inform the comedic friend circles everyone runs in (for instance, of course Chelsea Handler and a lot of Chelsea Lately panelists are collaborating, due to Natasha's involvement with the program).
  14. KajusX

    Episode 39 — Mildred Awakens

    Actually, I went back and listened to be sure, and Colin is not credited. Rick, the maker of the targeting die is mentioned, as he wrote the letter and sent the gift, but neither he nor the gang make mention of the art used, which is Colin's. http://forum.earwolf...7-empireparade/
  15. KajusX

    Episode 143 — Normies

    In addition to everything you guys are saying about the racial overtones in Miley's performance, am I correct in that I swear at one point she grabbed the face of one of the woman wearing the big teddy bears and sang right into it for a beat during a part of the chorus or something? I saw that and was like, "WTF is even happening here? I'm not cool with any of this."
  16. KajusX

    Episode 39 — Mildred Awakens

    Did the artist whose work was used on the character targeting die get credit in the episode? He has one post on the artwork forum, where he posted the art. Username empireparade. He has a deviantartpage as well, but I'm on my phone right now and can't pull it up. UPDATE: empireparade is Colin James Harker. Here is his Nerd Poker piece on deviantart: http://empireparade....Poker-368909483
  17. KajusX

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Natasha has perfect pitch!
  18. PREACH, Shakesbeard, PREACH!
  19. P.S. I'm not really OCD, but I have/have had OCD tendencies. I used to make sure not to step on any cracks in the sidewalk. Now I step on cracks, but every time I do I am aware of it.
  20. HOLY HOLY HOLY, Barry, I was listening to the ep while preoccupied with other things, but as the podcast progressed I was like, "Charles sounds a bit like Wagonini Guy. I'm kind of getting distracted by the fact that he sounds like Wagonini Guy. Is anybody else picking up on this? Holy shit..." Then when It was brought to the fore, and the audience was getting in on the observation, I was LOSING MY MIND. TEARS. TEARS, streaming down my face. SO funny. I hate to admit it, but I have not been necessarily clamoring for the live shows lately. There was a tiny bit of a slump for a couple episodes. I don't know if it was the crowds, the hosts, or the guests, or some combination of the three, but for a few episodes, well, they just weren't doing it for me. That has all changed for the past few episodes. The gang has been ON FIRE, and I couldn't be happier for them, their crowds, and their guests. This latest episode is murdering me, and last week's was HIGHLY, HIGHLY entertaining, as was the one before that. Good on you, Professor Blastoff!
  21. KajusX

    Episode 142.5 — TWO CHARTED 81

    Here you go Howard! Now you're a MAN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx1mryKqvT8
  22. As soon as the 'I Pet a Tiger' scene started with Eugene saying hello to everyone at the party, I just had that feeling, "Oh man, Eugene is about to just announce he pet a tiger and it is going to be great. No tact, just, 'I PET A TIGER.'" So much fun.
  23. KajusX

    Episode 239 — New Dad

    For some reason, that reason being my own personal experiences with this particular film on one of my first dates, I was hoping Jay Mohr or Scott or New Dad would mention Picture Perfect.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 140.5 — 08/9/13 TWO CHARTED 79

    The whole time Armen speaks I cannot help but picture him clutching a newsies cap and just twisting it nervously, running the brim through his hands over and over again. Karf
  25. KajusX

    Episode 237 — Filipino Blockbuster

    I do not have much experience with Filipino; Jo Koy has a bit where he establishes the switch and then imitates his mother ('Josep! Josep!' etc). I did take some Japanese back in the day, and in the hiragana & katakana character alphabets, the H characters also serve as the B & P characters, made distinct by different 'voicing' marks. I don't think the Japanese alphabet has an F sound, other than FU in the H row of characters [ha hi fu he ho]). I did find it interesting how 'voicing marks' were added onto hard sounds to soften them and differentiate between sounds. The K characters got voicing marks to be G sounds. The T characters became D sounds. S = Z. And then H becomes B & P. I like languages. Wish I could speak more than one! That is all besides the point though. I don't think Eugene was relying on the P/B/F switching to make things he was saying funny. I don't even think he was slowly introducing his manner of speech for people to get on board. He was off like a shot and doing his character. It was fun throughout, and it did not take any longer for me to get on board with what he was saying and his character's premise than any other weird-voiced, American-accented character.