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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 140 β€” Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    That was a fun one with Armen as 'co-host' when Scott was more of one. Armen brought some weird, bizarro-Kremer-ishness to his side of things on the 'expressing coherent thoughts' spectrum. Scott brought some CBB in with his guest/co-hosting duties (tagging all the themes with 'bro' at the end was very funny). Both Armen and April did a good job as guest co-hosts on Whooch, bringing their comedic sensibilities to the show, and fleshing out Howard's and Kulap's respective worlds (April meeting Howard every Sunday for a meal, Armen dog-sitting [hilarious, btw], etc). They did fine at entertaining my ears, and both episodes made me miss the respective regular hosts of Who Charted? Considering this was hot on the heels of Kulap out for her documentary stuff, and Howard out for his show stuff (and MISSING THE PHISH SHOW, *gasp*), it was a perfect leveler of the Who Charted? playing field. Podcasts, people. Jump into them.
  2. KajusX

    Episode 235 β€” Concert Buddies

    GAME SET MATCH. Well played, Syme. Note to self: watch out for Syme.
  3. KajusX

    Episode 138 β€” Cosplay Jaywalking

    Debuting at #3: TURBO! They're snails.
  4. KajusX

    Episode 233 β€” Royal Watching

    I concur. Bob's line of questioning was hilarious, and the role he played in co-interviewing/derailing Andy was akin to the exact same role Mantzoukas has played on all the great episodes on which Jason and Andy have been guests.
  5. To be completely honest, I was so happy to hear that Hot Dog was ok-- after his believed-to-be-fatal self-defenestration-- that the drunk loud garbage monster was the smallest of bothers.
  6. KajusX

    Episode 137 β€” Gender Rolls

    I'm looking forward to Jerrod's comedic presence for many years to come. He is indeed a delight.
  7. KajusX

    Episode 65.5 β€” Minisode 65.5

    Can't wait for Denis Leary's speech about how awesome it is to not be a surface dweller adhering to a bunch of bullshit rules while he munches on a ratburger.
  8. KajusX

    Episode 94 β€” Dip Didda Dip Dow!

    I am relistening to this episode too (I am on an Andy Daly CBB marathon right now), and I too cracked up hardcore at that "...Now if that doesn't go so good..." and Scott losing it. SO goddamn funny.
  9. KajusX

    Episode 227 β€” All Farted Out

    I am a Mr. Show fan as well, and although I was not freaking out to the extent Brian and Scott comedically described, as soon as Scott said 'Wyckyd Sceptre' my brain went, "Oop! Waitaminute - Titannica. Try Again (Adam's Song). That was Titannica. Wyckyd Sceptre was the band that didn't think they were gay. Oh man, I bet people are going to--" And then Brian and Scott corrected it and talked about exactly what was happening to me and other Mr. Show fans listening, which was hilarious. I was like, "Oh come on, I wasn't 'freaking out,' per se, although... ok my brain was freaking out a little. You guys got me." Head first this time Dive right in
  10. I think what I loved most about June's 'Howard tried to fly' moment was that, as everyone has, I too have enjoyed the things June takes in from a film, and I too have enjoyed hearing her interpretations, and subsequently Jason suppressing laughter and eventually cackling at the ideasβ€” this episode had a great one with the 'ducks evolve into humans' ideaβ€” however, as the episode progressed I became aware that Jason was consistently, vocally anticipating a June idea every time she started speaking, and I became hyper-vigilant and afraid he would kill the spontaneity of some of her observations. So when the THERE! RIGHT FUCKING THERE! *mic drop* happened, it felt REALLY AWESOME! In your faces, Paul and Jason! You guys have fun, and that's what I love about this show.
  11. I totally forgot about that bit of Proops trivia! That means Greg has been involved with THREE Lucasfilm Studio productions, two of which had speaking roles: 1- Background actor in Howard the Duck 2- One half of Fode the Podrace announcer in Episode I 3- Tal Merrik in two episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Yay Greg! (just in general, Yay Greg! Proops rules!)
  12. Great episode! I was hoping to catch this live, but the Earwolf VPN shows on Thursdays air right in the middle of my workday, and unless I time my meal break perfectly I usually miss them. Throwing tacks at the unsuspecting teenagers and impersonating a yelling bear in the woods?! Amazing. and just that one 'pigs in tires' line Lennon said in her perfect hick-y accent-- which always makes me grin from ear to ear-- made me go back and re-listen to the Parham/St. Clair/Mantzoukas episode AND bonus episode. So much fun. ROSCO!
  13. KajusX

    Episode 225 β€” Super Chums

    I always enjoy the comic book references made by Scott and Co. on this and other podcasts. Like the fact that Scott and PFT have not once, but TWICE recorded their a cappella duet of the Star Wars Cantina Band song. Once on CBB, and previously on the Doug Loves Movies Tournament of Championships 2 with Scott, PFT and Samm Levine (***UPDATE*** I AM WRONG! Paul and Scott don't sing the Cantina Band song on the DLM:ToC2 episode. SHoot! I've been spreading misinformation. Where did they do that before? I know it's been sung twice, but not where). In case anyone hasn't heard it, on that DLM ToC special, Scott and PFT also decide to 'Marvel Team-Up' against Samm, with Scott proclaiming he is The Thing, and PFT takes on the Silver Surfer, to which Scott responds: "Hey, Chrome Dome!" "Creature called The Thing, you do not understand. (Is that how he talked?)" "Oh, Norrin Radd." "Uh oh! Galactus!" So good. (#GhostCatchers)
  14. KajusX

    Episode 64.5 β€” Minisode 64.5

    I only saw some of this movie one time when I was a kid, and when Jeffrey Jones must 'recharge' and that weird cybernetic snake thing comes out of his mouth and hooks up to the cigarette lighter I was like, "NOPE!! NOT FOR ME! TOO SCARY!!" And I have not revisited it since.
  15. Anyone can say any word they want, but if it is a word that originates from a place of racism, then people MIGHT think you are racist. "Why can't I say that word?!" You can, you totally can say it. I don't know why you want to, but go right ahead and talk about slopes, or wops, or whatever you'd like. I have no idea why you want to say those words, person I am talking to in this open letter comment. They will somehow help you better express your feelings of what exactly is it again you are trying to say? Why do you wish to incorporate those words into whatever you are expressing again? You want to dehumanize people you interacted with in a story from your life or something like that? Seriously, why do people want to say those words? This is what I don't get. You can make sounds with your mouth into saying anything you wish. No one will stop you (in the U.S., at least). Some words come charged with stuff. Others don't. Use at your own discretion.
  16. KajusX

    Episode 225 β€” Super Chums

    Lawn Smudge's Calce Tabz That is all. Just wanted to see it in print.
  17. Paul: "It's not like his BEARD fell off, did it?" Matt: "What?" Paul: "It's not like halfway into the first song his BEARD fell off, I mean, that didn't happen, did it?" Matt: "No." Paul: "Ok ok ok. It's not like-" Matt: "You're being a real fucking asshole, Paul." Paul: "Well I'm speculating here! I want to know!" Matt: "I'm sitting here with a goddamn Tom Petty tattoo on my fucking chest and you're laughing and having a good time knowing that we had our concert destroyed by some selfish asshole-" Paul: "Ok! So THAT's what happened! It's not like this hypothetical scenario of his BEARD falling off." Matt: "No... You don't even know what happened tho." John: "You don't know what happened." Paul: "No I don't! I'm just trying to get details, guys!" (cuts to concert) β™« This is the last D Jβ™« Matt: "So what song is this? Is this a cover?" John: "This is the- no, this is one of the, it's like 10, 15 years ago it's like one of his newer songs he came out with-" Matt: "15 years ago? Newer?- Hey what's happening?" Tom Petty: "HEY! THIS FUCKER'S TAKING MY BEARD, MAN!" (cuts back) Paul: "Ok, so WHAT HAPPENED?! You guys are at the concert, he's playing 'The Last DJ,' and some guy runs up and takes his BEARD? I was pretty close, between his BEARD falling off and a guy running up and taking it! You guys are assholes! The fact that I stuck my neck out there and said his BEARD fell offβ€” which is pretty close to an audience member running up and taking his BEARDβ€” and y-y-y-you don't even agree!" Sometimes I'm compelled to transcribe portions of this show. SO funny.
  18. KajusX

    Episode 132 β€” Not Jared Leto Good

    GASP! I will never say 'no thank you' to more Patton Oswalt dulcet tones in my eardrums. Super-psyched to put this on!
  19. KajusX

    Episode 223 β€” Roll Over, Seth Rogen

    Has Scott ever been called Hot Chocolateman? Asking for a friend.
  20. KajusX

    Episode 28 β€” Searching The Skiff

    YES! Thanks, notadoctor!
  21. KajusX

    Character Drawings

    Is there a list anywhere of up-to-date, established-on-the-podcast physical descriptions of character features, stats, equipped weapons and armor, and gear and such? I'm loving all the iterations. Some have common elements with each other, and I was just curious as to whether this was fan art influencing fan art, or if there was a baseline of established character traits everybody was aware of/working from, which they then embellished and expanded upon in their art. All this is to say, I would like to draw some fan art, and I don't know where to start other than going back and listening to episodes where the players described their characters every time they got new gear, etc.
  22. KajusX

    Episode 28 β€” Searching The Skiff

    I was delighted by everyone using their new gear too. It was one thing to hear all the gear described as it was acquired, but it was quite another when Amarth 'armored up' before smashing a door down. That was fucking amazing, and provided quite a visual. (P.S. a lot of Iron Man armor talk when the gear was handed out, but Amarth's armor reminds me of the Batmobile's 'cocooning' shields in Tim Burton's iteration [which was also used in a deck furniture stain/varnish commercial way back in the day, where a white table and chair 'armor up.' If anyone remembers that commercial and can find a video of it it'd be much appreciated, I just tried and came up with nothing]). Anyway, everybody rocked it this episode. It was cool seeing everybody running around doing their thing and looking out for each other. The gang is starting to operate like a well-oiled machine. Like I said previously, quite a lot of action in this very enjoyable episode, and it was a joy to picture all of it in the mind's eye!
  23. KajusX

    Episode 28 β€” Searching The Skiff

    Quite the action sequence, this episode!
  24. Holy moly the scenes were great in this episode. The bee/hornet/yellowjacket scene playing into the murder trial was so much fun.
  25. KajusX

    Episode 129 β€” Professional Liar

    As soon as Chart Goose started I was like, "Brian's going to wind up screaming at that goose." I am so happy that happened.