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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. Whoo-boy, this was a great one. So happy that Amy appeared on the show. That last sketch was amazing.
  2. @Astek/LukasHolmes/WhatTheFuckIsEvenHappeningHereAnymore, I do agree that point #3 was hyperbolic internet garbage speak. It does not fit in with my three other points, but it's intent was me going, "I don't like that idea because at this current juncture I have no confidence it will solve anything, and I'm tired of this argument and people need to get off of the Case Closed Segment already." One cannot vote with dollars for something one downloads for free, so people need to work around anything they do not enjoy. But shit, Lukas. I see you all over these boards. I appreciate your presence. This shit is weird. I go by KajusX all over the internet. And if people are ever interested in knowing who I am, they just have to click on my profile. The link to my blog is my name. Super-recently somebody on the earwolf forums appreciated a comment I wrote somewhere (on Nerd Poker? I cannot recall), looked at my blog, started following me on twitter and @replied me to tell me he did all this in three minutes. I concur that the fighting on this board sucks. It's the same grossly overblown BS that went down on The Earwolf Challenge. With shitty boards, I just avoid them altogether or try to stick to the positive. I'm here to enjoy the show with people who also enjoy the show. That's about it for me.
  3. KajusX

    Episode 129 — Professional Liar

  4. @Asteck I wanted to provide some facts in this wave of opinions, even if they are just stats. They can better inform an argument (albeit a fruitless message board argument, as you so rightly pointed out). People could decide 1 CC every 5 1/2 weeks is more than they'd like, and they'd be right because it's what they like that is the issue. But at least they can point to a number now. I'm sorry I called your idea idiotic. I did not mean to single you out. The "CC debate debate debate" idea seemed to be floating out there, and of ALL the pain-staking research I did, I didn't look to confirm I would be hurting another person's feelings before I decided to call it stupid. I do apologize. Do you own Matt's two albums yet? If you'd like I'll buy them for you. Shoot me an email and I'll gift them your way: kajusx at hotmail dot com.
  5. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on the show, ladies!!! I can't wait to listen to this one.
  6. P.S. If you are reading this and haven't spent $4 on Matt's two albums, then SHUT your face. SUPPORT INDEPENDENT ARTISTS.
  7. I have a few things to say about Case Closed: 1) I have enjoyed it in the past when humans 2-4 also get to speak during the discussion if they so choose. I don't care how that makes the caller feels. I enjoy CC more when everyone can rattle off whatever they like. 2) I like all of the discussion first, then the scenes. I understood in the episode with two guests discussing the Hitler Teapot, the dialogue went on longer than other CC segments, so cutting scenes in made some sense, but I enjoy having all of the info up front first, knowing that the improvisors are pulling from all of it. 3) The concept of keeping or losing the Case Closed segment by putting it on the chopping block of Case Closed is an idiotic idea, super-obnxious and sickeningly meta. 4) There are currently 81 numbered episodes of i4h, and another 30 are Bonus Eps. Case Closed premiered on ep 31, and from what I can tell from a cursory search, here are all of them (please include any I missed): 31 - Captain Pike: Cyborg? 36 - Matt Did NOT Get Successfully Pranked By an Intern 50.5 - Antique Car Owners Are Terrible Family Men* 59 - Gun Control 62.5 - Matt Will Try Not to Be Mean to Tim Tebow* 65 - What Is Too Soon? 71 - Matt's Dad's Hitler Teapot 80 - Jason Collins: Hero? 81 - Ethical Bullying *BONUS episodes Starting at Episode 31 and counting Bonus Eps, Best Ofs, and Very Special Episodes, there have been 73 episodes total since the inception of Case Closed. In two instances one Case Closed begat another Case Closed. It's almost been one year. 73 episodes. 9 total cases. 7 included on the Thursday episodes. 2 on Bonus episodes. On average, a Case Closed is on every 8th episode of the show. That is one Case Closed every 5 1/3 weeks. So... what the fuck are you people MOPING ABOUT? Fucking mopes...
  8. KajusX

    Episode 1 — Cat Ranch Chaos

    @Sean G Obviously I was capitalizing on the internet's license for hyperbole. There is LITERALLY a podcast for everyone. The Long Shot is one of my favs, and it's due to the four distinct voices interacting with each other. Eddie is a freight train, Sean is a painter, instructor & critiquer, Amber Kenny is a ray of bubbles, and Jamie Flam cannot tell a story to save his life, which thankfully works with the other three there to pounce all over his vague details, inane time jumps, and lack of endings or eventfulness. Then of course there are guests! Saying all that, OF COURSE people are allowed to not like it or check it out. I just don't know what to say to those people other than 'Ok. Do what you want.' ANYway. This a fun 'pilot' podcast. I imagine that if Eddie, Sean and Amber had to play the roles of Monkey, Boomer and LaFonda for a 5 minute podcast on a weekly basis, this thing would lift off and fly just like Long Shot.
  9. KajusX

    Episode 1 — Cat Ranch Chaos

  10. @Chester That is a good point about placing bets in a debate. I could imagine a better equipped individual could have immediately brought up the subjectiveness of this approach, in effect neutralizing it as irrelevant. The bet was not necessary. Debate is all about providing the best context for your argument, and so in this instance, the responsibility of defining what a hero is falls on the shoulders of the debaters. Matt created a better context, hands down. "I believe it is a big deal for Collins to have come out and is a hero for doing so." "I do not believe Colins is a hero for coming out because it's not a big deal anymore." Obviously, it is still a big deal.
  11. I always skip the serious episodes of i4h. All serious! All improv! BLECH No thank you.
  12. When Matt & co were addressing the concept of bullying, I was hoping someone would bring up the definition, or that I could at least recall it so I could think it while they were addressing it. Namely, bullying is potentially repeatable, unwanted aggressive behavior involving a real or perceived power imbalance, and an be used to control or harm others. Actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, verbally or physically attacking someone, or excluding an individual from a group with malicious intent are all staples of bullying. So this dude calling Matt out on Twitter, wanting to debate with Matt, and then going on i4h to do just that is fully accepting of all that entails. Just because Matt had a lot of paper-thin material to pick apart does not make him a bully. There was a lot to address in those tweets, and at any time the other dude could have walked Matt through the same motions of his argument. If Matt had told him to shut up and not given him a platform to say his piece, and instead berated him, then that would be an abuse of power. But Matt gave him plenty of chances to defend his position, and Matt picked apart each one as they were presented. I like Matt's intensity, and understand how it could be intimidating to argue with him, but he's never ben belligerent and by all accounts displays a lot of patience during the Cased Closed segments, even when the subject matter gets emotionally charged. It's not like anyone going on should be afraid to offend or anything, lest they won't be invited back to the show. They're not pundits on a 24 hour News Network who need to feed the monkey. This is their only shot to make a point, and they crumble.
  13. Loving this. That 'crap from youtube' was so horrific-sounding that for the first time I had to pause the podcast just to put a face to what I was hearing, which was awful. Sure enough, the video made my blood curdle, and I cracked up and resumed listening to the episode. Good Gravy Marie. I was not expecting such a start to this episode, which has hit the ground running for its life.
  14. HOLY SHIT I guessed half of the title correctly. As I sat at my computer to open iTunes and refresh my podcast subscriptions I was like, "I bet this week's episode will be entitled 'For Glinishmore.'" Love that Bahamut is on there too, of course. I don't know about D&D Bahamut, but the name is well-traveled in Final Fantasy games.
  15. Goddamn, Frank is a very pretty man. Baby blues. Not now, Alfredo!
  16. HOLY GUACAMOLE this is going to be an ADVENTURE
  17. EXACTLY, Wien. I concur. Also, I want to post this because I just saw it online, and it's all anyone needs to know about Guile.
  18. I disagree, especially in the context of the show. A movie should stand on its own, whether it's an adaptation or not, and Jason, Paul, June and Guest are here to discuss a movie. If the film can't tell a cohesive story, that is what they are going to talk about, not "Well, the game has a cohesive story so etc etc." I'm not arguing that knowledge of the game could lead to an interesting convers-- Hmm. Actually, since the show is 'How DId This Get Made?' and this particular movie got made partially because of a hugely successful fighting video game, you have a point. Not so much a point about praising how fun the game is, but rather knowing what the game is plays a part in this film being greenlit.
  19. I am dying laughing at the discussion around defining what constitutes a 'street fighter.' This is the most amazing episode ever.
  20. KajusX


  21. KajusX

    Episode 19 — Enter The Water Realm

    Check out the big brain on Blackie! He's a smart motherfucker - That's right!
  22. I have not played the game, nor have I seen the movie, but when Paul mentioned Farmer can grow giant turnips, my mind immediately went, "VIDEO GAME."
  23. I always enjoy the occasional music fade in toward the end of a skit, and I just realized today listening to this ep why it makes me so happy— Bill Hicks' post-humous albums Arizona Bay and Rant in E-Minor both employ the same effect, with music Bill wrote and performed and then edited the whole thing together before he passed away. I love those albums. I love improv4humans. It is THE best podcast, so rest assured, Matt!
  24. KajusX

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    Oh man, I loved the 'language barrier' going on in this episode with Mr. Whispers.
  25. KajusX

    Episode 95 — Math

    Can anyone with, as they say "that kind of time," make a supercut of every single a cappella Dr. Aaron Burrell intro? Just drums, the trumpeting, and then Aaron saying 'Thanks Guys' over and over and over again? I would be interested in hearing all those variations on a theme.