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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 206 β€” Live from SXSW 2013

    If you want to hear what I believe is the closest we'll get to hearing Tim being Tim, check out his episode on Doug Benson's Dining with Doug and Karen. He's a real delight.
  2. KajusX

    Blackie Greene

    You are wrong. Objectively.
  3. KajusX

    Episode 14 β€” The Control Room

    While the characters' ultimate goal is to return to their homeworld, for sure, I do not really get people wanting them to hurry up about it. I mean, the whole campaign has centered around being kidnapped and taken to this water world. They woke up there. It is what the adventure is in this campaign. When they get back home the story could very well be over (unless of course they step back in and there's worlds of crazy shit going on, which is absolutely a possibility). But because the abduction by/escape from these Collectors IS what this campaign has consisted of, I don't really share this sentiment of getting these guys home the end.
  4. KajusX

    Episode 203 β€” The Vicar of Yanks

    I loved it when Scott brought up Harvey Bullock from the BattingGentleman's television show going on The Biggest Loser and Cake Boss would be there, and then ALW very matter-of-factly uttered in a low tone, "Cake Boss."
  5. KajusX

    Episode 200 β€” Halfway To China

    It would need to be "m n' m's," a la "mac n' cheese" in order for the very possibility of the n' to stand for 'in.' (which I don't believe even in mac n' cheese the 'n' stands for 'in,' but is slang for an ampersand) Otherwise it would probably be read as "Melts AMPERSAND Mouth," i.e. "Melts AND Mouth." M'wife.
  6. P.S. "You know, a cock's more than just a bookmark for a woman's pussy." "Yeah. Well said, stranger." MIND BLOWN
  7. I would just like to add, and not pile on necessarily, that if you had listened carefully to Matt's 'too soon for SNL' comment, and taken it in, in full, the answer to your question was already in there. Matt: "And there are things that I find are too soon. And you know what? If this show was Saturday Night Live, and I was the head writer, and someone had pitched that same scene on that same day, I might go, 'You know what? A bunch of dummies out in America might take this the wrong way. Let's not do it this week. It's too soon.'" Matt's 'too soon' was not about things being too soon to be funny, or moral, or tasteful. He said it himself: "When you open it up to a national audience the more abstract the sketch the more likely you are too offend." I would like to ammend his comment and marry it to what he said on the show: 'When you open it up to a national audience the more abstract the sketch the more likely you are to offend dummies (i.e. people who do not understand what is happening).' Matt's 'too soon' example was specific to accomodating dummies when expressing an idea to the masses thru a tv. The wider the net, the more dummies you catch, and the bigger the shit show the dummies will potentially produce. TV is a HUGE net, if not the hugest. There is money and advertisers and more money at stake. Matt's SNL sketch could provoke a swarm of 'righteously indignant' (re: jealosy with a halo) screaming assholes who didn't get the point, and the pressure could force higher ups to bring the axe down on SNL because the dummies have money, there are a LOT of them, and Matt's sketch just jeopardized a profit margin by alienating a target demographic. FUCKING depressing. Like everyone already pointed out, i4h is not SNL, so by and large it's not on dummy-radar (dumdar?), which frees us all up to enjoy the best thing about podcasts: the freedom of expression and potential for intelligent discourse inherent in the medium (any medium, really, but the wider the net, dot dot dot).
  8. The couple at the the theater sketch was insanely good. The whole episode is eligible for another 'Best of' podcast. But man, the couple having their own conversation layered over the two stage actors trying to carry on with the play, it reached this great effect of what actually happens when someone is being loud in a theater: You're trying really hard to hear the play (or movie), but you're catching everything the loud person is saying. Roll that all into the fact that it is an improv sketch, and that Matt as the wife just gets to talk about whatever she wants and comment on the things happening in the play, while the two guys playing the actors on stage are MAKING UP A PLAY as they go along, the whole thing just blew me away. "Who's your favorite black guy, ever?" "Ahhh, umm... Yaphet Kotto! He was from Alien." Holy shit, you guys. Also, it came from an AMAZING sampling of already super-entertaining stories about being bad guests, misbehaving at social/family functions and weddings. The whole thing was just... well, perfect. UPDATE: Go Big Blue~
  9. This was a subtley sweet episode, and that last pic of Kulap and Howard hugging struck a chord in me unexpectedly. I hope Howard remedies his clench business sooner than later (and his tooth if it's still hanging in the balance), and I hope he has Ku over to his place eventually, if for any reason because L.A. is a city full of people who have no idea what their friends' places look like, and it's weird, and it's doubly-weird considering how long Kulap and Howard have known each other.
  10. KajusX

    Episode 5 β€” Analyze Fish

    That's quite a declarative comment, but I wouldn't be a person on the internet if I didn't ask for a link or something to back this up.
  11. KajusX

    Episode 5 β€” Analyze Fish

    Talk about a bait'm and switch, amirite?
  12. KajusX

    Episode 8 β€” The Survivors

    I've played D&D a whopping three times in the past 6 weeks, and will say that from my experience, the dungeon master never threw anything our way that was too insanely outside our levels. If Nerd Poker and Sark is anything like my experiences, they could probably pop in and have quite a nail-biting, uphill battle of an adventure, but nothing so unruly as to require a training montage. Nobody wants to listen to characters grinding for experience and leveling meager stats. That being said, I agree they should go back and talk to 12-Pack about resources, weapons, etc, and formulate a cool stealth mission/plan of attack. They don't even have their weapons back yet!
  13. On first listen, when I heard Sascha say 'God bless her,' 'or Goddess bless her,' I took it to mean Sascha was in with the whole 'unleash your inner goddess'-type thing. Listening again, I realized that was a genius Professor Blastoff call-back. God bless her. OR Goddess bless her. SO good.
  14. "Fuck yo' foody-ass grandparents" is a sentence I've never heard in my life, and it delights me to no end now that I have.
  15. KajusX

    Episode 192 β€” GoodFelines

    I'm glad everyone really loves Horatio and that he's becoming much beloved on the earwolf shows on which he appears, but I am slightly dismayed that people are just now rolling around to him, considering he's a founding member of the Upright Citizen's Brigade and has always been awesome and a real ringer when it comes to improv. Better late than never, of course! I also apologize that this sounds like a total "I was into Horatio before he was cool," kind of thing. I liked him on SNL, but was largely ignorant of his involvement with UCB until I saw him on the ASSSCAT! special that aired on Bravo back in 2007-ish, and then I really liked him. He's also on the ASSSCAT dvd, and of course his i4h appearances are amazing and fill me with glee.
  16. Obviously you didn't listen to the CBB Live Summer Tour 2012 (hopefully I'm wrong, but let me finish), because Adomian appeared on 12 of the 14 shows. He ran the gamut with every character he had. I don't know how he did it, but I can imagine he was exhausted afterward and in much need of a well-deserved break.
  17. KajusX

    Episode 192 β€” GoodFelines

  18. When Weird Al showed up, I thought for a split second that he was going to tell Scott and Paul to keep it down on their 'Best Year Ever' show, because Weird Al was trying to record a show right on the other side of the wall, and he was there first. "I MEAN, PAUL!!! You have got to keep it down!"
  19. One of my favorite things that Scott & Paul do when working together is they get nerdy. On the Doug Loves Movies 'Tournament of Championships 2' (where Scott, Paul, and Samm Levine competed), not only did Scott & Paul break into the Mos Eisley Cantina theme in front of a live audience, but they also role-played a short-but-oh-so-sweet Marvel Team-Up of the Thing and the Silver Surfer. These two gents make my week, every week. P.S. Andy Daly rules, I love all his characters, and his trilogy of shows with Scott and Jason Mantzoukas are three of my favorite episodes ever ('Wipeout!,' 'Mayor of Hollywood,' and 'Introducing Rocky!').
  20. KajusX

    Episode 53 β€” Ignoring Racism

    Oh man. Gabe putting Andrew on blast 1) cracked me up, and 2) was a perfect way to end this week's epic series of episodes.
  21. KajusX

    Episode 108 β€” Jersey Brawls

    WOMP! up the jams! WOMP! it up! And I'm pressing play... ... ... ...NOW!
  22. KajusX

    Episode 42 β€” CA: Half-Lives

    AND June. C'mon now.
  23. Agreed. His angle on things makes me laugh very much, and if I am not careful I become short of breath, which in turn makes me quite loopy.
  24. One word suggestion for the name of this episode? SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord.