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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 1 β€” Let the Game Begin!

    Time to throw on my +9 enchanted earbuds of listening...
  2. Listened to this episode 3 times today. The Government sketch kept me coming back over and over again, as did Why or Why Not?, the Political Ad, and everything in-between. I sentence you to... ONE PUNISHMENT!
  3. KajusX

    Episode 101 β€” Crazzle Dazzles

    The first time I saw Baron Vaughn was in the Whitest Kids U Know sketch 'Juror.' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A_jeCAfn0E I love his line deliveries. (Black Dynamite, anyone?)
  6. Language fight. Cool. Say you call someone dumb. You're inadvertently discriminating against mute people. That's lame. Oh. Now I'm discriminating against physically disabled people. I'm such a dick. Whoops. Shoot. Now I'm a misandrist. That's gay, that's retarded, that's dumb, that's dickish, that's lame, midget, I just got gypped, don't be a pussy, Jerry-rigging (different than jury-rigging), etc, etc, all connote that the subject is different/less/than, therefore negative. It all stems from things that are not 'normal.' That's just how language develops, and it varies depending on where you are. 'Spaz' (from spastic) is a HUGE no-no in England. It will not make it past the Office of Communication's regulations. American television uses it all the time. But just like the Paul F. Tompkins monologue re: the Chick-Fil-A controversy and people not knowing what to do about a company donating money to things they don't agree with (played in an episode of his Tompkast), the answer to the issue was "Now that you know this thing, stop eating that fucking sandwich! It's that simple!" Applied to the subject of language we are discussing, it is "Once you know a word's origin and current connotation/s, you get to decide whether you wish to use it or not and in what context, and you probably shouldn't use it if it makes others feel less than!" I took issue with a friend because he re-purposed the Patton Oswalt line, "Gayer than eight guys blowing nine guys." Patton was using it in reference to 80s hair metal music videos being extremely homosexual/homoerotic. My friend used it in the way of saying something was bad, "That shit was gayer than eight guys blowing nine guys." Nope. not ok. Funny expression, but now we're saying gay is bad. We have the responsibility to express ourselves however we see fit (fit, connoting good, the opposite being unfit, connoting bad, offensive to obese people's feelings about themselves [Also, however we SEE fit? SEE? Some people can't see]). Words are chock-full of power, for sure. But there is no extreme solution. 'Bad words' are entirely subjective. It's how they've been used that make them offensive, and they're not offensive to everybody, because everybody is not everything. I don't really know where I'm going with this, so I'll just say people need to simultaneously relax and be more sensitive.
  7. KajusX

    Episode 16 β€” Yikes Ahoy!

    I was wondering why I wasn't getting daily downloads of YITR?, and now I know! The recording obviously is done in a single day with the guest, and then cut up into sections to be delivered as short episodes from M-F, but I loved how Paul's and Andrew's conversation was so seamless that I could completely understand why this was just released as a long episode, and I am very grateful for it. I love the tiny episodes, I prefer that format for this show, but in the case of PFT it was a good call to release it like this, especially because of Paul's very vocal appreciation for the tumblr over the past year. This made my morning more than I could possibly, impotently express here.
  8. < YEEEEESSSSSSSSS! Everybody buy Tig's Largo performance when it posts on Louis CK's site tomorrow and then listen to her This American Life episode this weekend!!!
  9. KajusX

    Episode 46 β€” Barb Wire

    I heartily concur. I love June's point of view on any/all of her podcast appearances, HDTM? especially, for all the reasons you just listed. When the guys get very passionate when dissecting aspects of a film to the point where they begin stepping on June's observations and not letting her finish voicing an opinion, it will absolutely get me antsy. She is very, very patient, and she gets in there with the best of them to be heard for sure. She's also dealing with some real characters in the forms of Paul and Jason. The guys were understandably riffing at the top their lungs about this ridiculous film starring a famous boob-haver, so it pleased me to no end that the guys consistently and conscientiously gave the floor back to June after acknowledging having interrupted her to manically and effectively tag up the many batshit moments of the film with their side-splitting commentary. June had some great stuff to say about Barb Wire, and she actually made me want to watch Catwoman because of her appreciation for Berry's feline-inspired physicality. June rules!
  10. KajusX

    Episode 36 β€” Cartoon Dixie Cup

    OH. MY. GOD. YES. I cannot pus this in my head fast enough. FREE RADIO!
  11. Rosco: I say we go. Pete: To the Phish show? I'd love it if you guys came with me. Rosco: Whady'all say? I got a buncha bait I could bring. Uhhhhhh, and I gotta couple'a extra poles. Jessica: We've already been over it! There ain't no fish in the Phish show! Matt: THERE AIN'T NO FISH THERE! But I got some sinkers and some bobbers. Pete: Again, you don't need themβ€” Jessica: Yeah, and while we're at it, I got a couple shiny lures. Matt: ROSCO, THEY'RE NOT REAL FISH! But I gotta big NET. Pete: No, it doesn't matter! Rosco: Awwwwwwww y'all... Still one of my all-time favorite i4h exchanges.
  12. KajusX

    Episode 94 β€” Next Level Shit

    Sounds like a couple of Bedroom Beethovens are all up in the charts this week.
  13. KajusX

    Episode 70 β€” Apocalypse

    Jen 'Southie' Kirkman was the first comedian I saw live when I moved to LA back in 2007, and I have loved her brand of humor ever since. Can't wait to listen to this episode.
  14. KajusX

    Episode 93.5 β€” 9/14/12 TWO CHARTED 32

    When Trish started her Coen Bros list I immediately thought Barton Fink, Blood Simple., and A Serious Man. Blood SImple always seems to be on the back end of people catching up on Coen Bros films, as does Hudsucker Proxy. I can't believe Raising Arizona was a gap in Ku Ku's filmography! It's so much fun. They all are. I personally adored A Serious Man, and only after the chart was over did Ku verify she had seen it, but not particularly dig it. Awe, I was sad. But then I was elated when it was announced that Scott loved it. Even a lesser Coen Bros film is still a damn fine film, and depending on who you talk to, their 'best work' varies. I don't even know i I could make a Top 3 list. MAYBE a Top 5... WHAT A GREAT EPISODE!!! Howard's Regime Quotes list was INSANE, and Kulap's parties sound nice (I'm in my 30s too)! This entire episode builds and builds in hilarity and cackling giggle fits, TRULY a TWO CHARTED for the record books. BEST OF.
  15. Rabbi Besser: Not Jews. Rabbi Huskey: Not Jews, Oh no no no no. I meanβ€” Rabbi Besser: Germans. Rabbi Huskey: Yeah. Rabbi Besser: A little payback. Rabbi Huskey: I mean, a little bit of payback. Eh, I mean, y'know, Let bygones be guybuns. Let bygones be guybuns. Burgermeister. Also, "That's why I won't have milk" was a perfect call back/scene-capper.
  16. KajusX

    Episode 93.5 β€” 9/7/12 TWO CHARTED 31

    "We will smell, taste, and spread on bread next week on MUUUUUUU-USTARD!"
  17. Please tell me that bonus cuts from this recording session will keep on dropping through the end of the year. I would gladly become any of the participants' doormat for the remainder of the year for that to happen. You can reach me at 323-555-DMAT.
  18. KajusX

    Episode 174 β€” Series Regulars

    Mulaney is the best. Buy all his stuff. I did, and I have no regrets. His cd is amazing, and his dvd special is also amazing. Pretty amazing guy all around, as this episode will attest. #WhatsNewPussycat
  19. I completely lost my composure to a giggle fit at this exchange: Rosco: I say we go. Pete: To the Phish show? I'd love it if you guys came with me. Rosco: Whady'all say? I got a buncha bait I could bring. Uhhhhhh, and I gotta couple'a extra poles. Jessica: We've already been over it! There ain't no fish in the Phish show! Matt: THERE AIN'T NO FISH THERE! But I got some sinkers and some bobbers. Pete: Again, you don't need themβ€” Jessica: Yeah, and while we're at it, I got a couple shiny lures. Matt: ROSCO, THEY'RE NOT REAL FISH! But I gotta big NET. Pete: No, it doesn't matter! Rosco: Awwwwwwww y'all... I don't want this episode to end!
  20. HOLY HOLY HOLY ... HOLY!!!
  21. @Kickpuncher I don't believe they started banking episodes until Tig's diagnosis/run up to the diagnosis. When Tig started the plane story with that bit right there, it sounded like she was focusing on what her mindset was at the time of the flight, and excluded what was to come because it wasn't relevant to the story.
  22. KajusX

    Episode 43 β€” Wild Wild West

    I just looked through the photo gallery, and this episode should have been entitled: "Wild Wild West, a.k.a. Shorts & Jorts." Nice to see the HDTGM? crew feeling the stupid-as-balls heat too. These past couple of weeks have been agonizingly hot.
  23. KajusX

    Episode 43 β€” Wild Wild West

    When I first got into podcasts in 2007 I was subscribed to Adam Carolla and SModcast and all that stuff, but starting at about the one year mark I began unsubscribing due to the same voices telling the same stories. I hung onto Smodcast for a while (straight through Smith's hardcore mj usage after Zack and Mary underperformed), and even ventured out into the other Smodcast Network stuff here and there, but after a while I just wanted to hear new things. I was amazed by Clerks and Mallrats as a high schooler, and have seen all of Smith's films, and you know, I like other stuff now. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate Smith's work or his stories any less. So while I had heard Smith's WWW and Cop Out experiences before on his live Q&As and stuff, it was nice to have him on HDTGM? for this episode. Everything in moderation, folks.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 43 β€” Wild Wild West

    Oh kewl! You got him!