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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 172 β€” This is a Safe Zone

    Alright, alright. A lot of talent in the room. #HuskeyForLife #BTWwithToddGlass
  2. KajusX

    Episode 89 β€” Grown-Up Laughs

    !!! Oh hells yeah.
  3. I had to zip out of there once the show finished because I was technically on an unofficial three hour lunch break from work! Thankfully, my coworkers hadn't noticed my lunch break went two hours over! I made up the difference by staying at work for two hours past the end of my shift. I had bought the ticket before I realized I was covering someone's shift that night, so once I realized my mistake I started a-plotting, as there was no way I wanted to miss whatever was going to happen at Largo. No regrets. I'd do it all over again.
  4. Just wanted to say that I'm glad I got to relive Tig's Largo set on today's podcast. I too thought to myself once Tig opened her set, "I don't think anyone here knows that Tig is serious." It was interesting to hear about Tig shuffling the roster for fear of what her set had in store for everyone. By the time Tig finished her set my thoughts were, "Ok, that's it, right? That's the end of the show? That has to be the end of the show. Who can follow that? That was AMAZING. Wow. WOW. I'm sorry, what's that, Tig? Bill Burr is here? And Tig's bringing him to the stage now? REALLY? Bill is a capable, experienced comic who has tamed the craziest of rooms, so he'll more than likely be capable of following Tig's earth-shattering set. But YEGADS. OH KAY. Let me collect myself. Let me ride this high into what Bill is saying." By the time Louis CK came on I was convinced I was having some sort of fever dream. Listening to these podcasts is just... insane. Tig, your well being is occupying a large space in my heart and mind, and I hope the surgery and upcoming treatments go the best they can, and that your recuperation is swift and super-charged.
  5. So you saw a movie, you own it, and you loved it, and you want to support Besser and his cohorts, but you won't actually buy it buy it to show your actual monetary support? BOOOOOO!
  6. Conroy, Gemberling AND Huskey? Mr. Besser, you're too good to us. That is a Murderer's Row of heavy-hitters! Babygate was amazing (and that was just the interview portion)! Pat vs. Glen FarLAY was epic. I couldn't help but transcribe it. Glen: "PAT. Seriously. You need to get down right now, son." Pat: "Well what recourse do you have?" Glen: "The recourse is that you could fall and hurt yourself, ok?" Pat's Friend: "That's not 'recourse.' That's 'potential consequences.'" Glen: "I don't- You are one of the smartest groups I've ever dealt with. It's making-" Pat: "Fuckin' idiot." Glen: "OK! Alright. NOT so smart! Potty language... Pat, get out of the mouth." Pat: "Come get me." Amazing.
  7. KajusX

    Episode 32 β€” Not Personal

    Steve was a great guest. I love how Ronna and Beverly pointed out that a good interview for them is one where they learn nothing new about the guest over the duration. Steve's relatively straight-forward tales of military school that prompted Ronna and Beverly to swing off into extreme tangentsβ€” ones that Steve was totally game forβ€” is one of the main reasons why I love their comedy, and why I love Steve's laid back attitude no matter the situation presented.
  8. KajusX

    Episode 63 β€” Relationships

    Tig, I played hooky from work to go see your Tig Has Friends show tonight, and I am unbelievably happy I made that call. I can't even put into words how much your set meant to me. And while I am so sad to hear that you do in fact have breast cancer, what you did on stage was something I don't think I will ever forget. EVER. It didn't feel like a lot of the audience in attendance listens to Professor Blastoff with any regularity, as everything seemed to come as an earth-shattering surprise to the crowd as a whole, and whereas Blastronauts got to experience your woes as you shared them with us over a smattering of months of podcasts, the energy you produced in the room by throwing it all out at once was something I knew I couldn't miss. Unbelievable set. So raw. SO POWERFUL! I hope NYC treats you well. We'll be missing your presence here on the West Coast. Much love, Tig.
  9. KajusX

    Episode 87 β€” Legal Weed

    I have never laid my ears on Johnny Pemberton before, but I'm very glad Who Charted? afforded me the opportunity! He was a delight. I loved that Johnny stepped to Howard about summer, on this, the first day of August (a.k.a. the hottest, muggiest, demonic, soul-sucking WORST month of summah). Can I interest you in a game of dahts? Dialect Boy Suede sounds like a killer idea! I was dying from smiles.
  10. KajusX

    Episode 63 β€” Relationships

    Much like Tig's experience at the hospital waiting for her doctor, I was very much thinking, "What is this even about? Tig's fine. Tig's totally fine. There's no way." And then the doctor finally entering, and then Tig completely forgetting anything the doctor has just said, well, that happened to me once before, and it just happened in real time with Tig's story while I was listening. I had to rewind the podcast to re-listen to what just sounded like white noise to me at the story's conclusion. I'm a testicular cancer survivor, and after two years of observation I was "in the clear." Around the time I finally got to stop taking quarterly tests, my friend then got cancer. The news turned my legs to jelly, my stomach dropped and I nearly threw up (he's ok now). This feeling was replicated just now while listening to the podcast. I'm grateful I was sitting down. I don't have much to express right now other than outright concern and support. You guys are the best, you're my podcast buddies, I hope it's nothing and want it to be nothing with all of my heart, and I really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY hope Tig's Teats turn out ok (them are li'l titties).
  12. KajusX

    Episode 62 β€” Fame

    David says he's seen a good portion of NBC's Friends. Scott asks him what his favorite episode is. David can't really come up with one. Scott says, "The One Where-?" obviously playing with the fact that every episode of Friends starts with 'The One Where' or 'The One With,' etc. It goes completely over David's head, who thinks Scott is trying to help David out by getting him to describe what happened in the episode he's thinking of. Scott says nothing and the podcast continues, none the wiser. This is why I love Scott Aukerman's brand of humor. That gem was just for Scott and any of the listeners who got the joke. So good.
  13. KajusX

    Episode 62 β€” Fame

    I went to a comic book art college, and I had a terrible instructor for one class during my final year who was a notorious name dropper of comic book industry people. Yeah, he knew some people. But those stories dried up within the first two weeks, and then for the rest of the year he'd just be telling the most bullshit-laden experiences. His most notorious lie was when he said something along the lines of, "So I was walking around the con and bumped into MIKE who was inbetween books at the time. And he wanted to do some creator-owned stuff and he showed me this sketch of his new character. So I'm looking at MIKE's work and I was like, 'you know, I think you really got something here. This Hellboy character could be something really cool.'" "GROAN THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. WHY DON'T YOU TEACH US SOMETHING FOR A CHANGE?"
  14. KajusX

    Episode 168 β€” Breaking Bread

    Yay! Jill is so awesome.
  15. KajusX

    Episode 168 β€” Breaking Bread

    Besser's Pope was great. It wasn't one note. Borrowing from Besser's i4h conversation with Chris Gore where Matt was explaining the improv philosophy of "If this ridiculous thing is true, then what else is true?" Matt's Pope was operating under the question "If the Pope was a Hitler youth and the Catholic Church he rules over protects child molesters and the Pope is totally fine with all of that, then what else is true?" Does anyone know which Mr. Show alumni were able to contribute to Mr. Blow? Bob named for certain David Cross, Eric Hoffman, Mark Rivers, and Eban Schletter. There was also a female contributor who was the Powder Room in Rooms: The Musical, but I have no idea who she was. Maybe Jill Talley or Karen Kilgariff? I have no idea. Any guesses?
  16. KajusX

    Episode 168 β€” Breaking Bread

    Somebody get this poor person the Mr. Show box set, STAT. There is clearly a gap in his comedic education!
  17. Loved it. Loved it! LOVED IT!!!
  18. KajusX

    Episode 41 β€” Spider-Man 3

    That shirt is canon! lololololz
  19. KajusX

    Episode 167 β€” New No-Nos

    I started listening to this episode right at midnight to curb my craziness over iTunes taking their sweet time posting Breaking Bad's season premiere. I got about 15 minutes in before BB's download was complete, and by that point I had a hard time pausing CBB. Anywho. Just finished Breaking Bad, and now I'm back to listening to Jerrod's questions for Marisa about what spring brings to her life and why summer is a time for rejuvenation. lol Marisa is the best, as is Miss Lissler. I hope to hear/see more of them soon!
  20. I love all the names for the anti-allied forces propaganda women: Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally, Hanoi Hannah, etc. Howard bringing ti up and running with it was a delight. There was a tv spot for a video game a couple of years back that prominently featured an Axis Sally-type. The game was Brothers in Arms, and I saw the commercial multiple times before I caught the out-of-focus swastika towards the end, cementing the reference...
  21. KajusX

    Episode 84 β€” Podcuddle

    @Kevinβ€” Oh I KNOW my post was a huge waste of time. Ultimately, I typed it up for me. I don't know how you misinterpreted me attacking Kulap. I only had one qualm and it was over a single sentence she uttered, and it had nothing to do with her disappointment in Spider-Man. But yeah, see? You have to listen to the episode first, as a rule.
  22. KajusX

    Episode 84 β€” Podcuddle

    Yeah, I've started to lose patience with him after i4h. "I like to fuck with people!" Bully for him.
  23. KajusX

    Episode 84 β€” Podcuddle

    @Kevin Please give the podcast a listen. My comment was meant to be read by people who listened to the episode first and are now on the forum. 1. I did not include the whole start to the conversation, which was Chris talking about superheroes. I started the quote where Chris went off the rails switching his terminology to comic books. As I mentioned numerous times, comic book =/= superheroes. Comic books are a medium. Superheroes are a genre. 2. Chris said very plainly "comic books aren't written for kids anymore." That's simply not true, no matter what size the all ages audience is. I named some of those titles at the end of my comment. Chris did not say "The majority of comics aren't written strictly for kids." If he had I wouldn't have had a problem. Then I attempted to extract actual meaning from his statement, which was that yes, the bulk of superhero comics from largely Marvel and DC aren't really written for kids anymore. The characters appeal to kids, and they have larger kid audiences in other mediums (like cartoons for kids), but superhero comics from these long-standing publishers are not marketed towards kids for the most part. Kids do still read them though. I don't see how I was being petty here. 3. I did not provide a sales figure for how well comics are doing presently because I felt it was inferred how small the market is now since the collector-fueled days of the '90s. I probably should have. For the record, to be a smash-success-take-all-the-marbles single issue today means selling about 250,000 copies (I don't know if digital is included in that figure and I haven't gotten around to looking it up). But sales figures were not even what my third point was about. It was about Chris's claim that people who buy comic books are like him, and when he say, "like him," he explains how he just wants a fix, and will buy the same thing with a new coat of paint over and over again. Again, that's not true. Yes there are some comic fans that do that, there are still comics published with variant covers (a recent resurgence tapping into that '90s nostalgia) but to say all people who read comic books are like that is a gross misrepresentation of the community of readers. 4. You just have to listen to the episode. The interpretation of Chris's words you offered up is something I already offerred up myself in my comment. my main criticism, which is what my whole comment was about, is that Chris spoke extremely inarticulately about the subject. Multiple times in my comment I wrote things along the lines of "If he had said this word in place of that word, then what he's saying could possibly make sense, but he didn't, so I can only comment on what he said with the words he chose." What was so jarring about that inarticulation is that Chris had just been speaking in what appeared to be a knowledgeable manner on the topic of film. He segue wade into comic books, and totally ate it. My post was born out of irritation, but my goal wasn't burying Chris with scorn. I overstated the case JUST IN CASE anyone who listened to the episode who then visited this forum wound up absorbing what he said about comic books, and I wanted to course correct by just jamming in as much accurate info into a single post as possible. 5. Kulap is a very accomodating, polite and cheerful host. I already gave Kulap an out. But stating 'They're storyboards' is not a ringing endoresment for comic books, and that statement is not true, by itself and in the context of which it was said as a reply to Chris's already sweeping generalizations. Don't get me wrong, I wrote way more than I planned to. I got on a tear (and over a very small snippet of the podcast). But language is important, and comic books are important to me as a medium for artistic expression. What sounded like coherent, well-thought out observations on the topic of the film world immediately nose-dived into hyperbole and inaccurate, broadly-sweeping statements about comic books, but with the same confidence and air of expertise. He failed to accurately define what comics are, who they are for, and what their value as a medium is (other than putting a price tag on it), and THAT was a sad thing to hear. I felt I had to speak up in case anyone listened to this episode and decided to take Chris's word for what comic books are and adopt it as an opinion of their own without knowing some more facts first.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 84 β€” Podcuddle

    P.S. That Scare Tactics clip was great! Howard, you're pretty.