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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. Matt's D&D story was so good. I love heart-breaking tales of D&D. And the improv that came out of it was good too! Everybody's mentioning the multiple referee. I am too. Amazing!
  2. KajusX

    Episode 61 β€” Time Traveling Skrillex

    Jason's time-traveling dubstep hypothetical posited towards Howard was SO INSANE, so funny, that I had to cover my mouth with both my hands, hunched over in my cubicle. Holy moly, that was so unabashedly funny and layered and wrong and just oh so sweet. Great episode!
  3. Really, REALLY good stuff. I had to catch up on episode 3 before I listened to this one (I've been away from podcasts for about four months due to moving and couch surfing), and boy oh boy, it was well worth the wait (which, granted, wasn't much of one considering this episode came out today)! So good. I agree with the Gonzo connotation. This episode reminded me of the earliest episodes of 'Walking with Michelle,' where Michelle, PFT and Matt Belknap walked around Disneyland and would intermittently cut back to the three of them in the studio recounting what was happening at the time of the recording. Similarly, it was super hot that day at the Park, and they all got really loopy. EARWOLF! Synonymous with HILARITY! Keep 'em coming, guys. You're doing the God of Comedy's work.
  4. KajusX

    Live from Bumbershoot 2011 Discussion

    Shahruz, thank you so much for that link! I've been away from my computer all week, and can only sync my iPod up on the weekend, and I was in a panic when I couldn't find the shows yesterday morning! And what great shows! Oh my word. SO MUCH FUNNY crammed into three hours. Anthony, Eugene, Doug, Tompkins and Daly were all in great form, and I loved hearing how much the audience was entertained by the CBB antics. Worth every penny!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS Totally Laime! I'm already subscribed to so many podcasts, Totally Laime being one of them, that from Day 1 I was rooting for them because I already liked their show and am up to my ears in podcast subscriptions (for instance, every show on Earwolf). Totally Laime was the only show I was familiar with going into the Challenge. I semi-jokingly/semi-seriously didn't know if I could subscribe to one more show, and was also extremely eager to hear which contestants would challenge my embargo on new subscriptions. This season was a lot of fun. It not only AT LEAST introduced some of us to ONE show, it introduced us all to TEN SHOWS (ALSO, it may have even introduced some of us to some of the guest judges' podcasts as well)! So let's do the mathβ€” 10 shows x 10 weeks with 2 guest judges a week. Some of the guest judges appear with other guest judges on their own podcast. Some guest judges also have more than one podcast they regularly appear on! Sooooooooo Holy podcats! Math is hard, but I'm pretty sure everyone won! Whether Totally Laime won or not wasn't an issue for me. It's easy to root for a show you're already invested in. I was regularly, pleasantly surprised and delighted by all the great contestant submissions, as well as the judges deliberating, talking shop and general figuring-out-of-the-show-submissions. I was ecstatic that Matt was hosting from the start. His candor, humor and raw honesty made him a great host/judge, and frankly I was happy to hear from him more than I usually do in any given week before this podcast's invention. As the contest came closer and closer to the finale, each episode got increasingly tougher to judge (seeing as comedy is SO subjective, despite some of the lines drawn in the sand on these forums). I didn't envy the judges' positions, but none-the-less respected their opinions, whether I agreed with them or not. That's just how the cookie crumbles, people. And, as much as I didn't think I could make room for anymore shows, and the show I was rooting for won, I did wind up with a few more subscriptions, and that's really what this was all aboutβ€” me.
  6. KajusX

    Episode 40 β€” All About Lee

    I've been holding my tongue for a bit, but now it seems like everybody is fully grasping the mechanics of this episode, so I'll finally post my thoughts! It seemed obvious to me from the get-go that this was Lee business as usual, SO MUCH SO that when people were leaving comments about Lee, I wasn't sure if they were 'playing along' or not. I was SO befuddled. But, it was all really, REALLY convincing. Everyone was on point the entire show, so it's understandable that people could get swept up with the show's personalities. But yeah, just like Allison pointed out, Lee and Howard are wearing the exact same pants in the photos, which is strange. Another thing worth noting is that Howard and Lee are not twins. I believe Lee has always been the big brother. . I don't want to dissect the episode into a black hole, so I'll stop there. What I will do is just say that this episode was a LOT of fun. The conversation was snappy as HELL, and Lee had some AMAZING lines ('Selena Gomez sounded like a drunk punching a horse in the ribs,' 'crush you like a Flintstones chewable in a Clydesdale's mandible,' calling Kulap 'Tulip', etc etc etc, also, HOLY SHIT LOLOLOLOLZ), and it was nice to get some insight on aspects of Howard's adventurs and personal history he doesn't put out there, as he's usually dutifully paying attention to the charts or the guest. . Kulap was masterful on keeping the ball rolling, as well as allowing for Lee to deviate at times on interesting tangents she wished for him to explore. Great stuff! Awesome episode! Love you guys!
  7. KajusX

    Episode 40 β€” All About Lee

    I've been holding my tongue for a bit, but now it seems like everybody is fully grasping the mechanics of this episode, so I'll finally post my thoughts! It seemed obvious to me from the get-go that this was Lee business as usual, SO MUCH SO that when people were leaving comments about Lee, I wasn't sure if they were 'playing along' or not. I was SO befuddled. But, it was all really, REALLY convincing. Everyone was on point the entire show, so it's understandable that people could get swept up with the show's personalities. But yeah, just like Allison pointed out, Lee and Howard are wearing the exact same pants in the photos, which is strange. Another thing worth noting is that Howard and Lee are not twins. I believe Lee has always been the big brother. . I don't want to dissect the episode into a black hole, so I'll stop there. What I will do is just say that this episode was a LOT of fun. The conversation was snappy as HELL, and Lee had some AMAZING lines ('Selena Gomez sounded like a drunk punching a horse in the ribs,' 'crush you like a Flintstones chewable in a Clydesdale's mandible,' calling Kulap 'Tulip', etc etc etc, also, HOLY SHIT LOLOLOLOLZ), and it was nice to get some insight on aspects of Howard's adventurs and personal history he doesn't put out there, as he's usually dutifully paying attention to the charts or the guest. . Kulap was masterful on keeping the ball rolling, as well as allowing for Lee to deviate at times on interesting tangents she wished for him to explore. Great stuff! Awesome episode! Love you guys!
  8. KajusX

    Episode 40 β€” All About Lee

    "I think Dustin would crush him like a Flintstone's chewable in a Clydesdale's mandible." -Lee There is no way I CAN'T start threatening to crush people in this fashion. SO good.
  9. KajusX

    Episode 40 β€” All About Lee

    "I think Dustin would crush him like a Flintstone's chewable in a Clydesdale's mandible." -Lee There is no way I CAN'T start threatening to crush people in this fashion. SO good.
  10. Much like a comedy awards show or some sort of stand-up reality show competition, I have taken this podcast with a huge grain of salt. Only reading outraged people on the Earwolf Challenge forum has ever actually upset me (because they keep trying to apply hard and fast rules to something as slippery and subjective as comedy, and are upset when they can't and instead cry foul). And really, once a competition is down to the top 3, all three of them have totally already won. This was a really easy episode to listen to, as have been all the other judgement episodes. Methinks I'll check these boards out again once the competition is over. Meanwhile, listen to stuff you like! Not stuff that drives you crazy! It's a good rule!
  11. Much like a comedy awards show or some sort of stand-up reality show competition, I have taken this podcast with a huge grain of salt. Only reading outraged people on the Earwolf Challenge forum has ever actually upset me (because they keep trying to apply hard and fast rules to something as slippery and subjective as comedy, and are upset when they can't and instead cry foul). And really, once a competition is down to the top 3, all three of them have totally already won. This was a really easy episode to listen to, as have been all the other judgement episodes. Methinks I'll check these boards out again once the competition is over. Meanwhile, listen to stuff you like! Not stuff that drives you crazy! It's a good rule!
  12. "Don't forget people to rate and review podcasts that you like and don't like on itunes. not enough people do... hence all the millions of 5-star ratings... only fans review. let's change that." . I am not onboard with that AT ALL. Who wants to waste time spewing out shitty reviews for podcasts you don't plan on listening to?! I have rarely (IF EVER) read a negative review and thought, "Oh man. I'm so glad I read that. Consider me informed AND warned!" Gross. . Some acquaintances of mine do a podcast I personally can't stand. It has two reviews, both of which are 5 stars from friends of theirs. You're telling me I should go on there and write a negative review? Fuck that. That sounds like the dumbest thing ever. . Truly, the popular podcasts on iTunes aren't ones with 5 stars, they're ones with SHIT-TONS of word-of-mouth, listeners and downloads. Various ratings from all sorts of people, most of which are fans, comes with the territory. But to go out of your way to leave a 1 Star review should be reserved for people who are truly up to some evil shit. Not a couple dudes on Skype trying to have fun for an hour.
  13. "Don't forget people to rate and review podcasts that you like and don't like on itunes. not enough people do... hence all the millions of 5-star ratings... only fans review. let's change that." . I am not onboard with that AT ALL. Who wants to waste time spewing out shitty reviews for podcasts you don't plan on listening to?! I have rarely (IF EVER) read a negative review and thought, "Oh man. I'm so glad I read that. Consider me informed AND warned!" Gross. . Some acquaintances of mine do a podcast I personally can't stand. It has two reviews, both of which are 5 stars from friends of theirs. You're telling me I should go on there and write a negative review? Fuck that. That sounds like the dumbest thing ever. . Truly, the popular podcasts on iTunes aren't ones with 5 stars, they're ones with SHIT-TONS of word-of-mouth, listeners and downloads. Various ratings from all sorts of people, most of which are fans, comes with the territory. But to go out of your way to leave a 1 Star review should be reserved for people who are truly up to some evil shit. Not a couple dudes on Skype trying to have fun for an hour.
  14. Theoretically, Left Handed Radio would cast a statistically 80% wider net over potential listeners if they were called Right Handed Radio. (has anyone made that joke yet?)
  15. Theoretically, Left Handed Radio would cast a statistically 80% wider net over potential listeners if they were called Right Handed Radio. (has anyone made that joke yet?)
  16. For the record, I really do enjoy the concept of a dude completely oblivious to fickle pop culture trends, and ultimately wastes his time spending years making a RoBorat or training a parrot to spout out Austin Powers quotes and not realizing by the time he succeeds in his endeavors everyone will see his efforts as played out and 'old news.' I love that kind of zeal and the failure attached to it, and I think we've all been there at one point or another, holding onto something out of sentimentality long after its lost all relevant interest and/or usefulness. I wonder what that fictional guy's next project will be...
  17. For the record, I really do enjoy the concept of a dude completely oblivious to fickle pop culture trends, and ultimately wastes his time spending years making a RoBorat or training a parrot to spout out Austin Powers quotes and not realizing by the time he succeeds in his endeavors everyone will see his efforts as played out and 'old news.' I love that kind of zeal and the failure attached to it, and I think we've all been there at one point or another, holding onto something out of sentimentality long after its lost all relevant interest and/or usefulness. I wonder what that fictional guy's next project will be...
  18. W00F. This whole thread is ROUGH. Also, I'm a dog, apparently.
  19. W00F. This whole thread is ROUGH. Also, I'm a dog, apparently.
  20. I just want to go on record saying that I just finished watching Gigli a couple hours ago (after first trying to watch it a week ago but successfully falling asleep about 15 minutes in), and... and, I AM SO ANGRY for having watched this movie. It was SO BAD. I was groaning and fidgeting around and just as a whole could not take it. I can't believe I made it through the whole thing. . I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I should've held this in for the messageboard post for the episode itself, but its been delayed a week due to Earwolf's Funny Or Die thing they got going on net week, and seriously, I don't know how other people haven't already jumped on here to just bemoan how gawd-fucking-awful this movie was. I hate myself now. I hate myself for watching Gigli. . Can't wait for the episode to post!
  21. I just want to go on record saying that I just finished watching Gigli a couple hours ago (after first trying to watch it a week ago but successfully falling asleep about 15 minutes in), and... and, I AM SO ANGRY for having watched this movie. It was SO BAD. I was groaning and fidgeting around and just as a whole could not take it. I can't believe I made it through the whole thing. . I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I should've held this in for the messageboard post for the episode itself, but its been delayed a week due to Earwolf's Funny Or Die thing they got going on net week, and seriously, I don't know how other people haven't already jumped on here to just bemoan how gawd-fucking-awful this movie was. I hate myself now. I hate myself for watching Gigli. . Can't wait for the episode to post!
  22. KajusX

    Episode 121 β€” Bro-ing Out

    Great show! Scott, Rob Delaney, Jimmy and Paul were all awesome, as per usual. I loved Paul's risk-taking attitude for jokes, because even a bad joke can lead to an AMAZING call back. SIDENOTE- Did I imagine hearing about some CBB Bumbershoot podcasts for purchase or something w/ PFT & Andy Daly? If these are real, where can I find them?
  23. KajusX

    Episode 121 β€” Bro-ing Out

    Great show! Scott, Rob Delaney, Jimmy and Paul were all awesome, as per usual. I loved Paul's risk-taking attitude for jokes, because even a bad joke can lead to an AMAZING call back. SIDENOTE- Did I imagine hearing about some CBB Bumbershoot podcasts for purchase or something w/ PFT & Andy Daly? If these are real, where can I find them?