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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 39 — Transvaginal Mesh

    Love the new Chart Art! Very pleasing color combo! The episode's downloading right now, and as soon as I wrap up this Savage Love episode I'm listening to, I'll be putting on Whoooooooooooo CHARTED!!!
  2. KajusX

    Episode 39 — Transvaginal Mesh

    Love the new Chart Art! Very pleasing color combo! The episode's downloading right now, and as soon as I wrap up this Savage Love episode I'm listening to, I'll be putting on Whoooooooooooo CHARTED!!!
  3. The back of my skull is in pain from laughing so hard at the Foreign Relations Riddle. Thanks a lot, Professor Blastoff!
  4. The back of my skull is in pain from laughing so hard at the Foreign Relations Riddle. Thanks a lot, Professor Blastoff!
  5. Larry Gigli's Curb-Stomp Your Enthusiasm
  6. Ben & Jen's Bogus Journey
  7. I keep getting lost in this thread. Are we all supposed to be trolling, or....
  8. KajusX

    Should Chart Chatter Be At The Start?

    @Bucho Having given way too much thought to Chart Chatter's placement now (no thanks to you!), I can confidently say I understand the concern over the segment's placement. It may not be ideal for the beginning of the show, and it may not be ideal for the end if the show is rearranged. Kulap and Howard work it every week, and I am more than satisfied with the final product. Part of that product is the charming clunkiness sometimes present in the segments, conversations and transitions, and that off-the-cuff flavor is ridiculously appealing to me. . Chart Chatter is a new addition, for sure, and to be honest, I didn't even notice it was a new thing until you started this topic. I just rolled with it. If Howard and Kulap decided to make it a larger segment— one in which the guest could get in on the action after fully marinating in the episode, a la a JJGo— then putting it at the end would be a smart alternative. But right now it doesn't seem like that's what's in store for the Chatter, and I would hate to see them tamper with the show's balance, which is gloriously wobbly at times before smacking you in the face with steadfast purpose and direction. The show has MAJOR character, and I would hate to mess with a good thing. . *EDIT* @Brendan- Chart Chatter could definitely use a theme!
  9. Matt, don't sweat the forum b.s. I have a friend who constantly splices turns of phrase into new, non-sensical (but also somehow sensical) phrases, or he just messes words up outright, and he has no problem saying what he needs to say. Even under a fickle listener forum microscope he would not falter in just plowing ahead with however he is able to express himself. . I mention all this because my friend's crowning achievement was "It's totally in your ballpark." I call it a crowning achievement because he was able to combine THREE phrases, instead of his normal two: " in your wheelhouse," "ballpark figure," and "the ball's in your court." It may sound like I'm reaching for the three, but I assure you, in context he hit all three phrases. . Gah. I'm off topic. ANYWAY. BESSER! Fuck the haters! Hack the planet! The wolf dead! . ON A DIFFERENT NOTE— and probably too late to make a difference with tomorrow's episode's entries— I'm crossing my fingers that the Jesse Thorn/Paul F. Tompkins advice is heeded and master copies of Nick Thune's audio for each entry is sent out to the contestants to be edited in during post-production, thereby optimizing sound quality for all the shows.
  10. I love Parks & Recreation. I also love Parkas and Resuscitation. Hell, I even love Forks and Defenestration, but FARTS and PROCREATION?! This I gotta see- err, hear!
  11. KajusX

    Should Chart Chatter Be At The Start?

    @Bucho JJGo places its listener content just right. Who Charted? isn't JJGo, so I don't know if it would work as you've laid it out. I'm not saying it won't work, but to base the placement of Chart Chatter on the successes of JJGo's listener feedback isn't a solid argument. JJGo's content formula is different than Who Charted?. It's stream-of-consciousness conversations. They start a discussion topic, see where it goes, then wrap it up and go to break (sidenote: they also don't introduce their guest right away). Who Charted? has a guest and three charts to explore. Done and done. . Unlike JJGo, Who Charted? doesn't take breaks (besides their one Earwolf commercial between Music and Movies). JJGo deliberately wraps up each segment before taking a break and starting over. Their listener feedback segments are FULL segments themselves, that they then have to take a break from. Chart Chatter is in no way comparable to Momentous Occasions, as it is the smallest of small talk and as a rule you get that small talk over with at the top of a show. . Usually by the end of the movie chart, I am ready for the game. The guests USUALLY sound like they too are ready for a game. To insert Chart Chatter between the two charts and the game chart feels like a huge misstep, as the show's current format is one of forward momentum through the charts (with momentum being something you already stated as being very important to you), and that kind of break would almost certainly kill that magical momentum. . However, the clincher is this— Chart Chatter isn't relevant to the current guest, and therefore it is good manners to address it before the guest is introduced in an official capacity, whether they can seamlessly riff on the material or not. . I'd say you'd make a stronger argument for removing Chart Chatter all together for reasons of momentum than placing it somewhere else, but I doubt they'll get rid of it as the listeners appreciate knowing they can interact with the show.
  12. KajusX

    Should Chart Chatter Be At The Start?

    I agree with Mr. Pete. I don't mind it at the top, but maybe introduce the guest first. MAYBE. Paul still contributed before he was officially introduced by his government name, which is why I officially don't feel the placement of Chart Chatter is an issue. I can definitely say that it does not belong anywhere but the start of the show, as it is comprised of tidbits of news and ideas (Chart Chatter is pretty much synonymous with Small Talk), and that stuff belongs at the top of any show.
  13. The episode so nice I've now listened to it twice. When Paul gets to throw the fleur-de-lis roulette ball in an attempt to turn his luck around, quotes Friday Night Lights, has a bad throw and is audibly faux-upset by it (to say the least! lol), oh man. I could listen to that and the Math Rock remix on a loop for forever. Lovely Calvin peeing reference too! Math rock!
  14. KajusX

    Episode 17 — Skyline

    @Jesse Yepez I gasped when I registered that you said 'local video store.' (and I'm not harping on local video stores, their clerks, or any of that, I'm just pointing out that I haven't heard a story about going to a video store in a very long time)
  15. Great episode, guys! Paul belongs in the Pantheon of Podcasting. My hopes were only slightly dashed with this week's game though. I'm sure there is more stuff about Paul that could have been explored that listeners may not have known about, such as his awesome work as the hero puppet Doug, for instance. Those videos are amazing! That being said, an all suit-themed chart was great!
  16. KajusX

    Episode 119 — Andi Callahan, RN

    I have a huge soft spot for Gillian. When Community started, I had to figure out where I had seen her familiar, AWESOMELY-EXPRESSIVE face before (turns out it was in the Palahniuk-novel-adapted film 'Choke'), and I've adored her ever since. Another great interview/goof-around with Gillian was on the 'not exclusively a podcast' podcast The Anytime Show w/Dominic Dierkes (of Derrick Comedy fame), Episode 12.
  17. I think the judges' conflicting critiques of the F+ (too much reading, throw in some commentary vs. too much commentary, can't tell when someone's talking or reading) and their struggle to offer up a good solution to marry the two was an interesting conundrum. Listening to their clip, I too was confused. When they did role call at the beginning part of me thought they were just introducing themselves, but then I caught that waitaminute- they're casting the parts that will be read from the source material of the forum. Then when it started I did get confused as to when someone was reading and someone was commenting, especially because the thing being read wasn't one entry of text, but a dialogue between two people on a messageboard. So to me, the solution would be to read it like either a read through of a script or a court document, where the character's name is stated before their dialogue is read, and maybe the whole thing is supervised by a narrator or director of sorts for the scene. That way the director can start and stop the action and give way for people to leave comments in those pauses. (at least for a shorter clip this would seem to be a clear, concise way for the information to be doled out and digested by the judges). This way it could marry PFT's critique and this week's judges' critique. Having not listened to a full episode of the F+, I understand that once you get into the swing of things with a full-length podcast you will begin to grasp the show's shorthand, but it depends on how much patience you have to decode that shorthand that can make or break subscribing to a podcast.
  18. KajusX

    Episode 1 — Analyze Phish

    @Kyle It's awesome that you enjoy a band that much and want to be helpful, but that wall of text was an ominous read. A strict regiment of any music playlist will feel like work. This was a light-hearted first episode of a comedy podcast. I say just let Harris and Scott do their thing. They may get to those songs in good time. You don't want to blow your Phish load on the first episode (gross, sorry). It's also probably a safer bet to appeal to Harris' knowledge of Phish's catalogue of music than Scott's (or any non-phish fan's) (and fyi— disparaging Prince won't get you anywhere)
  19. KajusX

    Episode 17 — Skyline

    I'm goin' up into the vagina in the sky / That's where I'm gonna go when I die 'Skygina' is an amazing portmanteau.
  20. Hi Kulap, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say all Karls (or Carls) do NOT have the same opinions. We are all individuals, and often do not appreciate the broad, brushstroked depictions of Karls and Carls in popular media. Mainly, we are all not either nazis, people with severe mental problems, or absolutely the worst people to be in relationships with, which is basically every Karl/Carl in cinema (any movie with nazis in it, A Time To Kill, Caddyshack, Sling Blade, Forces of Nature, Catch Me If You Can, etc). ANYway, This was a great ep with some stellar submissions! The guest judges both come from two podcasts I enjoy very much! Can't wait for tomorrow's elimination round! Oh, Earwolf.
  21. KajusX

    Episode 119 — Andi Callahan, RN

    @Luke Oh my god I've listened to that episode many a time. Those limericks were amazing, and the sword-fighting-esque, improv maneuvering Andy Daly did against Scott and Jason was a sightsound to beholdlisten. Oh, earwolf.
  22. KajusX

    Episode 1 — Analyze Phish

    I loved the hell out of this podcast. I'm so used to enjoying Scott as the head honcho of CBB that it's always a delight to hear him in a more relaxed/less-hosty state. Whether it's Analyze Phish, or Who Charted?, or his appearances on Doug Loves Movies (his chemistry with PFT on the Tournament of Championships 2), or this episode of Word Balloon I just discovered and can't wait to listen to, the man's a lot of fun to listen to. AND OF COURSE Harris Wittels is A-MA-ZING. Love his phone corner, love Parks & Rec, need to pick up Don't Stop Or We'll Die, but everything I've heard so far I have enjoyed. I kind of hope Scott never likes PHISH for the sake of this particularly show's longevity, but at the same time it would be so heart-warming if he did! Oh, Earwolf.
  23. I just a general comment based on some other comments in previous episode forums— If the shows are naturally getting shorter because there are less and less contestants, I personally am totally fine with that. I'm all for quality over quantity, so if you guys are worrying about keeping the episodes a set time limit, I say don't be. I've noticed this week's challenge is giving the contestants three minutes and thirty seconds to show what they can do, and I feel that is a good way to lengthen the episodes. After all, whoever wins isn't going to be producing a three minute show, but probably a show ten to twenty times that length.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 16 — The Smurfs

    I would just like to say it has been a day since that giant wall of text was posted by me. Even though I wanted only to offer up a slight constructive critique about 'away game' recording equipment, express how grateful I am for the much-more-often-than-not SUPER-high quality of production, and then thoroughly drive home that I love and appreciate the show, I found myself today worrying that I had offended. To be crystal clear, I just wanted to also stress that I understand how ridiculously busy you guys all are, and sometimes you just gotta get everyone together the best you can and get it done, and that is totally a-ok with me. I am no stranger to deadlines, self-imposed and otherwise. *Whew*