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Everything posted by KajusX

  1. KajusX

    Episode 317 โ€” Tash.2

    DREAMA: You know, these are questions that I don't know the answer to. And to be honest, I was hoping to come here and get answers, you know? SCOTT: Ok, Let's break this down. DREAMA: Let's break it down! I mean, what is a bear? TASH.2: I've got all day, you guys. I don't care. I mean, uhhhh whaddya wanna know? SCOTT: By the way, it's 9am currently, and we've cleared our schedules for the rest of the day. PAUL: That's right. I just have to quick cancel this-- I was supposed to go to my nephew's baptism. Hold on. SCOTT: Yeah, cancel it. Cancel it. Yup. We've got a lot of stuff to unpack here... PAUL: Just gonna text, 'Not.. gonna.. make it... fuck... you.' This episode was a like a goddamn Altman film. The overlapping dialogue had me coming back over and over again for all of these great gems!
  2. KajusX

    Episode 317 โ€” Tash.2

    She was being affable, totally game for the proceedings, and occasionally leaning into her accent to make it an exaggerated New York-style character. Have you ever met people who talk and then sometimes will put on a voice; perhaps an exaggerated version of themselves or a similar accent? They'll usually do it when they're being silly or know that what they're about to say is going to be easily made fun of? Most people have done this, so I'm sure you can think of at least one person you've met. English people do exaggerated accents, as do Californians, Southerners, anyone who speaks and is from a place, etc etc etc. Bostonians love cranking up their Boston-ness to ridiculously accented proportions. I understand the confusion some commenters are having, seeing as it is CBB and NO ONE knows what's real and what's not, but this is just a New York lady talking like a New Yorker and occaisonally doing her caricature voice of a New Yorker.
  3. KajusX

    Episode 317 โ€” Tash.2

    SCOTT: This is Natasha. DREAMA: Oh hello, Natasha! NATASHA: Hey, Howya doin'? DREAMA: Hi! Good, good SCOTT: We call her Tash Point ... ... ... ... ... (PFT breaks off-mic) ... Two. NATASHA: Do we? (PFT off mic laughter) SCOTT: I dunno DREAMA: Tash.2โ€” NATASHA: Do we fuckin' do that? Is that what we're fuckin' doin'? No. (PFT off mic laughter) DREAMA: โ€”I love that. SCOTT: Yup. Tash.2, that's you. (PFT off mic laughter) TASH.2: Alright, pal! Amazing.
  4. KajusX

    Episode 317 โ€” Tash.2

    I really enjoyed it when Paul called out how weird it was that he and Scott were sitting on the same side of the table and that he felt they were like morning zoo crew radio types due to the fact that the VERY few times Paul has been on he's always sat across from Scott, giving their dynamic a different feel. The reason I enjoyed that moment is because when I looked at the photos before I listened to the episode I thought to myself, "Oh weird. Paul and Scott are on the same side of the table. They look like two radio guys." http://cdn4.earwolf....10/IMG_7757.jpg "YOU'RE LISTENING TO SCOTTY AND THE PFFFFT!"
  5. KajusX

    Episode 317 โ€” Tash.2

    They did at the end, dummy!
  6. KajusX

    Episode 316 โ€” In the Larp Run

    Hi ZacMof, no one's judging anyone here about how much or how long they like Dane Cook and how long it's been since they were fans. But when I read your comment I got annoyed, because I saw Vicious Circle when it first came out in September of 2006 at a friend's house, I think on the Sunday before Labor Day. Vicious Circle was released on HBO in September of 2006. It's Comedy Central debut wasn't until January 2008 (I just confirmed these on wikipedia). I don't know when you were in 6th grade, but either way, it hasn't been over 10 years since he was last on your radar, if we're going by Vicious Circle (which I could not tell if you meant you watched VC and then you were done with Dane, or that was how you got into Dane). At most, it was 8 years, and at the least, it was 6. I don't mean to call you out, but being a former huge Dane Cook fan myself, that bad math bugged me. - - - 2006 was the year where Dane blew up. The backlash reached its fever pitch not long after. Everybody on here had similar experiences with Dane's comedy as I did, and I bailed for similar reasons. I remember seeing the people that comprised the crowd of Vicious Circle and thinking 'Oof, who are these people?' A bit snobbish, I admit, but that reaction was only exacerbated in Rough Around the Edges, where the crowd was obnoxiously, distractingly out of control with the constant screaming for no reason, and his material felt to me like b-sides or tags cut from similar premises in Retaliation. In August of 2003, I picked up Harmful If Swallowed about halfway through a cross-country road trip from CO to NJ to go to school. I think I had seen his half hour CC Presents, Ohio was driving me NUTS, I pulled off for lunch and went to some media store and went to the comedy section. I bought Dane's album and Attell's Skanks For the Memories. They got me through SO MANY states. I bought his albums as they released and watched his specials. I watched Tourgasm (oof). I hopped off the 'Dane Train' after Rough Around the Edges. Some time later I did see Isolated incident tho. It was weird. Saw him live twiโ€” HOLY SHIT. I just remembered I saw him at Madison Square Garden. it wasn't the sold out shows. It was in 2005, after Retaliation but before Tourgasm and Vicious Circle. I guess I haven't thought about that in forever. The other show was in Trenton, NJ. Dane Cook wasn't how I got into comedy, mind you. I was well versed in Richard Pryor, Jerky Boys, Mr. Show, UCB, etc. I grew up in the late '90s with friends who also loved comedy. In 2003 thru 2006, I enjoyed Dane's energy. Dane was but one of many comedians I enjoyed listening to. I listened to Harmful If Swallowed while driving to NJ. When I got to NJ, the third season of Mr. Show FINALLY came out on DVD, and I watched it for two weeks straightโ€” two, rainy rainy weeksโ€” in my cousin's attic/guest room, waiting for the school year to start. Then of course, Feelin' Kinda Patton came out in 2004, and I was all over that too. That album made the ROUNDS at my school because of me making people listen to it and then those people making other classmates listen to it. A lot of Patton fans came out of the Kubert School in 2006 and 2007. A group of my classmates and I even went and saw him twice at Caroline's, and he talked to us after his shows because we were comic book art school students. Anyway, I don't know what my point is. I like comedy, I guess. There was a time when Dane Cook scratched that comedy itch for a lot of people; the most people, really. I haven't sought out anything Dane Cook-related in OVER 10 YEARS (kidding, kidding), and when I saw he was on this b-b-b-bonus-s-s-s episode I did honestly say out loud to myself "WHUUUUT?" My favorite Dane Cook-related story from my life was in 2005 when my former-girlfriend-whom-I-did-not-marry and I laid in her bed and listened to Retaliation together, absolutely dying with laughter at the track "Nothing Fights." ("I don't even know what jelly IS.") We enjoyed the joke so much that we would then get into fake nothing fights in public places. Nothing outrageous. We would just put our voices in that not-really-a-whisper voice that gets completely betrayed when people speak forcefully through it, and then bullshitted a disagreement we were having that was relevant to our surroundings but about absolutely nothing. Just enough to get, like, one or two people close by to MAYBE think, "Oh, that couple is having a disagreement, probably over nothing." Then we'd knock it off. Obnoxious? Yes. And we loved it. it was actually one of the first things we really got into doing with each other, because it was pretty early in the relationship, so having fake nothing fights in the 'romance' phase felt really fun and odd. I guess I felt compelled to write all of this because reading through all of the comments, I realized we all watched it happen and took part in it to various extents. One thing we can all agree on is that Dane is a comedian that a lot of people laughed with and related to in the latter half of the oughts. Regarding the episode, I enjoyed it, especially because right off the bat it was Scott, Dane AND Reggie. It definitely kicked in to high gear when Rick Faber showed up. I actually went back and re-listened to everything from Rick onward, because on my first listen I did unfortunately tune out by the end of the first segment, partially due to its content sounding familiar enough to Dane's WTF interview, but MOSTLY because I was running errands and multitasking, resulting in me missing a lot of solid laughs after that first break. I also loved that when Rick used "All the live long day" in a sentence, it got Dane to laugh off mic and repeat the phrase. One of my favorite things in podcasting is when comedians delight each other with seemingly innocuous wording.
  7. "Engineer American Horror Cody Cody." I totally thought someone would have mashed these words up together to create this title.
  8. KajusX

    Episode 315 โ€” Sandwich Therapy

    Seriously, at least once a day my brain conjures the phrase, "mow down on some bread," and it is always a delight. ALWAYS.
  9. I cannot remember what was actually said, but when Scott asked J.W. to weigh in on something that was either one way or the other, J.W. stated he had already weighed in on this dispute once on another podcast, and he wasn't going to weigh in again. For those interested, the podcast J.W. was referring to was James Bonding with Matts Gourley & Mira. Paul F. was on and weighed in on the subject because the Matts were not seeing eye to eye. I WISH I COULD REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS!! EDIT!! I re-listened, and it was the pronunciation of 'ma'am,' and how the British pronounce it 'mom.' The case J.W. did not care to re-litigate was whether or not Bond calls M 'Ma'am' or 'Mom.' (Also, there is another parallel between the two podcasts, in that there is a James Bond film wherein a pigeon does a double-take)
  10. Wolverine's got nothing on Comedy Bang Bang's penchant for scenarios in which partnerships are formed between grumpy, old men mentors and plucky, young women. As soon as the 'case of the stolen water' was underway, I immediately thought, "Hey, 'Stillwater' sounds a lot like 'Steal Water.' I wonder if the conversation will naturally lead them there." I was so happy when it did!
  11. KajusX

    Episode 311 โ€” Dennyโ€™s Boys

    Holy smokes, you know you've gotten way too deep into the reality of the scene when, during the titular 'Denny's Boys' part of the episode occurred, you sincerely think, "Aw geez, guys! Pull up! Pull up! You're blowing it!!!" So funny.
  12. KajusX

    Episode 310 โ€” Little Button Puss

    WARNING WARNING IRISH TEMPER ITALIAN ATTITUDE Quickly! Someone get this shirt for Paul F. Tompkins' belated birthday!!!
  13. SCOTT: Scott, have you seen any films lately? SCOTT: Well, to be honest, I don't care much for the summer fare. SCOTT: Oh, the blockbusters and such? SCOTT: Hey, 'PYEW!' 'PYEW!' 'PYEW!' You know what? I'm not interested in robots, thank you. SCOTT: Big explosions and stuff. SCOTT: No thank you. SCOTT: You know, every once in a while, I like a good popcorn movie, I'm not gonna lie. SCOTT: Oh sure, I mean, I like popcorn. Mmm. SCOTT: I like sitting down in a theater, throwing back some 'corn and having a good laugh, or maybe even, y'know, seeing some stuff blow up. Maybe a car chase or two. SCOTT: Yeah! Maybe like a big robot trying to look for the AllSpark. This nearly destroyed me on my second listen. I don't know how I missed it the first time.
  14. KajusX

    Episode 309 โ€” Tony Macaroni

    Fun story-- my sister and her husband love Kroll Show and Gil and George. They don't listen to CBB. When my sister was pregnant back in February and past her delivery date by a week, she was getting very aggravated with the hospital playing it very loose with what time she should come in to get induced. First it was 7am, then it was 10am, and by noon she was losing her mind, with them saying to call back at 1pm. So to pass the time, I downloaded the Gil, George and Lizzy Caplan ep and queued it to their improv scene of the Bachelorette, then asked my sister if she wouldn't mind listening to the five minute clip. So my sister, her husband and I sat on the couch as I played it through my iPhone's speaker. Many laughs were had, and RIGHT AFTER the scene ended the hospital called and told my sister she could come in!
  15. Two quick comments-- 1. Had Tig Notaro been in studio, she would've been all over 'tumping.' 2. I nearly died when Southern Siri exclaimed, "Fuck YOU, democrat!"
  16. Seth: "Sweetheart, don't give up so- that- that- you have no spine, you know that? You just give up in the face of adversity at the drop of a hat. Now if you- if you love this- this Balls boy then you go and you fight for him, ok?" Seth gives the best pep talks. He wants to be a good dad so badly!
  17. @frostedbutts 4 posts on these boards. All complaints. 3 complaining about musical guests. 2 comparisons to Pedro the Lion. What's your deal? Lazy trolling? Passionate hatred for anything that reminds you of Pedro the Lion? What did Pedro the Lion do to you?
  18. Hot Dog is a water-skier, man! If you want someone who can offer a surfing angle then you would need someone who surfs, like Hamburger.
  19. KajusX

    Episode 301 โ€” They're Twins Jonah!

    "My dad is the buffest Pakistani psychiatrist in Jersey." That is an original sentence if I've ever heard one.
  20. KajusX

    Episode 300 โ€” Oh, Golly! You Devil

    While everyone fretted and analyzed the canonical implications of ep 274, the truly nefarious plot played out behind the scenes: Jason and Scott conspired to create a scenario in which they would trick Andy into doing so many characters simultaneously that he would die of an aneurism. Little did those scheming, broedown hoedown schemers know that Andy cannot be prodded and beaten. When one gazes into the Andy Daly, the Andy Daly also gazes into you... "Andi Callahan R.N. is dead." -Nietzsche
  21. KajusX

    Episode 300 โ€” Oh, Golly! You Devil

    I loved how when Bill Carter was talking about Victor, Jason attempted to make Andy include him as a character as well, and when Carter brought up that it wouldn't be possible due to Victor's frequent jailings, that's when I knew Billy Merritt was not going to be a surprise guest supporting player. But the best part was how they were able to still include Victor into the proceedings, and in an instrumental, LotR-eagles fashion too!!
  22. KajusX

    Episode 300 โ€” Oh, Golly! You Devil

    I really want to see a Scott C.-type 'Great Showdowns' illustration of this episode! http://greatshowdowns.com/
  23. KajusX

    Episode 300 โ€” Oh, Golly! You Devil

    Goddamn, that Feist reference tickled me.
  24. KajusX

    Episode 143 โ€” Gameface

    One of the things I learned early in life is to always trust someone wearing a wolf mask, especially if they're holding a knife in your kitchen. i4h, you nailed it!