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Everything posted by Bucho

  1. Bucho

    Episode 1 — Analyze Phish

    Yeah, phuck off Goble.
  2. Bucho


    El Chupacabra is Russian?
  3. Bucho

    Favorite character catchphrases

    Probably doesn't qualify as a catch-phrase per se but there's pretty much nothing on Earth better than the way El Chupacabra elongates and rides the wave of "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii".
  4. Bucho

    Episode 130 — Tall Napoleon

    One of my favourite episodes of the last few months. Just wall to wall brilliance from all four of y'all. LOVED IT!
  5. Bucho

    The darkness of Kulap

    I listened to it last week and it was brilliant. Because Ku-ku's s brilliant. And Paul's not too shabby himself.
  6. Bucho

    Episode 47 — Hey Redundancy

    This episode was one of the greatest episodes. Hot damn Pardo cracks me up.
  7. Lotta fun this episode you guys, LOTTA fun. NZ and Aus have kind of a brotherly relationship in that we'll trash talk each other till the cows come home and scrap up a storm when it comes to sporting and cultural rivalries but when the shit goes down and it's time to fight evil we're shoulder to shoulder in the trenches.
  8. Bucho

    TLP Weekly Video Clips Up On Youtube

    Yessssssssssssssssssssssss. Loved that bit. Top notch comedy three-way.
  9. Bucho

    TLP Weekly Video Clips Up On Youtube

    MORE MARINO! Pleeeeeeeease.
  10. Bucho

    Does it really have to be 40/kbps?

    I'm guessing Allen was just goofing with his GB/CD malarky Chase. A playfully ironic lightening-the-mood kind of thing. Of course it's entirely possible you were just playing along in your response, in which case: nice one. As for Allen's suggestion that the live musical performances be available for sale at a higher quality I don't know how that flies in terms of record label malarky or rev sharing with the artists but if they were paid downloads in the store (rather than dealing with clunky olde-timey cds) it may be a winner. It would depend on whether the sales numbers would make up for the extra work that would go into making them available that way. I just count myself fortunate that years of playing in loud heavy rock bands and working on construction sites has left my hearing so battered that I don't hear the imperfections even in the music sections. That's a sliver lining if ever I heard one.
  11. Bucho

    Episode 89 — Storytime!

    Very fun episode once again. Great job from Elizabeth and Andy and Ken Marino is so superb he should constantly win awards for it.
  12. Stevens is always a champion of my heart and Scheer an infectiously enthusiastic presence but Swardson was amazing. We don't get his TV show in NZ and I don't think I've ever seen any of his other work but he's always so fast and unpredictably, wildly fun as a podcast guest star. The Choctaw was on fire this week too - I think he may even have cracked me up more than the other three with his weapons-grade silliness.
  13. Bucho

    TLP Weekly Video Clips Up On Youtube

    See, these are genius. This is EXACTLY what I was trying to talk Who Charted into doing a month or so ago and now because you two - like myself - are also geniuses you've proved once and for all how promotionally genius the idea is. Laimewads would be fools not to be pimping these babies out all over the social media all over the cyberworld so the unaware can become aware of and fall in thrall to the charms of the show. These easily internet-sharable bite-sized chunks of show are a potent promo weapon and I salute you guys for taking the initiative and rolling with them. Thumbs WAY up.
  14. There couldn't be a more perfect SBC reserve team than these three gems of human beings. Loved every second of this episode and cried when it ended. Also, Mathew's right that Rugby Union can be a fun game to watch, but of the 80 minutes on the game clock they really only play about 23. The rest is waiting for things to happen. Rugby league also runs 80 minutes but there are about 77 minutes of action. League is fierce. If you want a sport more fierce than Rugby League you won't find it outside of a cage.
  15. Good job Elizabeth and Andy and Matt. This was a lot of fun.
  16. Bucho

    Episode 44 — Toilet Full of Scary

    This episode is an angel of joyousness.
  17. Some things I read in this thread that echoed thoughts I had while I listened to this episode -- Mathew: "... why don't they write lyrics that are innocuous, instead of these gallingly dumb lyrics that call attention to themselves?" Matt Wright: "Drugs can make any shitty band sound good. Why not take drugs and listen to music that sounds good sober?" Dimattiafilms: "I would love to see this continued as a recurring show where various comedians try to get their friends to become fans of one of their guilty pleasures." Jeremiah Messer: "Oh Harris! Never play a Phish song and claim that it is "funk"! Only Grateful Dead fans rival Phish fans for misunderstanding what funk is."
  18. Sarah + Nick = Me grinning like a loon.
  19. Keep responding to the yelping of the delusional drama queen and he'll just keep on yelping. If you want to see an end his yelping then treat him as what he is: someone too tediously irrelevant to give even half a shit about.
  20. Bingo Chris. That's why they got nothing but praise and thanks for finally making it explicit in the last week. As long as they keep making it clear "going forward" they'll set up much less confusion in the audience.
  21. 1. I agree with Matt that going non-comedy next season would be lame. I listen to tech and history and science and political and sports podcasts. I don't need to hear a game show about them. Matt is a comedy genius so give him comedy to play with. 2. You missed the point on the Criteria criticism. Yes you discussed it a lot. And like Jeff said, that was great to listen to. The point wasn't that it should be discussed more, it was that at the end of the discussion it should be CLEAR to your audience what the criteria are. "We still don't really know what 'recurring segment' means and it doesn't actually affect the judging anyway," is wishy-washy horseshit. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it up. You're only confusing your listeners. Remember over and over and over and over how guest judges gave the note to contestants that something wasn't being communicated CLEARLY and so confusion was ensuing? You guys were commiting the sin of which you were accusing some of the contestants. Remember all the flak you got for not judging a COMEDY podcast network contest based on funniness first and foremost? That happened because a) some people don't understand the concept of subjectivity, some people didn't understand that you were aldo judging things such as likability, engagingness and coherence as well as funniness and c) some people didn't understand that you had actually chosen the one you thought was funniest. All of these misunderstandings occured because you didn't communicate clearly enough. 3. Loved Matt going into the sports analogies and now I want him to talk about boxing on every show. Or even better, talk MMA. It is 2011 after all. 4. The three guests from the forums contributed nicely. Admitedly I also got lost every time Chris insisted that what we need is for the show to be riddled with character arcs but everything else lead to good discussion whether it was agreed with or not. 5. I've never heard it suggested that the show could work even better if it was on a more Maron-esque release schedule of Mon, Wed, Fri instead of Mon, Tue, Wed. I'm suggesting it now because waiting four days for another installment hurts my soul. 6. I agree with Jeff 170,000,000% that having a season with only new podcasts would be a bad idea. Whatever the 10 from season one could be criticised for they certainly weren't flakes and the last thing Jeff needs is to be taking Earwolf's private jet (Ear Force One) to Milwaukee every couple of weeks to light a fire under half-assed hipsters with no staying power. 7. Where the hell IS Totally Laime? 8. I stand by my brilliant suggestion that it should be two regulars and one guest judge each week. I love what Jeff says about how the range of guests has lead to something which is in some way a class on producing entertainment but I feel like shifting the balance toward consistency would help both the guest judge and the audience and possibly even the producers too. 9. At the end of the day for all the hoo-ha I still consider Season One of the EC a raging success. I was hooked from the second week onward (blame Jesse Thorn) and loved the ride, so great job Jeff for conceiving this monster and very nice work Frank and Matt and Peter for shepherding it towards greatness.
  22. Bucho

    Episode 123 — No Scoop for You

    First I was all, "Well shit, there's no way Fiene can follow up that incredibleness from Amy, she just slayed The Universe!" Then I was all, "Awwwwwwwwwww shit ... awwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit ... he just DID that!" Magnificent.
  23. @Crytslal and GW: You are both so right you should get medals.
  24. +2 to the "please don't clue guests in on Chart Roulette/Goose/Chicken/Honey Badger".