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Everything posted by Bucho
Sweet baby Baby Nancy and Beth melted my heart and unmelted my nethers. This ep is right up there with the Nick Lowe ep in terms of CBB music that moved me reeeeeeal good.
Stoked to hear Jeff back in the podcasting saddle and double stoked to hear Champ there alongside.
I'll be the second. Mullally and El Chupacabra tambien?!? I haven't trembled with this much anticipaysh to hear a CBB since ... Nope, I've never trembled this much.
Listen, Scottabot, please get Martin back as soon as possible. Are you listening Scottabot? This guy was nothing short of perfect in his debut. God damn he was cracking me up and has such instantly great chemistry with you. Have him on again soooooooon.
A perfect episode. Top 5 of 2012 for sure, maybe even top 3. Certainly the one during which I have lolled out loud the most times. Gold stars and A pluses all four Bang Bangers.
Over the years Tig has been a sunshine of my life, even here across the ocean where I've never been able to see her live, but first on Sarah's show, then in podcast guest spots and YouTubes and then with her own regular podspot with Professor Blastoff and with her album. All I can hope now is that she feels the sunshine coming back at her from all those who love her, from her closest of close pals on out to those of us who have been the anonymous but grateful fans, thankful that we get to share time on Earth with Tig Notaro and be warmed and inspired by the fire of her art. Every wish I have right now is going to her winning her fight so that we all get to share that time and that fire faaaaaaaaaaaar into the future.
Ku says it best. You are one of a kind Howard Kremer and you make us laugh soooooo much. Meanwhile, even us damned foreigners should salute one particular US Olympic Athlete who wasn't on the chart. In 2007, when she was 15, Kayla Harrison's judo coach Daniel Doyle was given a 10 year federal jail term after she revealed that he had been abusing her since she was 12 years old. The crimes he perperated against her had put her in such a dark place mentally and emotionally she was contemplating suicide. Five years later, with her fiance in the stands and the man she credits with saving her life - Jimmy Pedro, the coach who took her on after the ordeal - hollering instructions and support from the sidelines, Kayla Harrison became the Olympic Champion. They make movies about stories such as these. Kayla Harrison is the real thing.
This episode was nothing short of an utter delight. There's something about the way in which some guests engage with a podcast's trademark bits (like when they comment in Howard's Who Charted segment intros for another example) that magically makes them more lovable to me. Apart from TL and Harmontown the only other podcast I've heard him on is The Indoor Kids. The two eps he's guested on were also fun times to the max. I've been retired from video gaming for aeons and even I enjoyed them.
I don't know what witchcraft is responsible for the way Besser can turn base-level humour insto something which seems like genius but I hope it never stops. Bob was a delight as always and I think Scottrick is just getting funnier and funnier. I love that in the last couple of eps a guest has called him on one of his nicknames (I think it was Choctaw both times) and the way he rolls with it in response to them. One of my favourite things its the way he drops into cliche mode with conversational/interview topics. The most notorious one is probably "in this economy" but even tiny things like saying "I mean ..." cracks me up. Ku does that too and I love it every time and I don't even really know why. I agree with the dude who said this is episode of the year so far, although to be honest my memory is pretty cack and I don't remember further back than a couple of months ago.
There are plenty of opinions around this joint but here are the facts. 1. Andy was hilarious and a delight throughout. 2. Amy started slow and a little clumsy but got into the groove after only a couple of minutes and was a lot of funny for the duration. 3. Too many CBB music guests have brought the mood down but Loudon Wainwright III kept the vibe perfect and earned his way into the all-time Top 3 of CBB Musical Guests with Nick Lowe and Reggie. 4. Whenever The Commanche drops his dumb little lines like "not in this economy" a kitten gets its wings. I don't know exactly how he makes that mundane small talk stuff so hilarious when I'm normally immune to post modernity but he does. He is just that magical.
I remember at the dawn of comedy podcasting when it was 99% clueless amateurs (the other 1% was Jesse Thorn) there were a few of those clueless amateurs who thought it was funny to eat and/or burp into the mic. You heard me. Clueless amateurs.
Love Bobcat so much. He was one of the very first comedic forces I fell for as a kid and it's been fantastico to be able to follow the course of his career so much more easily since the internet was invented. An episode of Keith and The Girl from back in 2006. Bob's memory is right that the interview went off the rails but it's wrong that the reason for that was that KATG opened by bringing up Mohr. In truth Mohr didn't come up until about two thirds of the way through a fifteen odd minute chat and it was just the kind of personal question KATG always bring up, and one reason why their chats have always been more entertaining than your average interview (kind of like WTF). The real reason that interview went off the rails was Bob being confused by KATG's New York/Israeli aggressiveness and confusing it for them being mad at him. The thing about the recent tweet was just a case of Bob being accidentally caught in ball-busting crossfire between Keith and a couple of other New York comics (you know how them New Yorkers love to bust balls). I don't think Bob is even on twitter and he certainly wasn't @ed, so it was just unfortunate he came across it Googling himself.
It's been way too long since I told you I love you Who Charted?. I love you Who Charted?.
I miss The Wolf Den too. I miss its scent. I miss its musk.
Get out of my head Ziegler.
Last week I was like, "Boy, there's no way they can top this - next week is bound to feel like a let down in comparison." Nope. This was at least as magnificent as last week's and last week's was pretty damn magnificent.
YES!!! The poems are so damn good.
Oh heck yes Ben, he's been scaling the guest charts of my heart for some time, it was just this particular CBB which pushed him into my numbero uno pozish.
I give this episode all the gold stars. Just when I thought I couldn't love Andy Daly more he goes and does this. I love Harris's mellow easy-goingness and PFT's goofy adventurousness when they're yapping "straight" with Scott but with this episode Jason and his loveable feistiness jumped them into first place in my heart. Andy's suicide conveyer belt thing was a lot of fun but it was this bit which nailed me the hardest. Jason's line was great and Scott's delivery of his line sent me bonkers.
That pre-listen one was just a little something I like to call "James And Paul On The Same Episode!!!". And I know now that I was so right to be so excited. But this post-listening one - HECK! YES!!! - is for Cyberthug Radio.
You are so right it hurts Rachel. I want to marry this podcast.
Everything about this episode was the best.
Well I'll be ... I was just listening to a Bjork episode yesterday (I think CDR-15), after which I made sacrifices to gods while praying for her return to CBB. So up yours atheists.
I loved every second of this episode more than life itself. Is that Set The Rain On Fire song for real or just a brilliant parody of overblown, supercheeseball song titles? Sounds like something Celine Dion or Michael Bolton might have sung once upon a cheeseball.