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Daniel Lee

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Everything posted by Daniel Lee

  1. Daniel Lee

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

    debate program. If you realize your wrong about something change it, if your right, go to your next box and defend it. limit the number of boxes. Only 2 people.
  2. Daniel Lee

    Episode 14 — Robots (good. one.)

    maybe the best robot would be two robots combined one infinite and not really alive and the second finite (perhaps a copy of a human brain) and alive, able to be built up in cooperation with the non alive one. Same if i wanted to be a cyborg , i would copy my brain, let it spend a semester abroad build up to super daniel ,then come back (if it wants to) and live inside me. Protecting me advising me and laser eyesing me. During an emergency it could take over my body to get out of danger with precision.
  3. Daniel Lee

    Episode 14 — Robots (good. one.)

    blow your mind daily http://www.sciencedaily.com/
  4. I loved left handed radios segment. Half the jokes are super funny and the ones that missed are part of the rhythm. But Dum Dum is going ALL...THE...WAY or whatever soccer people say.
  5. Daniel Lee

    Open Source Revenue Generation

    Two words , emu farms. Now I know many people have wasted tonnes of money on them. They have been breeding to unmanageable levels causing to the market to crash.They have too many emus and we need emus.So we poach peoples emus. Obviously we dont kill them, im not stupid, why would we waist such a valuable work force. No we dress them in people clothes and hire them as inters by the thousands. When prices rise and people need there emu fix, boom, we take off there smelly clothes and the money flows like smelly wine.
  6. Daniel Lee

    My One and Only Criticism

    I love it when you play the whole theme song to new guests and tell them to shut the fuck up
  7. Daniel Lee

    Meeting Up

    wow I almost accidentally said people after the word dark, thank you edit button
  8. Daniel Lee

    Meeting Up

    San Antonio anyone? Shoot the dark .
  9. Daniel Lee

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

    How about you invent a debate program. two people enter a debate there are an even number of paragraph boxes allowing like 1000 or whatever number of characters . They may continually update it, argument and counter argument until both parties are satisfied. Better hurry I don't think it exists , could be wrong
  10. Daniel Lee

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

    forum location in search results would be duper blastin
  11. Daniel Lee

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

  12. Daniel Lee

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

    I believe multiple people have the user name Dan . We need more of them, all hail Dan!!!