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Everything posted by Skeevins

  1. Superman Returns would have been so much better if Superman's bastard son was the fruit of the union between him and the blonde from Superman III. That would actually have given Lois a reason to leave him other than "Oh, you were in space. Sorry."
  2. Hey Scott, who's Alexander Graham Bell?
  3. You guys are forgetting the best Wilford Brimley. Ewok Moses Wilford Brimley from "The Battle for Endor." He freed the Ewoks, he did some heavy fighting with a bo-staff, and he adopted an orphan child. BEST BRIMLEY EVER.
  4. I haven't heard Scott give one of Andy's characters such a hard time since the Irish limerick episode. As yoozj, Andy really stepped up to the plate.
  5. Just listened to episode 131 today. It was like some kind of crazyass poetry.
  6. Skeevins

    What Harris should play in episode 3 (If there is one).

    Golgi Apparatus. No song better represents the band Phish than Golgi Apperatus.
  7. Skeevins

    Episode 28 — Creativity

    I love Ken Robinson's talks on education and creativity. I assume the clip used in this episode was taken from one of his talks? Here's a good RSA Animate of one of his speeches. Pictures make learning fun.
  8. To Whom it May Concern: Fuck you, Brett Gelman. Who do you think you are, some kind of goddamn hero? How dare you rock this boat of complacency that we, the members of polite society, have constructed for ourselves? You are challenging my longheld beliefs and values, and I am NOT cool with that, bro. I downloaded your podcast in the hopes of finding something soothing to listen to as I drink my hazlenut coffee and discuss stock tips on the internet. But what do I get? Brett Gelman waving his big 'ol freedom dick right in my bewildered face! America doesn't have time for freedom, sir! Not while there's work to be done! "Land of the Free" indeed! More like "Land of the Weed;" the weed which you and your liberal cohorts are fond of smoking, you hemp-huffing hooligan! I got where I am in life by keeping my head down and obeying the rules, but you with your unassailable logic and puckish fucking charm now have me wondering if maybe there's another way...and that really burns my ass! In short, my mind doesn't have a bag of cocaine and a bus token, Brett Gelman, so stop trying to blow it! Yours resentfully, Stephen Henel
  9. Skeevins

    Indignant hate mail for Brett Gelman

    Egad! You're right, I have been wasting my life in the pursuit of stagnant riches. Also, I am a ghost! That is a twist I never saw coming! You have Shyamalaned me with the power of your brain!
  10. Nicholas Cage's creative sensibilities seem like they'd be a good fit for the Crank Crew. Without spoiling too much of Ghost Rider 2, was he a good source of ideas, both as an actor and as a comic book fan?
  11. Skeevins

    Favorite Characters?

    Brett Gelman, Sappity Tappity, Andy Daley as anything, and Cake Boss.
  12. Skeevins

    Episode 21.5 — Minisode 21.5

    Better late than never. [attachment=9882,227]
  13. Skeevins

    Indignant hate mail for Brett Gelman

    Brett Gelman, you are a troublemaker. Like Miracle Whip (that most troublesome of imitation mayonnaise spreads), you simply refuse to tone it down! But you had better keep your painful truth away from my apathy hole, for I am content to live in the darkness of ignorance, thank you very much. It is sheer bliss compared to the searing fire of your misguided convictions! A fire that will soon consume itself once the kindling has been exhausted! Revel in the chaos you have created while you can, Brett Gelman, for as Hannah Arendt once said, "The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution." Do you understand? Even if you win, there will always be another revolution! And on that day, it will be your morning of hazlenut coffee and relaxation that will be forever ruined, and you will have no one to blame but yourself! The clock is ticking, Brett Gelman!
  14. Skeevins

    Q&A w/ Paul Scheer Thread

    Do you guys enjoy any particular movie reviewers or movie review podcasts yourselves? Outside of Comedy Film Nerds, I mean.
  15. Phish's Golgi Apperatus song has the most ridiculous lyrics, by far. "They call him Lysasome Cause he runs so fast Runs like a junkyard dog With a brain of brass" It was bad enough when they were just taking money from the gullible little tykes who thought they were musicians, but then they went and made those kids flunk biology, too. That's adding insult to injury. It's like, Lysasomes can't run, Phish. They don't even have any goddamn legs! Not only can't they run, but their name has nothing to do with running--nor does it contain any reference to running. Are you trying to posit that Christian de Duve, the discoverer of Lysasomes, saw these little blobs on a slide and said to himself "Wow, look at these things not run, I've gotta come up with a name that characterizes them as fast runners for some reason...I GOT IT, 'Lysasomes!' I truly am a genius!" No, Phish. Just...no.
  16. Skeevins

    Episode 126 — Suicide is Painless

    John Hamm is like ginger ale, he makes everything feel better somehow. PFT and Scott were also hilarious as always.
  17. As with the Sklarboro podcast, I really enjoy some of the live bands that appear. But as is the case with comedians, it's going to be one of those things that will always be hit or miss depending on the band and your personal tastes.
  18. Your mind owes me a ride to the nearest gas station, because I just blew it.
  19. Great show, with probably my favorite musical routine to date. Such melodious grumbling. Also, yay! Made it to the mailbag. Oh, and it's pronounced "St. Ephen," as in "Saint Ephen," girls. The period is both invisible and silent.
  20. "...My name is Scott Pocketz, and please don't ask me for a napkin."
  21. "...My name is Scott Pocketz, and please don't ask me for a napkin."
  22. Skeevins

    Episode 121 — Bro-ing Out

    How could you guys have a bro talk without inviting Gerald? That's just insensitive.
  23. Skeevins

    Episode 121 — Bro-ing Out

    How could you guys have a bro talk without inviting Gerald? That's just insensitive.
  24. ^Leonard Maltin, you're in the wrong place. Doug Benson's show is in another podcastle. Another question this podcast raises is WHO IS INVENTING ALL OF THESE ROBOTS? Seriously, the CBB universe is filled with robots that were programmed for tasks of dubious importance. I would like the inventor of Good One Robot and Vegetarian Robot to be interviewed. Why go through all of those lines of code just so a robot can appreciate a joke or not eat meat? Seriously, that's an investment of time and money that could be better spent elsewhere, like on sexaroids. Programming a robot to not like meat is like programming a robot to get cancer. It seems needlessly cruel and uneccesary.