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Everything posted by pongo

  1. pongo

    Episode 1 — No Homo

    Yes sadly most of my neighbors still use that phrase quite a lot, it is very depressing. On another note I enjoyed the show and look forward to more.
  2. Man I am super excited to hear Howard on Adventure Time. Although all I can imagine when I think about it is Lee complaining about being a prisoner of some kind.
  3. pongo

    Episode 150 — Time Bobby

    Best of 2012 either this or episode 148 but it is so hard to pick between the two. So guess it's a good thing I can vote for both of them.
  4. pongo

    Episode 104 — Hardwickipedia

    I have to say while they managed not to give any Walking Dead spoilers I do feel ET and Pulp Fiction have been ruined for me. I mean I may as well not even watch the movies now.
  5. pongo

    Episode 1 — Let the Game Begin!

    Yes!!! Finally Nerd Poker is here and I could not be happier
  6. Jake, I just wanted to say how great you are and how great it is you appreciate your fans so much. Thank you for being wonderful and doing an awesome podcast.
  7. pongo

    Episode 80 — Honesty

    Do I smell an Analyze Pretenders podcast? Maybe a new podcast or just an episode of Professor Blastoff were Tig has to convince Kyle to like the pretenders.
  8. pongo

    Episode 3 — On Golden Film

    Jon Daly is hilarious and I am thrilled that the rafflecast is back. Grip it and rip it.
  9. I found myself getting super excited when Scott agreed to be the guest, but who else do you guys think would make a good guest for the whomp up the jamz Christmas spectacular.
  10. I hope this means the Rafflecast will be airing on more of a regular basis, or at least as much as Gelmania releases episodes.
  11. pongo

    So does this mean more Rafflecast

    Ya I think I remember him saying it would be back in a couple of weeks but I don't remember him saying that it was coming back full time, but hopefully it is.
  12. pongo

    Star Wars Holiday Special

    I think you will find that it was a thanksgiving special, I'm in a trance.
  13. It is fine I don't think anyone really cared and it still led to a different funny scene.
  14. Wait wasn't this supposed to be the second best of episode?
  15. Thanks for getting me through thanksgiving with a dreadful visit to see extended family.
  16. I have got to say, I am still loving people making fun of how bat shit crazy Victoria Jackson is. Also Julie Brown was just awesome, I wasn't sure going into the episode not being familiar with her but she was just fantastic.
  17. Really enjoyed the episode and Cash to be specific. I have been meaning to start listening to Cashing In because I'm a big TJ fan but seeing how great Cash was on this episode makes me want to start listening to his podcast right now.
  18. Didn't David just talk about how they didn't like their fans being mean to their guest like Steven.
  19. pongo

    Episode 79 — Elections

    I find fault with some of Aaron's Halo analogy because Red v. Blue is just a Halo machinima that primarily just to be funny. Although I do believe you could find deeper meaning in it about how the sides don't matter and more often then not they are working together. So I guess Aaron kind of made a point and seeing as he came up with it on the spot I think he did a pretty good job.
  20. pongo

    Episode 16 — The Smurfs

    Could you perhaps explain who and/or why someone requested no longer making those eps available to keep people from being upset about this. I think that people would be more willing to understand if it was explained.
  21. pongo

    Episode 24 — Japs?

    So I guess the podcast is really going back to the daily version, although it really doesn't matter and I will listen either way, you gave me a taste of the good life and then just ripped it away.
  22. pongo

    Episode 187 — Finger Chimes

    Ya he only talked about the live show ending not the podcast or the TV show so I think those will be fine, and Scott even said that a new stand up show will take bang bang's place even though it will be sad to see it go. Also just wanted to say how great of an episode this was and I have got to say when Scott said who watches the watchmen that just cracked me up.
  23. Don't mess with the stache or you'll get the corn, ten years worth is going my life philosophy.
  24. Oh the awkward looks I got from people when I busted out laughing at Howard's smoothie song. That song needs to be played in its entirety.
  25. pongo

    Episode 102 — Silly Dance Party

    Swear to George Carlin is a reference to Todd Glass's podcast, he says swear to George Carlin when he is actually being serious because he jokingly says swear to god a lot.