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Everything posted by pongo

  1. pongo

    Episode 15 — Music Fun!

    This is a great podcast and I would be genuinely sad to see it see you stop doing it. I think that there have been a lot of good ideas already about how to keep the show going like getting an intern to book guest, or having guest on for a couple weeks rather than just episode. Having if you could just find a handful of dads who could each do the podcast for a couple of weeks at a time then that fill up a lot of time between Dave's return to the show.
  2. Okie-dokie but why or why not.
  3. pongo

    Episode 14 — Speech Therapy

    Don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said, great heartwarming episode and this one of my favorites so far.
  4. I believe you meant eat a hot bowl of dicks but it doesn't matter and I completely agree.
  5. I wish the intro of the episode had everyone doing it together even though the Tig and Kyle part was hilarious. I just imagine David coming into the studio alone all the time to record advertisements all the time and him not even doing the intro with Tig and Kyle made me sad.
  6. Ya it is even weirder while listening to it at school.
  7. pongo

    Episode 184 — Pop and Politics

    This episode just made me wanting wanting more Weirder Scott because the song was very reminiscent of his and Weirdest Kulaps' Christmas Melody.
  8. I cannot wait for this to happen.
  9. I am happy to see the Sklars sprinkling in reading emails again especially with this one being so good.
  10. pongo

    Episode 13 — Responsibility

    Great episode and nice to hear Dave back even though I did enjoy the guest hosts. So on the topic of the whole allowance thing I like Dave's system and think it would work well. On a side note I would love to hear an episode were Dave or a guest talk about how they deal with fighting kids.
  11. Funny how right after listening to this I had to read an english paper on the difference between oriental and american cockroaches.
  12. I think this is one of the most consistently funny podcast I listen to and it has a lot to offer. There is the hilarious scenes with great guest who always have great stories. Also I just love when Matt gets passionate about things or brings listener on to talk to. I love them in between talking just talking as much as the improv.
  13. Episodes like these make me wonder why this show isn't more popular.
  14. Correct me if I am wrong but this is the second earwolf episode were Paul F has talked about how amazing his hands are. First on professor blastoff now on who charted. Anyways, great episode. Congrats on making it to 100 and I look forward to many more.
  15. I never meant to imply that the scene was bad, I love all the bonus episodes just as much as the main ones. I thought you implied they were not as good as the others when you talked said to talk about weather it should have been cut or not. That was a mistake on my part. Also can't wait for the next Case Closed.
  16. Ya I was about to say the same thing, because that is a really weird game for a brother and sister to be playing.
  17. Really enjoyed the Chicago love and the Sklars recognizing that the bears are doing good.
  18. Seemed like Tunnel Guy was the only character missing also Aaron's morning zoo name should be morbot.
  19. The snuff trailer may have been one of the funniest things ever with the repeated references to it being filmed in South America. I also give friendship 5 stars.
  20. Surprised this was cut, great scene but with this line up all the scenes are going to be great.
  21. pongo

    Episode 16 — Yikes Ahoy!

    hey just thought i would mentioned they still do release daly episodes on the blog following up to the full Thursday show called the daily dose
  22. I completely agree the first part of the podcast with the mass confusion was my favorite.
  23. I remember how much I enjoyed when the Sklars would read emails on the old episodes and the sense of community it gave. So I was thinking it's fine if it isn't on the country but why not the county. You have the extra show why not try it out. Thoughts?
  24. pongo

    Episode 75 — Global Warming

    by the way I hope i was not the only one who noticed how hilariously Aaron said the word "page" when doing the ad for earwolf.com