Maybe do a Kevin Bacon segment where the guest as well as you guys need to pick a person in the cast. The person who can connect to Bacon in the fewest moves gets drinks from the others.
Another idea is a contest for WORST MOVIE LINE EVER and have us (listeners) submit horrible movie lines then make Jason and JDR guess the movie it's from. If we stump the panel we get sent a free H.D.T.G.M or Human Giant or Earwolf shirt.
I think that for suggesting these I should get a shirt and PAUL SNEERS should FINALLY ADD ME ON FACEBOOK!
Final idea:
Maybe select an actor and give them the Nick Cage WhyTF did you pick this part award. Take Jeff Bridges: The Big Lebowski, True Grit and WTF... The Open Road with Justin Timberlake?! WHY JEFF??? WHY???