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About Jamesy

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  1. This doesn't work because it's in russian, but it is hilarious, so it could be described.. These guys stop douchebags from driving on sidewalks, and if they dont comply, they get a giant sticker on their windshield
  2. Jamesy

    Does earwolf allow visits?

    Just a suggestion, it would be neat to have a paid tour. I don't know if the demand would justify the cost or whether it would be too disruptive but it could be another revenue stream for the studio.
  3. Jamesy

    Does earwolf allow visits?

    Thanks agata and Tim, I will have to make do going to UCB and whatnot Cheers
  4. I am planning on being in LA in October and I would love to visit the Earwolf studios. I don't want to just show up unannounced without checking. Can someone who works for Earwolf let me know if it is kosher to swing by? Thanks
  5. During the concert in Toronto on July 6th, local U2 tribute band "Acrobat" got up on stage and played Desire while U2 left the stage to watch. Bono came back up to do a harmonica duet with the Rollingstone and many other news orgs did interviews with the band afterward. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/how-a-canadian-u2-tribute-band-got-onstage-with-the-real-thing-20150707 http://u2tributelive.com Full disclosure, Gabrielvox is my brother and I shot this video. See for yourself At the end, Bono said "It's nice to meet you finally, I love your early stuff" LOL These guys are fantastic gentlemen and U2 megafans of the highest order, and I think they'd be willing to come on the podcast. I know we could all use a new episode too. Bonus: the bassist, Mark "u2brothr" Baker, made a documentary last year about his quest to get up on stage with U2: Although at the time of the documentary finish, he had not reached that goal, it has happened twice now in the span of a month. See this clip of u2brothr dancing with Bono, rocking him like a baby I tried tweeting at Scott and Scott but I got no reply. Anyone interested in the Scotts doing an episode on this and potentially wrapping it into a u2brothr documentary discussion? Help me get their attention by posting in this thread!
  6. Yeah it was terribly written, but it was not a "free form what he was thinking" essay like the lady in the audience was suggesting. Here is him discussing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AblFtHxIP8 He's also a terrible singer Personally, he's such a good statesman that I'm not willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I would recommend watching the full speech he gave during his presidential announcement: Matt, can you please bring this up on your next podcast? Besides Elizabeth Warren (and she's not running for president), no one beats Senator Sanders on his honesty and his progressive policies.
  7. Double Decker tour guide from San Francisco goes on a racist diatribe against chinese people on her last day of work. The video below is from "Secular Talk" youtube channel, somehow affiliated with TheYoungTurks. The host sets up the video and then comments on it after it is done. The lady is done ranting at about 2 minutes in, and she gets applause at different points from the tourists on the bus. Then at the end she gets some of them to chant "Fuck Chinatown" over and over in unison, while they're going under a tunnel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxRUsPnzhPk
  8. http://espn.go.com/espnw/athletes-life/blog/post/15380/staind-lead-singer-messes-national-anthem-game-5 I guess "IT'S BEEN aWHILE" since he had to sing it Sorry, I'll let myself out..
  9. Jamesy


    Yes please more. I just listened to Owen on HDTGM and it only made me want MORE
  10. "Dildo... Let Me Finish... On a Roomba"
  11. .. how long you plan on growing that beard
  12. Here's another one, this is an italian song called "Prisencolinensinainciusol" which is entirely made up of gibberish english (it's what italians think americans sound like): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcUi6UEQh00
  13. Clips from a local cable access show from Winnipeg, back in the 80's. There are no words to describe this show so I'll make one up. It is a real fuckerydoo. Highlights include "Muscle Dancing" (@ 5:20), and a cringe inducing karaoke style trio with former WBC Light Heavyweight Champ, Donny Lalond (@ 1:25) PS, Rockin' Ron and Nifty Natalie are brother and sister
  14. the show so nice they named it twice as many times as usual!
  15. Anderson Cooper interviews a lady who thinks gay people should be put in death camps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=B70Msi7vrmE#t=286s Nerd unveils his new katana. Pretty cringe inducing: Love the podcast Matt! Cheers!