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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 70.5 — Minisode 70.5

    I have DirectTV and they don't offer FX or FXX or FXX2 or any of the other Fox variations. They do offer Cartoon Network, so I do get to see NTSF:SD:SUV when if I decide to take that Friday off(Sorry, Scheer. It comes on so damn late on Thursday that I can't stay up and watch it if I have work the next day).
  2. wakefresh

    Generation Gaps

    They caught me like that with a well designed poster (Photoshop) for a movie. I click on it, thinking it is going to be a nice production that I just maybe had missed, and it was on the Birdemic scale of productions. It's like they spent a large part of their money on hiring a good graphic designer instead of getting boom mics.
  3. There is a lack of Adam Sandler movies, imho.
  4. I love how this movie just keeps popping up in the forums! If they ever release a ep about this movie, it will be LEGEND!
  5. wakefresh


    I would say Heath Ledger was this generation's River Phoenix. Biebs is so teeny bobby. I want to amend my comparsion; he is this generation's Peter Frampton.
  6. wakefresh


    Is Biebs this generation's Corey Haim?
  7. wakefresh


    I don't like South Park, but they had an episode about Britney that was spot on. We build them up to take them down again. But Hollywood has a very forgiving nature, as evidenced by Drew Barrymore's and RDJ's careers. They were both fuck ups for a long time, but when they wanted to change their lives around, there was no shortage of people ready to give them a shot. Everyone wants to be associated with the underdog that has the odds stacked against them but does good in the end.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 44 — White People Gone Wild

    Kudos to you for allowing Sandman's thoughts to be on the podcast. It would have been just as easy to edit some of his comments out because it could potentially fuck with your money, but I like that you left it in. I think another thing as to why I don't really mess with the stuff I hear on the radio is the style is so different than what I grew up on. The style of flow that people use nowadays is completely foreign to me. They'll use the same word at the end of the a line and repeat it, but in a different context for those lines. I suppose that's a neat play on words when used sparingly, but fools will use it for like half a verse and all you hear is "blah blah blah CAKE, blah, blah, blah, CAKE, so, yeah I got that CAKE". It's not interesting to listen to. Or when they use set up a simile, but don't use the word "like" and will instead just throw out a tangential reference to what they just set up. The main culprit in this is Aubrey aka Canada Dry. In one song he's like "bout to set it off in here/Jada Pinckett". Or Luda does in one song, where he's like "her girlfriends coming down the street like a parade/Macy's". That really turns me off and feels like it is the Seth MacFarlane way of writing rhymes -- just throwing out pop culture references kinda/sorta related to what you are saying at the time.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    For a funny story about Natasha and Moshe and their dog, check out the champs podcast: http://thechampsyo.com/2013/06/the-champs-podcast-jay-chandrasekhar/ the story starts at 40 minutes in.
  10. wakefresh

    Conan the Barbarian

    We need to get him and Werner Herzog together for a movie, just so they can do the commentary track on the DVD release. If I were a millionaire, these are the types of projects I would fund.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 44 — White People Gone Wild

    I thought the discussion about what is popular and what is "good" was real good. I think most of the stuff being released today is garbage, but when I sit down and really think about this, I can't tell you exactly why. When I was younger, the older heads would look at the stuff I was buying and boo-hoo it to death. "You listening to Mobb Deep, Shariq? What, you gonna go out and sell rock now?" They saw Mobb Deep, Biggie, etc as a bad thing for hip-hop because it wasn't the hip-hop that they grew up on. The Fugees make a reference to this on the Score where they talk about all of these gangsta rappers are doing nothing for the culture and call out Biggie Smalls by name. Jeru does the same thing in his songs. I think it sometimes comes down to if the music is even made for your ears. Big Sean is not looking for me to be in his core audience. He's a young guy, so he wants people around his age and younger to "get it." When I listen to Big Sean, it just makes me shake my head in shame. So, I guess my question is this: should what is 'good' or not be decided by the generation that is releasing the music? I don't know how old Sandman and Open Mike are, but if they are in the same generation as these people, then I trust their judgement. But if they aren't in the same generation, you gotta step aside and let these young folks do their thing if you don't understand it at all.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 187 — Viva Italia!

    Ok, has anyone commented on the wall of Golden Girl stills in the background for the pictures connected to the episodes? This is a new thing, right? I don't remember them doing this with Brandon in the "We hate you, Clayton" ep. Do they still do the recording in their house or is that a studio at Earwolf?
  13. wakefresh


    You can state your opinions on my new podcast, "How Did This Get Twerked?"
  14. wakefresh


    The problem is that she is so disingenuous that her actions are absolutely absurd. She's playing at being poor and black, but is neither and with her wealth from the Disney TV show and movies, etc probably never will be. She's just using poor black people do make herself seem "edgy" and "rebellious".
  15. wakefresh

    Generation Gaps

    Also, I loved the music transitions. Anyone time you get to hear Ghostface, it's a good time.
  16. wakefresh

    Generation Gaps

    Those old VHS covers were hand drawn and many times would be way more interesting and more professional than the actual movie. I remembered being suckered by the cover of a video, thinking that it would be good, and then I get something akin to The Room and I'm like, "shit, five bucks down the drain."
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    Yeah, that was a funny part. The thing that got me was that they don't even show where that was. Everything was black. The only thing you see are closeups of him doing flips in the dark. Then he runs past two bleachers -- in the dark, again -- and that woman tried to get his attention. After they took their trip to Italy to film, they had no money at all.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    If I didn't know that Kurt Thomas was an Olympic gymnast, I would say he was one of the stars of Flexible Twinks Vol. 2. Everyone in this movie, save for the khan of Parmistan, looked like they had done some sex work in their lives.
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 227 — Racist Vagina

    I'm not an idiot. You wrote that racism has been and will be in every group forever. If its going to be around forever, then what's the point of doing anything about it? Congratulations, Kris, you solved racism! Turns out the solution was to not do a damn thing about it.
  20. wakefresh

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2013!

    Damn, talk about customer service.
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Take your own advice. Don't read too much into things and just float on.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    Only if Scheer does the hosting duties in Ahnuld voice.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    Don't listen to grog. Let it swing free.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    You know what really catches me about old time porn. You had to go to a public place and look at that stuff. Like you had to leave the house, get in the car, and drive to the "seedy" part of town to look at nudie movies. And then once you're in there, its just a bunch of dudes in the dark looking at porn together.
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    Well, all of those sound like French films, which are erotic adventures...erotic adventures set in space, erotic adventures set in the city, erotic adventures set in the past, erotic adventures set in the country, erotic adventures set in the future. Even their blockbusters have a very extended, very prominent, paraphilia-themed love story.