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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    We get it Wien. You're such a true 'Murrican that you wrote in Rick Perry on your ballot. We get it, dude. Calm the fuck down.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 124 — Duke of Leon

    They dance AND push buttons....whoa nelly, now that's what I call a show!
  3. wakefresh

    John Carter (2012)

    I vote for this movie to get a send up. The battle scenes are boring as all hell and so are the characters. Everyone's performance in this akin to peeling paint. Also, I think old sci-fi tales are the last thing that needs to be made into movies. When Howard Carter wrote those books, people didn't know anything about Mars or space exploration. We know about those things now, which makes the very premise of this movie pretty stupid to begin with.
  4. wakefresh

    The Man with the Iron Fists

    I agree with you on the star part. The RZA just can't act, especially not well enough to carry an entire movie. I think he did an ok job directing though
  5. wakefresh

    New No Nos

    New No No: If the hosts of the show say something problematic, keep it to yourself. Please note that this does not apply to any of the guests on HDTGM.
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Now, I'm starting to understand the backlash. You corrected something that GUEST had said, while I corrected something that one of the HOSTS said. I was under the impression that you could correct something that ANYONE said. My bad. That explains why my innocuous comment gets feasted upon while you're comment didn't. Also explains why you flip the script and act a straight asshole after you did the EXACT SAME THING. To steal a phrase from June, "it's all starting to come together for me now..." Can some one add a sticky thread that outlines this rule on the forum?
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Here's the social-political indictment of THE SYSTEM that started all of this: Jason, black people are regular people too So, once again, why didn't you take your own advice when Chaffin made her statement and shut the fuck up?
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Are you sure you weren't being "hyper sensitive" when you pointed out Chaffin's statement? After all, this is a comedy podcast and not an NPR symposium Did you really think that Chaffin's statement was problematic? Did anyone else think so? If not, then why didn't you apply your own advice and shut the fuck up?
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Jeez, here come the bleeding hearts. Hey, buddy, I can call them whatever I want because they don't matter.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Its only ironic unless Jesse Jackson had talked about his need to make one of the members of the Greek Taliban (who would that be? Greeks are mostly Eastern Orthodox Catholics) apologize in the past and you somehow confirmed that Jason was a member of this group (again, what would that look like, the Greek Taliban). So, I took your comment exactly as you meant it. A snarky reply from someone who wanted to end a discussion on race.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Did you call Chaffin out on that? If not, then what's your point, that you don't consider calling a black child "blackie" or implying black weddings are irregular problematic statements? Do you want a cookie for that?
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Poor baby. Those sensitive minorities won't just let you speak to and about them any old fucking way. Your dad never had to put with this, he could speak to those darkies any way he wanted with impunity.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    The reason I like Scheer is because he'll say something crazy, catch himself, and then be like, "that's wrong, shouldn't have said that because x". Jason says something problematic and we have people making snarky comments and others trying to rewrite the English language so that adjectives aren't really adjectives. I think Jason is fine. He actually caught someone else (Jordan Morris, I believe) making a reductionist statement about a black actor and corrected it. But that doesn't mean Jason can't make problematic statements. The people who were in the room at the time caught on it (big ups June) and people who listened to the podcast caught it (big ups Kickpuncher). The way you end racism is by talking about it -- not trying to hide it under the rug by making snarky comments or denying that it exists by retroactively trying to rewrite the rules of the English language.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 59 — Spice World

    Also, this thread has gone for seven fucking pages!!! We must stop talking about this crazy movie and move on with our lives.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 59 — Spice World

    C'mon. That such a stretch...
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    But Jason already had qualified that the two weddings were different when he said they the bride and groom in the two clips were comprised of different races. But then he doubled down, just in case anyone was confused... And said on one hand we have a regular wedding with white people (the word "regular" is modifying "wedding") and on the other hand, we have a black wedding (ominous tones sound) that naturally leads everyone to assume that is the furthest thing from regular because the modifier is not there. And by your own admission there was nothing irregular about the wedding clip of the black couple. You are wrong in saying that there is literally no other way to make the distinction between the two clips (in fact, in the sentence before, he already had). It was a choice. Which is exactly what Jason did when he said that line!
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    You're trying too hard and nothing you said makes any sense.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 130 — Racist Dogs

    The answer this guy gave was weak. There is no such thing as racist or classist dogs. If you're dog barks everytime you pass a person of color, it because you are tensing up each time you see a person of color and the dog is reacting off of that.
  19. I can assure you, the people who say that there are only a few "bad apples" down in the South, in regards to racism, are lying. Damn near everyone down here is a 'bad apple'; it's the legacy from Jim Crow.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Ok, am I missing something, but what is so funny about 'vaya con dios'? It means 'go with God' and is a common thing to say after someone has passed.
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Hell no, the UN didn't want their name attached to this craziness. Kofi Annan was the UN Secretary General at the time, and he kept dodging Capcom's calls.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Jason, black people are regular people too.
  23. It is Entourage heavy and maybe someone who has watched all 7 ( 8? ) seasons will get more of a kick out of it. My knowledge of Entourage is really limited ( I stopped watching around the third season) and I still found this funny. Everyone is name dropping like crazy and poor Gil, janitor-turned-writer, is lost.
  24. Oh, the funniest was when Shelby said she wrote the lines for the R.Z.A.? What is the R.Z.A.? I know of the RZA from the Wu-Tang clan. Maybe she was speaking of the Rhinestone Zootsuit Association?
  25. I think it was a good show up until the "Medlin" plotline. I mean, it was like nothing ever phased the main character. E: "Oh this big movie in you're in tanked. Probably means the end of you working for a long while, maybe ever." Vinnie: "I'm going to hangout on a Mexican beach, man and just chill." Oh fuck you, Vinnie. If you don't give a shit about what's going on, why the hell should I?