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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Conan the Barbarian

    That's the best! Ahnuld is a lesson in fortitude. He's been in the United States for damn near three decades and he still has a strong accent. On the Indoor Kids podcast Kumail figured that Ahnuld listened to tapes of himself when he first came to the U.S. for a hour each day, so that he could keep the accent.
  2. wakefresh

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2013!

    So that's the guy who makes the T-Shirts? I'm gonna order one this weekend.
  3. Lucas really milked the Star Wars property for all it was worth. I'm not that mad at him though. With the money he created ILM and really advanced incorporating computer models into movies.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    Well, with the onset of VHS, companies just said, let's cut to the fucking and have nothing else. And I do think the people who were in the early days of porn did see themselves as artists/counter-culture rebels, so there was a little more thought put into those movies.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    No, you're reading too much into it a simple question, like I'm reading too much into a performance. Like I said, you can go float on your cloud somewhere else.
  6. wakefresh

    Conan the Barbarian

    I haven't seen the latest Conan, but the original Conan with Ahnuld is almost like a silent movie. He doesn't talk at all.
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    What was the attack? What was the "reach-tastic"? I just asked you a question. But whatever man, there's no use in having a discussion about this because you have transcended race and are clearly above talking about this. Float your cloud on to somewhere else where people are discussing things that are worthy to be talked about.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 227 — Racist Vagina

    Well, that solves everything then. Andrew you can pack it up, because racism has been around and will be around forever. No need to improve anything. Things that will also be around forever -- sexism, ageism, people who don't like death metal, rape, kidnapping, torture, war, poverty. Let's not try to attempt to limit or fix any of these things, because they will be around forever.
  9. wakefresh


    Yeah, they mentioned her on Shots Fired and Who Charted. I was like, "ugh. yeah, she sucks."
  10. wakefresh


  11. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    WHOA! He was in a porno! There was a strange time when porn films were trying to get respect like mainstream films and you could go back and forth between them. I feel like today, even you had a non-sex role in a porno, you are not going to get casting calls for Hollywood movies.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Yep, black people are the "real" racists, aren't they?
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    You're so damned enlightened, I'm surprise you don't just ascend into the heavenly plane to live above us mere mortals.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Ok, this is something that just popped in my mind. All of the teddy bears in the performance. Is that a reference to pedo-bear? Is this chick shouting out pedofiles?
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Well, if everyone is paid to degrade themselves then everything is fine then? Remember when people were upset about the Kanye West "Monster" video where he surrounded himself with dead-looking white women? Well, since it was voluntary and they were paid, there is absolutely no reason to talk about the deeper issue as to why violence against women in glamorized. Since all of those girls in rap videos are paid, then there is no reason to talk about the deeper issue as to why women in hip-hop are only used a props and background and given respect as artists. It must be nice to not have to think of any deeper issue about art and just float through life. Well, see, that's the thing. This is not black culture. This is what a rich country white girl "thinks" is black culture. She "playing" at being poor and black without any of the negative consequences that come with it. Being poor and black in this country means that you grow up in choatic neighborhoods; Miley has been on soundstages her whole childhood. Being poor and black means that you get subpar schooling and your high school probably doesn't offer a wealth of AP classes or has a nice computer lab; Miley has had private tutors were whole life. Being poor and black means that you have limited opportunities and even if you have smarts, talent and skill, it is going to be a hard road for you to go because you will be doing something that your parents/aunts/uncles have no experience with; Miley has a father who had a quadruple selling platinum song. All she knows is a life of privilege. Also, it is both racist and sexist. Black women are women as well and degrading them so that you can shed a "nice girl" image is totally not cool. And 2Chainz was a part of the performance, but he gets called out on his shit all the time. As do most hip-hop artists because people are tried of seeing women treated like props. Now, if your whole gig is that Miley should be above any criticism -- the same criticism that fellow performers get -- then just say so.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    What does your take on MTV's relevance to the music industry have to do with Miley Cyrus smacking a woman's ass on stage or the fact she is a rich girl that is "playing" at being poor and black?
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    So, it was degrading to Miley Cyrus to twerk, but not for the black women who she used as props in her performance or the black woman's ass she smacked? I think your tune would be changed if 2Chainz was the one smacking women's asses on stage. I think you would have used the moment to talk about how misogynistic hip-hop is. But since it's Hannah Montana that's doing it, it all fine and dandy and everybody's making a "big deal" out of nothing.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    That was my favorite part as well! What event did Thorg compete in? He looks like a jobber out of the WWF, so unless the Olympic Games had a "sports entertainment" competition, there is no reason for Cabot to be a fan of Thorg. Also, was "Thorg" that guy's first name or last name? I pray to God it was just a stage name.
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Rhianna's reaction sums it up perfectly.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Her, and your definition, of having "fun" and "being stupid" degrades other people.
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Yep, that's the reason people are pissed because this is what Miley thinks black culture is. It's not like she is appreciative of twerking or rachet culture in general because she would never have had any sort of contact with those people. Eminem grew up in a working class neighborhood surrounded by black folks. And while it did hurt to see him get all of the artistic merit that was denied all of the black rappers that came before him, atleast it wasn't a put on. He had a genuine appreciation of the culture and respect for it, and was aware of the privilege his white skin gave him in that culture. Miley was a TV star on Disney for her entire childhood. Her father had a crazy-selling triple platinum album. This fucker has always been rich as hell. The people who are in rachet culture are the most marginalized people in our society. They grow up within chaotic circumstances and know what it is like not to have anything. I'm black and I don't even fit within that group, so I don't see how a rich white girl who had her own TV show for damn near a decade can. This is her "Dances With Wolves" fantasy being played out on a national stage. The people who she is appropriating are just props for her own emotional journey. As soon as something else catches her eye, she will leave ratchet for this new thing and then twerking will go back to being associated with "dirt" and "trashy people", instead of a "playful, youthful" dance.
  22. I think that the circumstances around how an issue is brought up will definitely frame the discussion around that issue. Because if you only bring up the idea of rape culture but only in the context of "those people", then you aren't helping anything at all because it will not lead to any sort of self-reflection on the rape culture operating here, right now. Hell, because in many ways, the legal system in this country sanctions sexual violence against women.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    Yeah, there was a good article about it on Jezebel and lots of people are talking about how Miley is appropriating elements from a marginalized culture to try to make herself seem "edgy." Just like people shit on Olivia Munn for saying she's a nerd because she wears a Star Wars T-Shirt. Also, in the performance, she was just using the black women as props, like when she slapped that one girl's ass. And then there is a whole thing that is brought on by other people in the media when they call Miley the "queen of twerking" and give her praise for this when the originators of it and the people who actually live in this culture are looked down upon. In a nutshell, you basically just saw Miley "slumming" on the VMAs.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    "I'm just a robot with a guitar!" -- Avceii
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Normies

    People who have rich parents are not always talented. Many times, it is their parent's money that is giving them more exposure than they really deserve. Also, Miley Cyrus has a bad case of turkey butt.