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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. Walhberg thanks you. He uses the money from that show to buy more Muscle Milk and tank tops. Lots of tank tops.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 59 — Spice World

    Damn, this post was full of so much WTFs I had to do a second response on this particular stupid line: You do realilze that there was massive slavery in the Caribbean, don't you? All of that sugar for British tea didn't just magically fall out of the sky. White folks made non-white people harvest for it. For free. While being whipped. Listen, I'm assuming you're from Texas, so I wouldn't trust ANYTHING that they told you in school. The state school board is run by idiots. http://www.salon.com/2012/10/24/the_revisionaries_texas_schoolbook_battle_%E2%80%94_crazier_than_you_thought/
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 59 — Spice World

    What are you talking about?!!!?!?! Because the UK got out of the slave trade earlier than the U.S. that means they don't have negative racial stereotypes about black people? WTF? I guess that apartheid thing was just bullshit to you, huh?
  4. I know right? They had some references to that show that went way over my head. I didn't know Turtle started a limo service. Is the title of this episode based on something that happened in the show as well? Was Johnny Drama on a cartoon with Andrew Dice Clay?
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 128 — Robert E. Lee Park

    They already recognize that their viewpoints on the subject are outside of the common connotations. The "Southern Pride" narrative is driven and defined by southern white males, not southern latinos or soutnern blacks.
  6. wakefresh

    The Man with the Iron Fists

    He was not charismatic in this movie because he doesn't have a charismatic personality, even on stage, he's not that great. He's a beatmaker, a DJ, and behind-the-scenes type of guy. He should have put Michael Jai White in this role. Then this movie would have a been great!
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 128 — Robert E. Lee Park

    Your argument is that "Southern Pride" means something different for you and your family, but I would argue that it doesn't matter what you or your family thinks when the common connotation for "Southern Pride" is wrapped up in the legacy and rebelliousness of the Confederates. It's like trying to separate the swatiska from its Nazi past. Yeah, it was a religious symbol in East, but in the West it means you are anti-semitic and if a Jewish person is walking down Sunset Strip and sees someone wearing it, it is not unreasonable for that Jewish person to take it as a threat. Its not their responsibly to try to divine your reasons for wearing it. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but your definition of Southern Pride is so off of the common mark, so you know people are going to assume the opposite right off the bat.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    Didn't Kirk Cameron star in movie adaptations for these books? That alone is enough to make me poo poo these books. Cameron doesn't believe in God, he believes in something else that is a mismash between the Old Testament God in the Bible, and Archie Bunker.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 128 — Robert E. Lee Park

    So here's the thing, there are a lot of parks, streets, and monuments built to honor Confederate soldiers and generals throughout major cities in the south. Many of them took place around the early 1900s-1920s which coincided with the mainstreaming of the KKK. These public works pieces were an aggressive move by white people to let black people "know their place". Also, to go to the point of Southern "heritage": that is complete bullshit. When people talk about the Confederacy and Southern Pride they are talking about a world where men wore nice seersucker suites, ladies wore hoop dresses, and blacks worked for them. Southern pride is nothing more than white leisure and black labor. These people, while enjoying their "heritage", usually get up in arms when black people want to talk about our history and put up a marker and statue describing our experience in the South. Then it is cries of "stop living the past", "get over it", blah, blah, blah.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    Ok, here's the pitch: Mitchell and Duffy get invited to this mysterious karate tournament in an far off, exotic land right after this scene. The guy running the tournament only speaks through a loud speaker, no one ever sees him in person. Mitchell and Duffy are beating everyone's ass and getting laid until Duffy calls back to Dallas, TX to speak to his rich oil baron dad. That's when he sees a group of women burning Nic Cage in a makeshift wicker man. Then he goes to one of the tournament guards and says, "Suddenly, I'd like to leave your island." When the guards fight back, Duffy's all like, "Man, you come straight outta comic book." Then SHIT HITS THE FAN!!! Mitchell and Duffy are whooping everyone's ass, blowing shit up, fighting their way to the main temple where the tournament organizer is waiting who turns out to be....Al Pacino! Then there are about 20 minutes worth of monologues where Pacino is talking about finger blasting Mona Lisa and how his favorite sin is pride. Then he says to the two of them, "I need you two to fuck to bring about the Anti-Christ." Duffy and Mitchell smile at each other and say at the same time say,"Free will, right?" And then proceed to karate chop each other's heads off.... And then we are transported back in time to when Mitchell and Duffy first got the invite to the strange tournament, which is only moments after the bar fight for Dana's virtue. We start playing The Jets "You Got It All" Fade to black. Let's make this happen people.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 127 — White Trash

    I can kinda see that. It's a fair point to raise. I actually consider this more of a class-ist term than a racist one because it is mainly used by rich whites to mock poor whites.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 126 — No Asians on Grindr

    I saw a AMBW married couple and it made me so happy that they had found each other.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 127 — White Trash

    But here's the thing. You can't revoke someone's skin color, no quicker than you can revoke someone's gender.Those "white trash" people are still white and will be treated differently than working class/poor non-whites. Hell, the Republican Party has made them their party's base and they have WAY more of a political voice in this country than their non-white counterparts. This is mainly an insult hurled at white people by other white people. You're right, it is all based around class, i.e. how much money you have. So don't get it twisted -- its a class-ist term, not a racist one.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    Well, if there is any reason to karate chop a woman...
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    I think he got kicked off the show because he karate chopped his girlfriend and/or wife. He was crazy, which makes me wonder how he acted on the set.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    Fun fact: the bad guy in Bloodsport is Bolo Yeung who was also in the most famous martial arts movie of all time, Enter the Dragon. He's a big star in Asia, but never got a movie, or the lead, that broke him out here in the States.
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    LOL, I would love to see a martial arts movie starring Patrick Duffy.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    I think I saw one of them. It had that guy from Step by Step -- the drughead, Cody -- in it. He apparently is a legit martial arts and skillful woman beater.
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    That was ok. I go see a JCVD movie to see graphic sex and violence. This movie delivered on the violence part, but fell short on the sex part, which is weird. Usually all of his movies have some sexual energy, but I think the fact that they made the love interest his sister-in-law meant that he couldn't get down like we were used to seeing.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    That's in the formula. In no other martial arts movie do you have a scene where the main character has a dance sequence that ends up being a fight scene, ala Jackie Chan (using random objects in his environment as weapons). Tong Po rapes the girl that JCVD is seeing and he gets pissed. That's when Tong Po goes down. Still I think Bloodsport was his best work.
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    The only JCVD movie that is any good is Bloodsport. I wouldn't consider Street Figther a true JCVD movie. His movies follow a simple forumula: good guy comes into to town to find brother/friend/mentor. Good guy sees that this brother/friend/mentor is in trouble, and he wants to help. The best way to help is to beat alot of ass. Also, there is a scene where the good guy is dancing. Also, the guy beds his love interest in an incredibly graphic sex scene. More fighting. Guy meets up with the main villain. Main villian rapes/molests the good guy's love interest. All hell breaks loose as the the good guy let's out righteous fury. Boobs. Explosions. Fin. For a true JCVD experience, I suggest you all watch Double Impact. This is full on B-movie goodness and I know help usher in adolescence to many men in their early 30s.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 124 - Mom Choosing Your Date

    If anyone can find it there is a funny video of a mom freaking out because her son ( who was on some Bachelor-type reality show) choose a black girl to get engaged to, married to, blah, blah, blah. The look on the mother's face is priceless. If I remember correctly, she even clutches at her chest, Fred Stanford-style.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 59 — Spice World

    This is willful ignorance. Seeing how the British participated in the slave trade, killed millions of native Africans in their colonization efforts, and that South Africa had apartheid while it was a British colony and for decades after, I'm sure Brits have plenty of disgusting racial stereotypes to draw from.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 59 — Spice World

    The critique of not letting June speak has been a topic of discussion since the first ep. I just don't like it when she's setting up a joke and they step all over it, or in some cases, just steal it out from under her.
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 123 — These Kids

    Andrew, since the week is over now, you did mess up her name in the beginning -- first and last.