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Posts posted by benk

  1. ColonelForbin actually makes a pretty good point. Scott seems to get hung up on tiny details too often, which, while admittedly stupid at times, aren't really that big. Maybe Harris isn't paying the right music, and maybe Scott is doing bits, but I generally don't care for Phish and am enjoying some of the grooves and jives (yeah, man!) they are laying down.

    I appreciate that Scott is approaching this with an open mind, but sometimes he seems to close it too quickly.

  2. I love these! Made me so happy when I checked the site this morning and saw a new one was up.

    I have to agree with Harris about the lyrics. I don't see what is so bad about a few silly little lines. And I don't really care for Phish (although I do like the song Wilson a lot).

    Anyway. I would love to listen to a future episode where they listen to a full 20 minute song, or where Scott does drugs and speaks from the heart.
