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Posts posted by benk

  1. Loved the amount of "NOPE!" going on in this episode.

    Does Jeffrey Tambor know he is the opposite of Jason Mantzoukias?

    And the phrase "Don't be a Gillian" is sure to befuddle my non-CBB friends, but I plan to use it nevertheless.

    And suspiciously close to "Britta-ing" something. Poor Gillian Jacobs.

    • Like 3

  2. This may be be the funniest episode yet (which I think is saying something). I love that the one guy said at the beginning that an improv competition would be scored by giving 3 points per callback, and nothing else. And then they're doing all these legitimately amazing callbacks throughout the show. And the scenarios are so inventive. Wow.

  3. How is it that no commenters have offered to be Gillian's friend yet? Gillian, I will be your friend. I'll help you put up new lighting fixtures and I won't mind it if you suddenly quit games of Words with Friends.

    i would offer to be her friend but i am simply too much of a creep to earn the position. plus there are 7 million other guys wanting the position. i don't stand a chance.
