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Everything posted by greggy

  1. not to toot my own horn but here my horn is in my hands and i just took a big breath so after you're done with RSS eps if you wanted you could go check out episode 4 of Podcasts Are Wonderful where me and gordon ramsay talk about episode 6 of RSS, the 'beautiful baked patata' ep. if you dont want to i aint mad atcha
  2. I don't mind some taylor swift songs but the rap part in shake it off makes me so embarrassed for her I can't like that song
  3. check it out, you'll probably hate it this is no attempted burn or judgment on u at all, just my general experience trying to tell people about death grips
  4. i will have to listen to it a few more times but preliminary thoughts are the back half of jenny death is very good. the first half isnt bad though, and a few more listens and i bet it will grow on me more. the other half of the 'double album' they released last year i am a little more cool on, but i do like billy not really, black quarterback, and parts of voila and big dipper i wish the songs werent quite so long, i like parts of every song on there but some of them lose me in places
  5. greggy

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    oops sorry missed this til now
  6. speaking of old threads, this made me wonder where Hunter went, i liked that guy, good poster HUNTER COME HOME good ep, i liked the right after the song part a lot
  7. you could be the one to bring back the jean jacket staz
  8. greggy

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    np i can do it again if needs be
  9. greggy

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    mine was a video, i was in the bathroom with the light off. we cant all be andy, even if we base our entire being on trying to be
  10. greggy

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    we didnt say WHICH birthday. im going to borrow a 20 sided die from one of the guys over in the nerd poker forum and we'll figure out how many years till he gets his presents
  11. Yeah but I usually stay up for the players club eps anyway, I should have listened live
  12. oh, i was expecting the 500th show to be a free feed one for some reason
  13. i think i probably wont listen live tonight to the 500th show so i dont spoil the episode for myself
  14. im going to say "friendship" this week but after ecstasy who even knows any more
  15. and yeah i know just posting that breaks the sentiment instantly you wiseacres
  16. everybody stop posting about posting - benjamin franklin
  17. one time one of the turn signal lights on my car went out. usually my wife gets her brother to fix all that stuff because he's a mechanic, but he's also really drunk most the time and hard to nail down for anything, so i went and bought the bulb and looked up how to do it online. i found a youtube video that walked me through it and i did ti all by myself. i was very proud of myself.
  18. my grampa fought in korea but he doesnt like to talk about it. one time he told me about giving gum to korean kids and how much they liked that but thats about it
  19. i would go for sinbad because it is very good and also will be accessible to people who barely understand what podcasts are because they saw him on tv
  20. comedy bang bang is a pretty good podcast/tv show but something tells me you new folks are already aware of it
  21. if we truly traded future appearances by adam carolla for future appearances of alison rosen i think we came out way ahead
  22. the first time I heard a iggy azalea song I thought "oh it's nice for eve to be back on the radio"
  23. there is no g*d but Hayes, i am merely His disciple
  24. mr sean and hayes are on the bleeding edge of what is cool today with their cigarette smoking, but just think in 50 years weed delivery boy will be a big job for 10 year olds, they'll go down to the dealer's garage at 5am before school and get their bundles then ride their bikes thru the streets of small town america whipping giant futurweed spliffs on to your front porch